Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

That 8 degree forecast for boxing day is looking pretty tempting...but damn, supposed to rain all bloody day. Even if it stops in the afternoon it'll still be sloppy and messy into the evening, and then it's supposed to cool right down again. Given how much salt there is everywhere riding in any sort of wet conditions right now is a recipe for a brine-laden bike. I'll pass.

I'll be waiting for my window of opportunity in January though.
Last year X-mas Eve:
Consider the source :rolleyes:

It's warmer at the North Pole than in Toronto....

The North Pole is warmer than you: Why the top of the world is almost above freezing today

Tristin Hopper | December 22, 2016 2:34 PM E

weather is not climate... until it supports the cc mantra
not weather

So that we can get some context for the graph you posted do you happen to have a copy of the graph that shows the last 10,000 or so years of the extant of the ice coverage?

So that we can get some context for the graph you posted do you happen to have a copy of the graph that shows the last 10,000 or so years of the extant of the ice coverage?


Now why would anyone post that? Not as scary, therefore useless to the cause.
If tonight's forecast snow is light and melts, there is a possibility of a Christmas Eve ride. It won't be long, but there could be one.

Not 10000 years but enough to be alarmed at today's trends.

I don't know how many times I have to point out my consistent checking in with all sides. I know that post and it's backing data full well. I especially liked the new downward twist on the hockey stick. Now, in another thread, half truths were recently discussed, so let's talk about the ice half truth... There has been a 3.5-4% decadal decrease in Arctic sea ice extent, no doub; but we need to include the 1.5-2% decadal increase in Antarctic sea ice extent. Doing so you have a far less scary scenario now don't you..

How reliable are Kinnard's reconstructions anyway? Remember all of this is smoothed, massaged, tweaked etc etc.. and presentation in the most graphic nature is key. See hockey stick... Anyway, plenty more information here and here if you're interested.

I'd also like to quote from the summary within Kinnard et al 2011

... although extensive uncertainties remain, especially before the sixteenth century—both the duration and magnitude of the current decline in sea ice seem to be unprecedented for the past 1,450 years...

Shocking, despite the uncertainty, which roughly begins with the end of the medieval warm period, the guys at skeptical science (amoung others) report this as unquestionable fact, and make no effort to even acknowledge admitted uncertainties.

So, how did Vikings live and farm Greenland again? Maybe answer over in that other thread as to not jack this one... You riding Monday?

Not 10000 years but enough to be alarmed at today's trends.

Thanks for posting.. at least it's a bit of context!

My understanding is that roughly 10,000 years ago this region was covered with approximately 10,000 feet of ice. It seems to have almost all melted. Are we surprised that ice elsewhere is melting?


ps: this is getting very far from "I saw you". Should we take this discussion elsewhere? We can move these messages out of this thread if wanted.
scary...it looks logarithmic not linear...will approach zero in our lifetimes
It almost approached zero this summer....what was there was slush.
Hell a cruise ship went through.

It was an ice age 10,000 years ago, it was just about as warm 7,000 years ago at the Holocene optimum...Milankovich orbital cycles was cooling the climate very slowly until 300 years ago when the industrial age began.


The gain is close to vertical at the moment and we are approaching global temperatures not seen in a very long time

he Last Time Earth Was This Hot Hippos Lived In Britain (That’s 130,000 Years Ago)

but of course you know better ....you listen to right wingdings for your science. It's the only planet you have....maybe learn something about it. :rolleyes:


Meanwhile 4 degrees with some sun is tempting tomorrow if I can get free of clients long enough.
but of course you know better ....you listen to right wingdings for your science. It's the only planet you have....maybe learn something about it.

climate + politics *tisk tisk*

I never attack, assume, or even consider political leanings when discussing this matter as it's a scientific debate, not political; and those who wish to consistently drag it into political theater wish only to shut down the debate... again, not science. I've got a fairly good understanding, thanks.
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