Nexus 7 review, from a biased apple's his site too.
This was one of my beefs with Ipad3 back when it was released......Glad even the Apple people see that this is totally unacceptable.....
" I noted my main grip against Apple’s latest tablet: its size and weight. It’s 6.5% thicker and 8% heavier than the iPad 2, and to me, this is a huge deal. Kind of a deal breaker."
Bingo!.......another point mentioned on more than one occasion............
"To be clear and straight to the point here, this 7-inch device’s main strength is its size! If it wasn’t for it, I doubt I would have even bought it in the first place, but I really needed to find a replacement for my big fat iPad 3."
When you need large screen real estate.... the lap top will do........ for a tablet, the ideal is a 7" form factor.
Amazing what happens when the sheep stray from the Apple pen.