Jobs "invented" the current Apple as we know it. Apple is nothing without him.
If you look at what they "invented" since he passed away.....
-outdated iphones (slapping an S sticker on the iphone4)
-an iphone5 that is clearly playing catch up.
-a smaller ipad? wow thats innovative, never seen that done before
-Apple TV? good luck with that.
They're just riding the market wave for now, as the momentum is clearly still with them.
IMHO, Samsung will be the one to watch. They have some mind blowing tech on the way. Not just with phones, but with tv's, displays, etc. It will make the "retina" display look like old tech.
The court thing is far from over, the Galaxy S3 which is selling like hotcakes, and Samsung will continue to innovate and crank out new products.