Whitby Accident Victim Identified

A) Since when is this a homicide investigation?

B) They dont have to give out specifics but routinely news reports will say "witnesses say" or according to "eye witnesses" etc.

Actually I said "potentially". And that is how it would be investigated. It's not just a fatal MVC, motor vehicle collision.

The police CAN'T say much at all without SIU ok'ing it.

And SIU is brutal for providing any info to the media anytime.
Like this one...

The province’s Special Investigations Unit is on the case after a motorcycle passenger was killed late Friday night on Highway 401 in Whitby.

Around 11:40pm, a Durham Region police officer tried to pull over a motorcyclist in the highway’s westbound lanes, just west of Brock Street.

The driver immediately accelerated and the passenger fell off the back of the bike.

The passenger was then struck by at least one westbound vehicle. The driver of the motorcycle took off from the scene.

The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police temporarily closed the westbound lanes of the 401 at Brock St. for the investigation. It re-opened at around 12:30pm.

That's my point! When did he flip on the lights? Why didn't he get the licence # first if he was close? If he was back too far to see the plate, he would have been able to stop traffic before she got hit. How did he get past her then and not know how many vehicles hit her? Then how did the only witness to come forward later say there was a chase?
i strongly believe cop hit the passenger after she fall....it doesnt make sence for someone to hit a fallen person of the bike and not stop...
Lemme guess...... :read:

Turbo handles all the TPS bashing on this thread and SmokingPancakes takes care of the OPP ones. :rolleyes:

Except that the cop in this one was from Durham Region Police. :rolleyes:

If i remember correctly, the police union voted not to have the cameras.

We just wasted a bazillion dollars on the g20, we can afford a few cameras, the public wants them, it's the cops that don't.

Oh? An internal OPP survey two years ago found that over 90% of OPP officers were in favour of the idea. http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20080222/opp_cruiser_cameras_080222/

Most of the OPP's Highway Safety Division cruisers now have in-car cameras and remote voice recording microphones on the cop's lapels, and they're well along into installing them in cruisers right across the province. Toronto Police are catching up and most of their Traffic Services vehicles are already similarly-equipped.
That's my point! When did he flip on the lights? Why didn't he get the licence # first if he was close? If he was back too far to see the plate, he would have been able to stop traffic before she got hit. How did he get past her then and not know how many vehicles hit her? Then how did the only witness to come forward later say there was a chase?

I don't think anyone knows when he activated his lights, except maybe him.

Get a licence plate from a motorbike that may or may not be doing a very high rate of speed?? Maybe he didn't have a plate?? Maybe it was tilted up??

What if there were several cars between bike and cop and he activated his lights from a distance back to try and clear traffic??

Maybe he didn't see the passenger come off the bike if they were in different lanes or there was other traffic????

Did the witness say it was a chase?? How much time between when the bike passed her and then the cruiser?? Doesn't sound like she even saw the cruiser behind her?? Weird if the cruiser had it's emergency lights on. Would she even know what 180-190km/hr looks like??? Pretty fast to see someones hands as she mentioned in her statement I believe. Dark out too!!! Do you think the media pays for such "witness reports"?? Have there been any other witnesses come forward to the media????

Her statement to the media seems to raise a lot of questions in of itself. Think she is going to be looking for a big payout from an insurance company for her "suffering"???
That's my point! When did he flip on the lights? Why didn't he get the licence # first if he was close? If he was back too far to see the plate, he would have been able to stop traffic before she got hit. How did he get past her then and not know how many vehicles hit her? Then how did the only witness to come forward later say there was a chase?

We don't know when he flipped on his lights. Potentially, it could have been after the pillion fell off.

He could have been close and not got the plate number for many reasons; plate hidden, bike was moving to much, cop was focused on traffic more than the bike.

If he was far back, there might have been cars between him and the bike when the passenger fell off.

What makes you think he got past her? And have you considered that trying to stop the car without hitting the fallen rider is bit more important than counting the number of cars that run over her?

