Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

My new rear tire from FortNine (formerly Canada's Motorcycle) arrived today. Going to tackle rear wheel removal tomorrow and then get it into GP for the actual swap part. Will aim to get it back together some evening this week assuming GP gets it done in a reasonable time frame.

Why didn't you buy the tire from GP?

I buy all my tires from GP, and have never paid more than FortNine or Pete's. I'd rather keep the money local, plus they'll give you a better deal on mounting.

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Why didn't you buy the tire from GP?

I buy all my tires from GP, and have never paid more than FortNine or Pete's. I'd rather keep the money local, plus they'll give you a better deal on mounting.

I bought 3 tires direct via GP last year and yes they did come close to matching online prices, but they didn't match exactly, generally being at least $20 over FortNine/Canada's Motorcycle. I was OK with that last year because time mattered and I just wanted to make things simple, but this time of year time was (and still is) on my side, so I opted to save a few bucks. If they want to try to charge me extra for the swap because I'm supplying the tire instead of buying it through them then I'll go elsewhere - there's at least 2 other places in Oshawa where I can get it swapped.
Warmth creeping north


Spring Has Sprung Early, Here's A Map Showing By How Much
Benjamin Goggin Mar 1 2017, 8:08 PM
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If you're in the eastern half of the US, you may have noticed that the sun has been shining, your nose might be itching and the cherry blossoms have been blooming a little ahead of schedule. It feels like spring is here, but could it really be?

Yes, it's true, according to the US Geological Survey, spring has sprung early this year — which can't be much of a surprise after 2016 proved to be the warmest year ever recorded.

While we’ve known for over a decade now that climate change is variably advancing the onset of spring across the United States, a new set of maps from the USGS-led USA National Phenology Network now demonstrates just how ahead of schedule spring is in your precise neck of the woods.
According to these daily-updating maps, spring has already come early in most of the south, and it is creeping north quickly. The map below illustrates how early spring is based on plant phenological data, such as specific blooming and leafing patterns.

Early PA run maybe??
Bring it on.

Clocks go ahead next Saturday night as well....so those after-work rides before dark on the warmer evenings will be reality again.
Not sellin again ....it's been for sale... I'm too much time in Australia to justify two machines in Canada.
If doesn't sell by the time I get back late April will ride it for the year and get some use out it as I really enjoy it.

2016 I was in Australia 6 months so only got May to Aug for riding. It's lowest price on Kiji so likely will sell before I get back. Sweet machine.


truly a sport tourer
People are riding in -8C? I have a heated vest and a windproof jacket. Tempted to try it...

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Too brrrr for me, even though it's sunny and not much wind.

My only goal this weekend was to get the rear wheel off my bike so I could get that rubber swapped....but damn even in my garage it's -5 right now. I think I'll poke at it Monday/Tuesday instead, supposed to be much warmer. The temptation to just take the whole bike into GP instead, pay the extra $100, and skip the labor is still there in the back of my head.
You can get a wheel re and re for a 100 dollars? I think I just save myself 600 dollars over the winter.
You can get a wheel re and re for a 100 dollars?.

$40 to swap the rubber if I bring it in loose.

$140 (minimum) if I brought the whole bike.

And I'm frugal, so you know what I was doing today.

Got it done while I waited at GP tonight, kudos to them - 20 minutes in and out. Still a $90 venture after the cost of a new tube in addition to the labor and taxes, but hey, gotta pay to play.

After having removed the rear wheel myself I suspect they may have ended up charging me a more than the extra $100 had I taken the whole bike there - my exhaust was squarely in the way of some of the brake hardware as well as almost flush with the axle nut - thankfully I was able to remove some of the mounting hardware and move the pipes over about 1" which gave me *just* enough space to squeeze wrenches in there while contorting myself at weird angles, but I suspect they would have wanted to remove the exhaust completely as well as my saddlebags.

Ordered the special Honda moly paste for the drive splines as well as new shock bushings today (glad I inspected those, they were shot) for pickup tomorrow, then reassemble tomorrow evening.

As for riding, back to square one here so far as road conditions - they sprayed rock salt everywhere again after the skiff of snow last Friday, and I noticed brine on the roads everywhere around here this morning.
Bike is back together. Needs a wash now (not sure how I managed to get greasy fingerprints in as many places as I did) but saved a ton of labor $$$'s doing the work myself.

New shock bushings were a good idea, the old ones were almost metal on metal in a few spots.

I had a new set of both front and rear brake pads kicking around that I bought a few years ago, I took the opportunity while my tools were everywhere to slap them on even though the originals still had probably 50% life left.

New plugs as well.

Now all I need is some decent weather.
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