Whitby Accident Victim Identified

Are you saying that in some cases raming people of bikes is justified and warranted? just asking cause I don't want to put words on your mouth.

Under some rare circumstances, it would be.. If he's posing an immediate threat by heading directly toward a parade and doesn't look like he's planning on stopping, I'd probably ram if I were a cop (and if my cruiser could outrun the bike :cool:)
Under some rare circumstances, it would be.. If he's posing an immediate threat by heading directly toward a parade and doesn't look like he's planning on stopping, I'd probably ram if I were a cop (and if my cruiser could outrun the bike :cool:)


The use of lethal force when justified is not limited to the options on a cops belt.

Do what you gotta do to get the job done.

Firestart....it pains me to think we are actually agreeing on a few things!!!!:D

I would say a person more than people though...
Wow, so who gets to decide which cases are warranted and witch are not? Do you have to get an approval from a superior officer before? or your high moral and never wrong decision making power gets to be the judge and executor on the side of the road?

Because, drawing a fire gun and shooting at someone that is shooting at you I believe to be warranted but ramming someone of the road because of what they "may" do or not...ummmm

Would you say that if a cop uses it's "amazing" judgement and rams a motorcycle that has a passenger and said passenger falls into traffic and gets killed, whose fault is that the passenger die? Let’s paint this scenario just for ***** and giggles
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WOW man

ZX600 just needs to man up ask Smokeandapancake out and get it over with.

You guys get a room he can bring the handcuffs.
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

In 14 years of driving, I've never seen a pedestrian crossing a 400-series highway and I even painted nice lines and put up a sign for a crossover :cool:

Well you do not get out much...besides do responsible drivers who are trying to flee from the police only do it on the 400 series highway with nicely painted lines???:rolleyes:
WOW man

ZX600 just needs to man up ask Smokeandapancake out and get it over with.

You guys get a room he can bring the handcuffs.
No way, he will "ram" me of the road :D
Well you keep asking for it so hes gonna oblidge. Least there will be no fight over who's the RAMor and who's the RAMee
I'm whichever is on top :happy3:
Firestart....it pains me to think we are actually agreeing on a few things!!!!:D

It would have pained me more had your post come from turbodish.. While you engage in a lot of advocacy for your profession, you're at least civil about it :cool:
Re: Whitby Victim name released, SIU investigates.

Unfortunately the new HTA laws of this province have made that choice a difficult one. I never said running without a passenger is a responsible one, I said there is a difference. One being that the passenger doesnt have a choice in what the riders does. The other the rider is solely RESPONSIBLE for his actions.

It is of secondary importance on whether the running motorcyclist (or any other motorist for that matter) runs with a passenger, or not.

Everytime someone chooses to run, the runner puts EVERYONE in jeopardy that is on or near that roadway at that particular period of time where the potential is there for everyday life to intersect with the absolute ego-driven arrogance, gross irresponsibility and stupidity on the part of runner - the runner may actually make it home unmolested - but what sort of potential carnage could they have left in their wake that the runner alone is responsible for - and if the runner is successful (as is appearing the case at the moment with this current incident), who is to answer for it?

Certainly not the cops for trying to enforce the law and bring you to task for the offense committed in the first place.

Solution - Simmer down with the road-crimes that attract you negative attention, and Man up and stand up for doing the responsible thing.

And for the record, i saw some idiot on shoulder of tthe QEW by Winston Churchill heading westbound, on one of those Chinese motored bicycles... WTH is up with that?
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Wow, so who gets to decide which cases are warranted and witch are not? Do you have to get an approval from a superior officer before? or your high moral and never wrong decision making power gets to be the judge and executor on the side of the road?

Because, drawing a fire gun and shooting at someone that is shooting at you I believe to be warranted but ramming someone of the road because of what they "may" do or not...ummmm

Would you say that if a cop uses it's "amazing" judgement and rams a motorcycle that has a passenger and said passenger falls into traffic and gets killed, whose fault is that the passenger die? Let’s paint this scenario just for ***** and giggles

Someone riding a motorbike down Yonge Street with a handgun shooting at people....yup, I'm gonna run him down.

Dude fleeing from police on a bike, just shot someone and it is believed he is going to shoot someone else (think of a domestic situation)....yup, ramming him too.

Again, anywhere lethal force would be justified....

No different then running over a bad guy on foot. Bad guy standing there shooting at people....cop pulls up, I guess you want the cop to engage him in a "fair" fight??? Or give him a donut??? Screw that, i'm running the guy over. And I don't share my donuts with anyone....except Firestarter can have one.

