Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

You need to live your chain more.. Much more. The chain on my 2015 V-Strom DL1000 has over 70,000 km on it. Original OEM chain.


Thats probably it, its one of those underrated things no one told me when i started riding(because im so used to 4 wheels, never had to deal with chains before)
Until the bike started making a very faint sound, took it over to frekeguy, who said it was just the chain, because i hadnt been cleaning/lubing it(recommended lubing every 300km)
I clean and dry lube my chain every 1000k, but i neglected it for the first 5k with no cleaning and barely any lube. I'll see how it fares after this winter and probably replace it sometime this year
So that we are clear I will point out I didn't say anything about "cleaning" the chain. I don't do that since it does nothing useful anyway. I lube with every fill-up and after every ride in the rain. I use Wurth HHS2000. 80,000 km per chain seems within reach.

So that we are clear I will point out I didn't say anything about "cleaning" the chain. I don't do that since it does nothing useful anyway. I lube with every fill-up and after every ride in the rain. I use Wurth HHS2000. 80,000 km per chain seems within reach.

Same here, lube only, don't waste my time "cleaning". Never a problem.

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If you screw up you p/m somehow, chains/sprockets are cheap. I don't think people realize the awesome engineering that is a modern chain. That's just a guess tho. I'm not a mind reader.
Hardly religious with my clean and lube regimen, 30+ no obvious signs of wear; this may also be euphemism
Hoping the warmup in the latter half of this coming week holds into the weekend. 5 or above and I'm going to be out.
Hoping the warmup in the latter half of this coming week holds into the weekend. 5 or above and I'm going to be out.

It's a long way out by weather forecast standards but next weekend looks to have temps in the 5-7oC range, with a few days ahead of that at 5-degrees or so and dryness. I might actually take mine out too next weekend :)
I'm hoping to get out this week. Having a dual sport helps, if I had a sport bike I probably wouldn't take it out at these temps.
I was really looking forward to getting out next weekend if the forecast held, however the impending ice storm tomorrow morning already has them brining the roads and I'm sure they will be salt covered in short order as soon as it starts coming down.
Just got back from India where it was +25 degrees :D and man did I ride!
I live close to mountains and the twisties over there were amazingggggg. Back here to find my bike all safe! I was super paranoid that it being stolen while I was away - my worst nightmares!!

Having said that, wish you all a happy new year!!!
2 hours on the bike today. adjusted my chain, filled her up, and washed her! Here's a pic right on the shore of Lake Simcoe. It was not easy getting the bike in and out of this spot lol

Just got back from India where it was +25 degrees :D and man did I ride!
I live close to mountains and the twisties over there were amazingggggg. Back here to find my bike all safe! I was super paranoid that it being stolen while I was away - my worst nightmares!!

Having said that, wish you all a happy new year!!!

Cruisers are generally safe, its the sporty looking ones they go after.
Fun day of trials practice ysesterday.I might be able to join the guys next sunday.
Fun day of trials practice ysesterday.I might be able to join the guys next sunday.
How's the parts supply on the older models like a ty250 for example. I've been keeping my eyes open thinking I could try some vintage events.

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