Who said there was a chase? Show me.
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i strongly believe cop hit the passenger after she fall....it doesnt make sence for someone to hit a fallen person of the bike and not stop...

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't....but it will surely come out.

But obviously people hit her and didn't stop. Their is a "witness" saying she did.
You're a space noodle.

We don't know when he flipped on his lights. Potentially, it could have been after the pillion fell off.

He could have been close and not gotnthe plate number for many reasons; plate hidden, bike was moving to much, cop was focused on traffic more than th bike.

If he was far back, there might have been cars between him and then bike when the passenger fell off.

What makes you thinkb he got passed her? And have you considered that trying to stop the car without hitting the falen rider is bit more important than counting the number of cars that run over her?

Who said there was a chase? Show me.

I think there are a few here, that no matter what any investigation or court reveals, they will think the cop is at fault, cop hit the girl, had something to do with it, or there's a big cover up.

But for the most part I bet they are the ones, that are more than wiling to run from the police. And no doubt, when something bad happens, they will blame it on everyone else.
Except that the cop in this one was from Durham Region Police. :rolleyes:

Oh? An internal OPP survey two years ago found that over 90% of OPP officers were in favour of the idea. http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20080222/opp_cruiser_cameras_080222/

Most of the OPP's Highway Safety Division cruisers now have in-car cameras and remote voice recording microphones on the cop's lapels, and they're well along into installing them in cruisers right across the province. Toronto Police are catching up and most of their Traffic Services vehicles are already similarly-equipped.

Awwww, you didn't like my joke?! :(

Thanks for digging that up, i was too lazy. :D
I'm glad i'm wrong if that is the case.
Tell them to hurry up and git er' dun, the sooner the better.
Dude...really?? Can we try this??..we'll use a sac of soil...and YOUR car!! :D

Ok, your right about not being too far to see the plate but too close to stop traffic.

But at least he would have seen who hit her or know how many ran over her first. Maybe he was so far back when she fell off and all the other cars on the road weren't slowing down even though the cop had his lights on, then many of the other drivers ran over her but nobody stopped, and when the cop got there he stopped when he seen everything, but it was too late. Yeah, go with that sinario.
At approximately 11:30 p.m., a DRPS officer followed a motorcycle, with two occupants, onto Highway 401 westbound near the Lake Ridge Road South overpass in Whitby.

that's 4 kilometers from Brock St
That's what you usually call a death of a person by the wrongful act of another.

Since the guy ran and its a Criminal Offence to run and someone died as a result of said running, (despite the contentious arguments by some that it was the cop's fault she fell off) doesn't that make it homicide by definition?

No one has said anything about murder, but that's only one type of homicide.
At approximately 11:30 p.m., a DRPS officer followed a motorcycle, with two occupants, onto Highway 401 westbound near the Lake Ridge Road South overpass in Whitby.

that's 4 kilometers from Brock St

Ok, so that only reinforces my thoughts even more. Could the cop have got the licence or was it a high speed chase for 4 km's? Were the lights on for the chase or not?

Something smells.:confused1:
Can everyone please stop relating their personal bias (both pro and anti police) to an unfounded theory of what happened. Reading this thread, I have read the cop hit or tried to hit the bike, the cop hit the passenger when she fell off, the cop pursued at a high rate of speed. There were even a few deleted posts implying, it was the cops fault that the bike ran and in turn the passenger died, which is just plain absurd. We as the general public have no clue what happened, the media has published a couple blurbs based on a police press release. If you take the theories out, all we really know is that the cop tried to stop a motorcycle, at some point after that, the bike accelerated and the passenger fell off and died from being hit by A car.

I'm not saying the cop is innocent, and definitely the rider isn't, but can't we leave the theories out until we at least have more information as to what happened?
Ok, so that only reinforces my thoughts even more. Could the cop have got the licence or was it a high speed chase for 4 km's? Were the lights on for the chase or not?

Something smells.:confused1:

Or maybe he learned on GTAM how to tilt his plate or rig it with a pull cord.

Or perhaps there was no plate, or the plate was obstructed, or the bike was stolen or................
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