Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

I got my vtr out and brought it out to where I live now in mississauga and went to the bike show yesterday. my bike chugged coughed and gagged to life yesterday. carbbed problems lol
Had a good 150km trip today. Still candeciden if iwant to switch up the bike this season or not. Cant wait for 16 degrees on wednesday

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I went up to Bobcaygeon, then 507 and over towards Bancroft and then worked my way over to Rhino's in Bewdley and back to home. About 400 km so not a biggy. 507 is serviceable but sandy in spots plus lots of snow bank melt. Dyno Rd is sandy/paved with ice on the right side of much of the road. Didn't see any other bikes until it got down closer to Peterborough.

Toronto's daytime high for February 18th (11.6C!) was the warmest ever recorded. We nearly beat the record for February 19th too (11.1C vs 12.5C). Warm enough for dinosaurs.

Even if it's been a mild winter, it still felt sooo good. I was all set to start some scooter maintenance but that fresh spring air put me to sleep before I finished reviewing the manual.
Since the weather network is never off by more than 70% plus or minus I too will move my calendar around in anticipation of a country side bimble.
The "GP de Snow" at the Mohawk Inn was awesome yesterday.Lotsa mud and a bit of snow.My daughter rode 4 different bikes and rode a bike that wasn't a trials bike for the first time.(250 Husky)


Wednesday is looking awesome.

*cough cough*

Wednesday is looking awesome.

*cough cough*

Probably going to ride to work on Wednesday. Thursday looks warm too, but supposed to rain a bit.

They take away the motorcycle parking at my work in the winter so I might have to throw the DRZ in the bike racks. Bring a bike lock and everything so they can't tow it :lmao:
gonna guess next week is gonna be back to the good ol canadian winter weather? sub 0 temps and occasional snow?
I should be ironing dress shirts for work, but instead I've been polishing my bike for Wednesday's ride to work! Can't wait...

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The "GP de Snow" at the Mohawk Inn was awesome yesterday.Lotsa mud and a bit of snow.My daughter rode 4 different bikes and rode a bike that wasn't a trials bike for the first time.(250 Husky)


Wish I could've made it. Looks fun. Somehow didn't even see it going on when I drove by.
I got my vtr out and brought it out to where I live now in mississauga and went to the bike show yesterday. my bike chugged coughed and gagged to life yesterday. carbbed problems lol

Saw one go through Bowmanville that day also. Sure did sound good.
I got about 1000km in this past weekend, about 200km of that at -12c Friday morning.

Every km of that was worth it. Sure, I'm bundled up; sure, I had thick gloves on for part of it; but every turn of the wheel is bliss.
Yaaaayyy. I had a customer postpone tomorrow morning's appointment and I rescheduled the afternoon appointment to tomorrow morning ... which means I have Wednesday afternoon off!
Yaaaayyy. I had a customer postpone tomorrow morning's appointment and I rescheduled the afternoon appointment to tomorrow morning ... which means I have Wednesday afternoon off!

Damn you! ;)

Best I'll get is probably riding to work tomorrow. If I wasn't already out a days pay this week for Family Day I'd have contemplated being ill tomorrow and going out riding instead.
I got about 1000km in this past weekend, about 200km of that at -12c Friday morning.

Every km of that was worth it. Sure, I'm bundled up; sure, I had thick gloves on for part of it; but every turn of the wheel is bliss.

How are those winter tires working for you? Did you hit any snow or ice with them?

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