so basically they're relying on consumers to purchase apps/media to make up the profit. Don't know how well that's going to work out
You tell me.....
Google celebrates 25 billion app downloads
so basically they're relying on consumers to purchase apps/media to make up the profit. Don't know how well that's going to work out
But are they making money at it? It's a pretty steep uphill battle to recoup the loss/lack of profit of the unit on the backend.
Lets assume that a Nexus 7 is sold at absolute cost (including R&D), which is generous. How much apps and media does Google have to sell to make $100 of profit on each unit? Lets remember that not 100% of the sale goes to the App store. Apple for instance keeps 30% on both apps and music (could be wrong, but pretty sure), the rest going to the dev/record label. Pretty sure, Google is around the same. So to make that $100, they need to actually sell $333 of content to the consumer.
As I said, it's a steep climb for them.
Google is a very smart company and I'm sure they know what they're doing, but I'm curious how they intent to do this.
Apple CEO extremely sorry about maps failure
(over here)
*highways have on-ramps*
yup tell that to apple.
lets just say that they dont often have design flaws...but this one is..well..
it is what it is, eh!?
(over here)
*highways have on-ramps*
You guys aren't really that obtuse are you?
The icon is a simplification.
yup tell that to apple.
lets just say that they dont often have design flaws...but this one is..well..
it is what it is, eh!?
, riots and other problems at Foxconn.....
oh, and how is that 7" ipad that should have been released in 2010 coming along?:
Foxconn makes more than just apple products, so you can drop that.
"A day before the iPhone 5's release last week, SACOM published a report, called "New iPhones, old abuses," that found that "the old problems of labour rights abuses remain norms"
I have asked you to link the 7" iPad from the Apple website but you can't do it, so you can drop that as well.
We've seen how accurate the leaks of the i5 were..........Coming soon to an Apple website near you....
Foxconn makes more than just apple products, so you can drop that.
I have asked you to link the 7" iPad from the Apple website but you can't do it, so you can drop that as well.
But are they making money at it? It's a pretty steep uphill battle to recoup the loss/lack of profit of the unit on the backend.
Lets assume that a Nexus 7 is sold at absolute cost (including R&D), which is generous. How much apps and media does Google have to sell to make $100 of profit on each unit? Lets remember that not 100% of the sale goes to the App store. Apple for instance keeps 30% on both apps and music (could be wrong, but pretty sure), the rest going to the dev/record label. Pretty sure, Google is around the same. So to make that $100, they need to actually sell $333 of content to the consumer.
As I said, it's a steep climb for them.
Google is a very smart company and I'm sure they know what they're doing, but I'm curious how they intent to do this.
blah blah blah
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So I guess you don't buy anything that was made by Foxconn.... ok.
He keeps spouting about the iPad mini as fact. I am asking him to show proof. Is that too hard?
You may not have noticed that I didn't say anything regarding the other stuff he said in the post I replied. That would be because he has valid points.
And I do live in a fantasy world, just like every one else.
they my make stuff I buy, but I don't buy from them. I won't try and justify how they treat their employees by saying, well company x isn't the only company that uses them. You seen to justify to your convenience. he posted links about the mini, but I'm sure you will deny those articles to. Let me type slower for you, just because you, your wife or your friends don't know about something, doesn't mean it isn't or won't be available, even in your fantasy world you should understand that. You're the typical Apple fan boy, you can't take a **** without Apple saying it's ok, where as I would rather do what I want , and use my devices the way i want to without circumventing my warranty. I don't need Apple telling me what i want or what I need, pretty simple concept eh.
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I'm not stuck on your wife not knowing, it just seems that, if you out someone doesn't know something, then it can't be true. There's nothing I can do about any company that treat their employees like ****, but I don't try and stop people from mentioning it, just because they are using a company I like to make the point. In a perfect world we could stop the abuse, but this isn't a perfect world.You are a very interesting fellow.
What are you doing about the companies that you support using Foxconn? Simple people like to jump on bandwagons and point to one company while forgetting the rest.
I apologize if I take my facts from the company itself, whichever company we're talking about. There was a lot said about every iPhone in the past and not all of it was true. So I'm sorry if I won't take just some guys word for it that something is being made. All I'm saying to Sunny is that he should supply facts, not rumors.
Why are you so stuck on my wife not knowing something? She actually doesn't know a lot of tech stuff just like the majority of people out there.
I like my Apple products because they like working with each other. If I wasn't invested in the Apple world I would run out and buy a Galaxy Note right now.
I guess I just like to stick to facts, I guess that's why I don't believe in fairy tales.
The Jobs era Apple as we knew it is *done*.
disappointing opening sales, scratched cases, problems with the lightning connector, light leaks, wifi connectivity issues, lines of static when typing on keyboard, purple haze cameras, mapgate, riots and other problems at Foxconn.....
^^ Thats all you need to know right now.
With every Nexus 7 tablet, in which they sold millions, they have handed out, for FREE, $25 worth of google play credit to purchase apps in their app store. Imagine that?? ON top of the already incredible $199, you get $25 of free apps!
With their stock currently trading at $750+ and climbing......something tells me they are doing well financially, and have their business plan figured out.