Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

Had I not been too busy with other stuff I would have considered going out for a little scoot this afternoon. Roads were clear and dry around here in most spots.
Had I not been too busy with other stuff I would have considered going out for a little scoot this afternoon. Roads were clear and dry around here in most spots.


But im assuming the salt stuff doesnt go away till spring?

I'd explain why it's part of the same warming Arctic issue but I might as well talk to a cement block,,,even the block likely listens and understands better .:rolleyes:
That .....as many other extreme events is a weather anomaly driven by climate change. Welcome to the Holocene.


4 degrees out and melting .....hmmm - at least I'm getting the Wee free of the deluge of cardboard around it.
Might go for a ride after a conspiracy-mandated oil change but the latest Infowars update suggests that road salt is/are really chemtrails that crystallize at temperatures below freezing. A new formula apparently. Not sure I want to risk that. Inreb? I think we need your skepticism.
Or, apparently, the Denier narrative.

Just look at the post bellow yours and you'll see the same weather event being pushed as an indicator of our impending doom..

I made the point because of the evolution of the 'weather is not climate' phrase.. It came from the alarmist when the skeptics would, incorrectly, point to weather events as proof global warming was a scam... amazingly, they decided to start doing the same.. Every drought, flood, hurricane, snow storm etc = proof of CO2 induced climate change. That hypocrisy is what I was referencing.
Every outlier in the weather record IS proof of climate change when the frequency of the events increase.
What is happening here ?

US Warm Records Are Trouncing Cold Records by 4 to 1 Margin in 2016
Jul 27, 2016 - The number of daily warm records set in the U.S. so far in 2016 has more than quadrupled the comparable number of daily cold records.

Heat records are vastly outnumbering cold records in Washington ...
Oct 20, 2016 - Records for daily high temperatures are now outpacing record lows by an 8 to 1 ratio since the year 2000, and more than 16 to 1 since the year 2010

There are more intense snowfall and rain events....not more rain or snow events, more of the intense ones, same with cyclonic storms. That is AGW impacting weather. Hell Britain just started naming storms last year they were climbing in intensity so high. Climate drives weather and the change is most pronounced in the north....

The CLIMATE is getting warmer, we're responsible....get over it. What to do about it is the difficult issue. Rex Tillerson is correct ....it's an engineering problem ( BTW Exxon knew the score on CO2 in the 70s ).

Anyone in denial these days has a clinical problem with reality.


Now can we put the obvious to bed and consider the "weather" ....:rolleyes: which is not so nice thanks to a weak LaNina which is not a climate change phenomena.
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Went for a fifteen or so minute ride around 10:30 this am.....was nice to twist the throttle for a few minutes although it was a little crisp out.....
Where' the 11 C :(

Freezing Rain Warning

Issued at 04:23 Monday 26 December 2016
Freezing rain is expected or occurring.

An hour or two of freezing rain likely early this morning.

At 4:15 am radar indicates a growing area of freezing rain which is expected to move over portions of the region. Freezing rain should end by mid morning.


Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become icy and slippery.

Freezing rain warnings are issued when rain falling in sub-zero temperatures creates ice build-up and icy surfaces.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to ec.cpio-tempetes-ospc-storms.ec@canada.ca or tweet reports to #ONStorm.
Where' the 11 C :(

Gradually climbing through the day and then gradually falling on it's face again overnight. Looks like the peak temp is this evening, but rain along with it.

The freezing rain band that went through just passed here - it did indeed leave quite the layer on everything. I'm sure the salters are out in full force despite the fact that in a few hours its going to be warm and it'll all melt.
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