Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

Bah, should have rode today, woke up too late. The roads here are impeccable on account of the rain last night and temp is nice to boot. The only redeeming thing would be if I see a bunch of newly laid salt on the way home :D
Commuted today. So good to be back on 2 wheels. Forecast for the next 2 weeks looks like carp so thought I'd take advantage of the only reasonable day. Didn't see any other bikes on my route.
Commuted today. So good to be back on 2 wheels. Forecast for the next 2 weeks looks like carp so thought I'd take advantage of the only reasonable day. Didn't see any other bikes on my route.


I saw a couple of bikes parked when I got downtown, but didn't see anybody riding.
meh, its 9 Degrees, i thought the magic number was 10+ before riding starts
Yup with a windproof jacket I can start riding around 6C.

What about the wind? At what point do you say it's too windy to ride? Forecast shows winds 30-50kph and up to 80kph at points. :/

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Above 0 when leaving and high single digits when returning (with no rain) is ok for me. Must be above 10 if there's any reasonable chance of rain.
Surprised you still go to GP, weren't you one of the guys that had their bike sit outside their store all last winter?
What about the wind? At what point do you say it's too windy to ride? Forecast shows winds 30-50kph and up to 80kph at points. :/

The forecast (vs the "right now looks great" was the reason I didn't ride to work today as well. That, and I really want a proper shakedown ride after putting everything back together before blasting onto the 401 on a schedule.

As for Gp, I remember the story of the dirty bikes last year (a friend at work was just bitching about the same thing this morning, he too picked up his bike to find it covered in a thick layer of dirt from their construction last year) but it wasn't me - never had my whole bike there.
Forecasts are notoriously negative. I think they'd rather say expect rain and people be pleasantly surprised that its sunny, than predict sun and have people pi$$ed that it rained. Therefore:

- not much chance of rain and single digits or above = ride
- If their calling for rain later but it's not raining when I'm ready leave and I'm just in the office = ride
- If it's raining when I'm ready to leave = car (I hate dealing with wet gear at the office)
- If its a high probability of rain and I have meetings out of the office = car
For me, it's either ride or take the subway to work so taking the bike whenever possible is my decision.

Side note, I completely missed the wind when looking at the forecast this morning. I guess I got distracted after seeing the temperature :D
Wind isn't a huge negative deciding factor for me within reason (although I'm less willing to ride in it on an already cool day vs a warm day in July), but today had more to do with safety personally - I really want to do a few K to check everything is good after having done so much work, vs finding out I forgot an important bolt somewhere on the 401. ;)

The wind is arriving because of a rather sharp cold front on its way, so the forecast also showed the temps will be down to 4-5 by my finishing time as well.

4 degrees with 50K gusty winds...not so interested.
Bike's in the shop but soon as it gets back in my garage I'll be patiently awaiting to ride it....and commute the full 8km to work...just confirmed...it's a whole 10.7km!
Yup with a windproof jacket I can start riding around 6C.

What about the wind? At what point do you say it's too windy to ride? Forecast shows winds 30-50kph and up to 80kph at points. :/

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Temperature, rain, wind and salt are irrelevant.

Gear beats cold.
Gear beats rain.
Bikes don't care about wind.. they self stabilize. Relax your grip and they do just fine.
Bikes don't fall into a ball of rust when they experience salt.

My only real criteria for not riding is the likely hood of snow or ice on the road.

My bike is in the shop for valve check and replacing the clutch slave cylinder. It's done now but I can't get it until tomorrow since I work late tonight. Otherwise I'd be riding.



I would never have expected that getting out for a ride in March would have been potentially such a lost cause. And there's rumblings now of a major storm overnight Monday and through Tuesday - potentially 10-30CM of snow they're saying.

Didn't the stupid groundhog say early spring? ;)
Temperature, rain, wind and salt are irrelevant.

Gear beats rain.


Nope, the coefficient of kinetic friction changes due to rain, so rain does make in fact make a significant difference to ride/safety/traction
Especially with limited traction that 2 wheels offer as opposed to 4.



I would never have expected that getting out for a ride in March would have been potentially such a lost cause. And there's rumblings now of a major storm overnight Monday and through Tuesday - potentially 10-30CM of snow they're saying.

Didn't the stupid groundhog say early spring? ;)

Looks like there will be snow in the woods on March 26th for our first of the season trials compeetition.Wooohooo!
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