I couldn't ride with my buds yesterday in Brantford.But they had a great time as usual.
Oh man, that looks amazing.
I couldn't ride with my buds yesterday in Brantford.But they had a great time as usual.
December 8, 2016
So far this year, the Arctic Ocean and neighboring seas have been slow to freeze, setting a record low for the floating cap of sea ice in November.
Average concentration of Arctic sea ice for November 2016. Opaque white areas indicate the greatest concentration, and dark blue areas are open water. The yellow line shows the median extent from 1981 to 2010, and gives an idea of how conditions this November strayed from the norm. Image via NASA
Due to unusually high air temperatures and a warm ocean, the November 2016 Arctic sea ice extent – the total area covered by floating sea ice – was the lowest November extent in the satellite record, according to scientists.
How temperatures across the great lakes this fall compared to the long-term average (from 1995-2015), in Celsius.
One thing is looking assured, it's not going to be 23 degrees (or whatever exact crazy temperature it was) on Christmas day like it was last year.
Dec. 25th last year was warm enough to do an oil change and maintenance check without coat or gloves, then go for a quick spin. Google could probably tell me the exact number if I really cared.
Knowing that winter is about to trap us all in the forum until "Not Winter" arrives next year between March and May, I think it's time to start placing bets. Which two GTAMers will duel to exhaustion with the longest posts in the longest thread? No links allowed, just billowing verbiage in the proud tradition of the Order Of The Irascible Keyboarders. I nominate Inreb as referee, as grammar and style remain important.
I think it's time to start placing bets. Which two GTAMers will duel to exhaustion with the longest posts in the longest thread? No links allowed, just billowing verbiage in the proud tradition of the Order Of The Irascible Keyboarders. I nominate Inreb as referee, as grammar and style remain important.
Can you place bets on yourself?
Edit: just notice grammar and style.. setting aside my lack of both, inreb is a friend... it wouldn't be fair
(go to ~1:20...)
I think this topic is finished until March.