Who's still riding? (Fall 2016 / Winter 2017 edition)

Tried to get my dogs out tonight for a walk and they were game...but after 5 mins even they'd had enough and the limps started so into the warm we go. Feels pretty nasty out there right now.
Yesterday was a crazy time; 50 feet visibilty at best, people driving 20km/h on a 60km/h, pedal bikes losing grip and falling down....... and the one vehicle/rider that kept on going was the ebikes. I saw some "undesirable" booting it up Victoria park going 40-50~ or so while the Huge SUV's with 4X4 and winters were having trouble doing 30.. good times.
That's awesome!

Today would be the closed, shuttered and armored window day. Freezing rain, slushy heavy snow hard to walk in and brutal to shovel.

Wish I wuz in Cairns. Partner making trifle and it's 30 C. :(
Just got back from Florida where it was 28 and sunny, pretty much every day for the last week.
Was too busy making America great again to notice the weather back home.

I get home and everywhere here is a sheet of ice. The ice on my street is 2" thick.
I couldn't walk up my driveway without sliding back down:(

Looks like no Algonquin ride this X-mas eve.
Was thinking of screwing some studs into my little 250's tires just to see how it works. Just bomb around the back roads up here. Not legal I know, but who's gonna care?
Roadghost busters gonna care?
Hmmm.... 4 C on the 29 th and 30th .. depends on how much melts

I noticed that but there willl probably still be too much rock salt and crap on the road in our neighborhood to make it out.

Hasnt stopped the e-bike crowd - have seen them both yesterday and today slip sliding along in the snow.
also, the cold doesn't get to ya when you're boozed up.

Pretty sure the guy I saw this afternoon had just left the beer store, so yes, indeed.
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