Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

How are those winter tires working for you? Did you hit any snow or ice with them?


A bit, yeah; they've been perfect so far. But I haven't put them through the wringer like I did my TKC80's on my Blackbird, which carried me across over 50km of black ice on one particular ride that I couldn't stand on. Regardless, I'm very happy with them.

I'm sure I'll get caught out a few times over the next few months.
You must have one crazy good throttle touch trying to keep a Black Bird from spinning the rear tire on ice....or do you just burn through it :D

DO you lower tire pressure?

Seems you are not alone using the TKC80s for snow...

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Just took out the Octane for a quick spin to the office once i got back to the shop today. Felt great to finally get back on two wheels.

Can we hurry up this global warming any faster? I mean, am I the only guy here who's got space heaters pointed outside to help melt this snow?
You must have one crazy good throttle touch trying to keep a Black Bird from spinning the rear tire on ice.

The Blackbird has a PCIII on it, with the stock map. The stock map really leans out the fueling under 6000RPM. Instead of unleashing fury coming out of every light, it is much more restrained. The economic benefits are huge; the bike usually drinks 10-11l/100km for city. With the PCIII with stock map, that drops to 6.5l/100km, and the bike is also controllable on ice. :)
A bit, yeah; they've been perfect so far. But I haven't put them through the wringer like I did my TKC80's on my Blackbird, which carried me across over 50km of black ice on one particular ride that I couldn't stand on. Regardless, I'm very happy with them.

I'm sure I'll get caught out a few times over the next few months.

If I look ahead at my typical mileage and what I get out of tires odds are I will need a new set of tires as we get close to next winter so I'll give the winter tires a shot then.

Today, so far at least, hasn't turned out to be anywhere near as nice as it was supposed to be – glad I didn't take the day off work as I was tempted to do earlier in the week.
Looks really nice out my window right now. Stuck here doing stupid work for at least another couple hours. Not fair.
I'm in Brighton right now. When I typed that it was completely overcast, windy, and not particularly warm.

20 minutes later the clouds completely blew out and now it's beautifully sunny and warm here.

And I can't get anywhere near my bike until at least 5:30. Ugh.
I didn't ride downtown as planned as I my bike felt wonky last night during a test run. So today I elected to work from a cafe near home ... so I got in a short ride this morning... and figured out bike felt wonky cause I was low on air (shame on me).

Cant wait to get a longer ride in after work hours! (Sweet)

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Went for an out of hibernation shake down run yesterday. First full ride today. Bit damp running to downtown. Had to have a jacket over my leathers, but coming up just had my leathers on and it was perfect.
It is frggiin 18 degrees out, another February record and my bike is stored at the dealership,lol.

Too much salt on the road..........need some rain to wash it away.......

Ummm.........I rode today and didn't care. Just had to watch for a lot of sand everywhere.
Went to powder coater via long way around. Powder coater was so jazzed by the weather, me arriving on a bike and thirdly but no less important, by profits, that he took my picture to post on FB.
I did end up getting out for about 45 mins this eve. Temps had dropped and it wasn't as nice as I dreamed it probably was around 3PM, but any ride is a good ride.
I managed to get the bike out for a half hour today, got to my destination and it started to pour, stopped 5 minutes after I got home and put the bike away. :(
My new rear tire from FortNine (formerly Canada's Motorcycle) arrived today. Going to tackle rear wheel removal tomorrow and then get it into GP for the actual swap part. Will aim to get it back together some evening this week assuming GP gets it done in a reasonable time frame.
Went for a 3 hour ride yesterday, stopped in at newmarket Suzuki and sized up a V Strom 650 there... Insurance called me this morning and its about 50$ more per year than my 300... Hmmmm...... I think an upgrade is my very, VERY near future ;)
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