Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Glad I was "working" from home today. Such a gorgeous day to go for a ride.
Lots of riders out in Milton.
Lovely day ...really enjoyed the ride tho too short as busy with Apple event fallout. Many bikes at the Forks
Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Yes it certainly was nice to get out on two wheels...at least until I got back close to home.

Unfortunately, some cagers have already forgotten about us so please stay safe and stay focused. I had a white VW beetle coming up beside me and trying to merge into my lane because hers was ending...she panicked and tried to move over instead of easing in behind me and almost took out my back wheel.

At the very next traffic light, I was at the front of the cue stopped at a red light. Lady in a van in the opposing left turn lane must have been anticipating an advanced green (that wasn’t there) and started to make the left in front of me and I had to avoid a second incident. WTF ? All this on Dundas St/Hwy 5 in Oakville .

And it’s not just on the bike today either. Took the youngest out to practice his driving in the neighbourhood after school and some idiot in a small work vehicle comes speeding around a curve across the yellow line and almost hit us.

Is it a full moon or something ???

Be extra safe out there guys.

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Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Got nothing to do with bikes. They are just idiot incompetent careless drivers.
Went out for a quick blast tonight after work around the Alliston area. Probably tuck bike away for the winter this weekend.
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929 still a good looking bike, giving me the itch to kijiji hunting for a zx9.:p
That CB600F4 for $2500 might scratch that itch for a lot less.

10 degrees and clear with very little wind this evening. I just might hit some backroads for an hour. The C3 is so cozy and I know my hands are fine with the heated liners....listen to an audio book and enjoy the clear night.
Maybe back roads to Guelph then slab home.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

I was all excited to get out for a birthday ride in the sun until ... couldn't get the new transitions lens to install properly ... had to dig through all the closets to find my warm gloves ... and the bike wouldn't start.
I think the silver lining in that cloud is the rain that's pinging off my window :(
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Yup - took a look at the radar and cancelled the night ride idea
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)


I'm probably the odd one out here with my love for riding in the heart of the city. Remember the weird late-night footage on Global in the 80s where the camera just drives around downtown set to jazz music? Well, that was me again tonight, and the late-night downtown cruise has gotta be my favourite ride in Southern Ontario.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

Been a while since I've done the Yonge Street run from Lakeshore to Richmond Hill at 3 am. Used to be an annual event for me on a warm summer night.

Bit too chilly now but thanks for the reminder. Finding late night eateries sometimes a challenge.
I like the city too sans traffic.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)


I'm probably the odd one out here with my love for riding in the heart of the city. Remember the weird late-night footage on Global in the 80s where the camera just drives around downtown set to jazz music? Well, that was me again tonight, and the late-night downtown cruise has gotta be my favourite ride in Southern Ontario.

I love downtown at night as well!
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

I'm probably the odd one out here with my love for riding in the heart of the city. Remember the weird late-night footage on Global in the 80s where the camera just drives around downtown set to jazz music? Well, that was me again tonight, and the late-night downtown cruise has gotta be my favourite ride in Southern Ontario.

Nice shot, good timing with the streetcar :cool:
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

The rain is moving pretty quickly - think it's okay by 2 pm or so ...maybe earlier.

Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

I'll be out and about tonight for sure. Supposed to stop raining late afternoon in the GTA (west end atleast) and feeling like high single digits tonight.
Does anyone know if the law 100% passed on the 18th October in regards to Sikh's not needing to wear helmets due to turbans on their heads?
I am almost tempted to be a complete goof/fool and get my Sikh buddy to wrap me a gangster turban and ride around as a Sikh tonight. Eeeeehhhhh buddy buddy! LOL!
On a serious note I won't do this, but it is quite tempting.
Re: Who's still riding? (Fall & Winter 2018 Edition)

I'll be out and about tonight for sure. Supposed to stop raining late afternoon in the GTA (west end atleast) and feeling like high single digits tonight.
Does anyone know if the law 100% passed on the 18th October in regards to Sikh's not needing to wear helmets due to turbans on their heads?
I am almost tempted to be a complete goof/fool and get my Sikh buddy to wrap me a gangster turban and ride around as a Sikh tonight. Eeeeehhhhh buddy buddy! LOL!
On a serious note I won't do this, but it is quite tempting.
An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act to exempt Sikh motorcyclists from the requirement to wear a helmet

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:
1. (1) Subsection 104 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act is amended by striking out "No person" at the beginning and substituting "Subject to subsection (1.1), no person".
(2) Section 104 of the Act is amended by adding the following subsection:
(1.1) Subsection (1) does not apply to any person who,
(a) is a member of the Sikh religion;
(b) has unshorn hair; and
(c) habitually wears a turban composed of five or more square meters of cloth.
2. This Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent.
Short title
3. The short title of this Act is the Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Helmet Exemption for Sikh Motorcyclists), 2016.

Currently, section 104 of the Highway Traffic Act requires persons riding or operating a motorcycle or motor assisted bicycle on a highway to wear a helmet. The Bill exempts members of the Sikh religion who have unshorn hair and who habitually wear turbans from the requirement to wear a helmet.

Can't find anything on royal assent yet. Obvious safety concerns aside, i wouldn't want to be the one testing TPS patience in enforcing this.
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