There was similar to this, a guy with a knife and a TPS cruiser a couple years ago.
Here is what I don;t understand about the whole situation and what I am most curious about:

When the passenger fell off, did the cop stop the chase or continue??

The passenger fell off and was hit by a few cars, so far, in the media accounts only one person has actually come forward to say that maybe they might have hit the passenger.

What I find odd, is that people would continue to drive by and hit stuff on the hwy if a police cruiser is stopped on the side of the hwy. People would at least slow down.
Someone riding a motorbike down Yonge Street with a handgun shooting at people....yup, I'm gonna run him down.

Dude fleeing from police on a bike, just shot someone and it is believed he is going to shoot someone else (think of a domestic situation)....yup, ramming him too.

Again, anywhere lethal force would be justified....

No different then running over a bad guy on foot. Bad guy standing there shooting at people....cop pulls up, I guess you want the cop to engage him in a "fair" fight??? Or give him a donut??? Screw that, i'm running the guy over. And I don't share my donuts with anyone....except Firestarter can have one.

There was similar to this, a guy with a knife and a TPS cruiser a couple years ago.
I said before someone is shooting at anyone? but anyways..

Donuts, I knew it...finally the reasons for all issues involving the police is coming out :confused1:
Here is what I don;t understand about the whole situation and what I am most curious about:

When the passenger fell off, did the cop stop the chase or continue??

The passenger fell off and was hit by a few cars, so far, in the media accounts only one person has actually come forward to say that maybe they might have hit the passenger.

What I find odd, is that people would continue to drive by and hit stuff on the hwy if a police cruiser is stopped on the side of the hwy. People would at least slow down.

It is circulated and rumored (and I stress rumored) , that the officer in question, hit the passenger , panicked and fled the scene to the police station, hence, the unknown number of vehicles hitting her.

But these rumors are looking false because if you read the witness account, it seems that she indicates two things .. 1 - there was a chase (as she mentioned the cruiser suddenly passing them with lights on), 2 - The cruiser stopped (she saw flashing lights again and thought the bike was stopped then was shocked to see body parts.

Like most situations, the police will try to make it sound like no chase (because it hurts the career of the hormone ridden officer), but that does not mean he killed the girl, he made a bad decision that could have had someone killed, if the rider is an ir-responsible jerk, that is the more the reason, the officer entitled with safety of the public to stop the chase, writing a speeding ticket is NOT worth the tragedy.

I hope the rider and officer get the suitable punishment, each for their parts (admittingly different)

I am still surprised on the lack of news on the investigation of finding the rider !.

I don't care how well you ride...if you're scraping pegs on the 401 doing 120kms/hour...you're not getting away...you're in a guard rail or a ditch.

Don't be so sure, while I'll agree with the rest of your statement, it's possible. 120 k isn't that fast, while I certainly don't do it now(my young foolish days), that kind of aggressive riding should be saved for a track, but in my younger days I've taken an off ramp at just under 100 MILES PER HOUR, not kilometers and didn't scrape anything but my knees, albeit I wasn't carrying a passenger. On an SS machine it is NOT that difficult, they are built to do that. 120 k is only slightly above 75 mph, the 400 series highways WERE designed and built for speeds of 80 mph. My guess is, the bike and the cop were going considerably faster.
Umm no he wasn't. and he didn't get to see a judge within 24hrs, he was released and charged on a later date if I remember correctly. I know it's the law but for some reason it didn't apply to him. Like I said it's all about who you know and what your lawyer does...there could be a publication ban...

it's just so weird they haven't released any description of the bike or rider or any details for that matter. I really hope the driver is caught if he's not already...I couldn't live with myself if I was in his shoes!


Google is your friend...........

Just copy and pasted the first portion of the artical that is relavant to your comment........................

Michael Bryant charged in cyclist's death

September 01, 2009
Robyn Doolittle, Danielle Wong , Nicole Baute

Longtime friend of Darcy Allan Sheppard, Brian Harris is seen sitting on Bloor St. near University Ave. during a protest held by Toronto cyclists after Sheppard was fatally wounded in an altercation with a driver.

Former Ontario attorney general Michael Bryant has been charged with criminal negligence causing death after a 33-year-old cyclist was struck and killed last night.
He was also charged with dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death.
Friends identified the victim as bicycle courier Darcy Allan Sheppard, father of three.
Bryant, 43, spent the night and morning in custody. He stared straight ahead as he left the Traffic Services police station at about 2:30 p.m. today, amid the flash of cameras and buzz of reporters' questions.
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