Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

Looks like there will be snow in the woods on March 26th for our first of the season trials compeetition.Wooohooo!
Is this with trials ontario? I really need to make it out to a couple events this year so I'd like to check the schedule. Where is the event on the 26th?

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I had a bit of free time today so went out for a little ride (around lake Simcoe, about 100km). Roads were in great shape with the odd back-road having a bit of salt/sand between the tire tracks. (No biggy, just something to take note of, like when you ride in rain and the roads are wet.)

It was ao nthe cool side but I was comfy:

(My temperature display is about 2°C optimistic., It was actually -11) with a breeze from the north west of about 30 or 40 kph.

I must admit I thought about it today, but there's so much salt everywhere (and they're laying down fresh brine as well) that I closed the garage door again.
This guy
Someone either really needed a riding fix, or really needed to get somewhere and had no other option except their bike.
Assuming it wasn't snowing at some point, itd be one of the few times that rider would be super visible in black gear.

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Rode yesterday and had a huge squid moment. Pulled out of my driveway, gassed it on brand new tires,salt brine covered street, fish tailed like a mofo and down I went ,lol.

Minimal damage to myself or bike (thanks woodcraft).Broken rearset rashed case cover and a little rash on upper fairing.

First time down on the street ever.I'm actually greatful for the experience though ,good reminder to keep myself in check street riding....

A friend of mine came by soon after , I taped up the rear set and we got out for a good hour and change ride ; )
Glad you're OK. I've been itching to get out but have opted to let the bike sit. New tire here as well, I'd really like to get some decent road conditions to get the first 20-30K on that and get the new tire sheen off.

Yes, the long term forecast once we get past the middle of this coming week is looking like maybe we are finally out of the woods - highs of 6-8 degrees fairly consistently every day.

Todays brief snowstorm was just another kick for road conditions around here though - the salt trucks were out in full force dropping huge bloody piles of salt everywhere again. Geezus do they ever go overboard with it considering for the most part the snow was just melting on roads that had already been brined yesterday.
How crazy is the guy on the highway in the snow???

It's a surprise there are any insurance companies left....watch and weep....be afraid....very afraid ;)

People are riding in -8C? I have a heated vest and a windproof jacket. Tempted to try it...

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I've done about 10km at -24c, heated liner and gloves, heated grips, long johns under my jeans, and wind/waterproof covers over my boots. Wasn't exactly warm and comfy, but it was still a great ride. M+S K60 Sport tires aren't very pliable at that temperature.

Done a couple hours on the 401 at -12c with the above plus riding pants with the rain liner, and it was great.

-8c is totally doable.
Glad you're OK. I've been itching to get out but have opted to let the bike sit. New tire here as well, I'd really like to get some decent road conditions to get the first 20-30K on that and get the new tire sheen off.

Yes, the long term forecast once we get past the middle of this coming week is looking like maybe we are finally out of the woods - highs of 6-8 degrees fairly consistently every day.

Todays brief snowstorm was just another kick for road conditions around here though - the salt trucks were out in full force dropping huge bloody piles of salt everywhere again. Geezus do they ever go overboard with it considering for the most part the snow was just melting on roads that had already been brined yesterday.

Appreciate the sentiment my man(glad your ok)

Looks like the little snow we got yesterday cleared up the roads fairly well ,I'm going out shortly....

I'm sure quite a few of my "fans" on this board got a good laugh out of my story which is part of the reason I posted it,if their's one characteristic I have by the gallons it's humility.The other reason being I've been riding over a decade and have never even dropped my bike in the driveway,(went down at cayuga years ago though)Friday I just got careless and learned a lesson in a real hurry,thankfully I was moving somewhat slowly.

Some of the best riders I've known got careless for a second and it cost them their lives or some very serious injuries so I'm very greatful for my friday mishap and I'm just gonna throw on a new rearset and leave the rest of the damage as a reminder to myself

Have fun,ride safe everybody,I'm going for a spin ; )
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