What's Your Temperature Cut-Off For Riding?

Why? Is 10 degrees colder north of 9 ? ;)

No, but I can remember a lot of bad ideas that started this way. Seemed tolerably warm at home, then start riding north and you run into snow lol.
I was riding at 4C the other night @ 1am in the morning at hwy speeds. Felt a little cool but i just need to put another t-shirt on and i'll be good.
4C with a high of 10C.

4 because, any ice that's on the road is not melting at that temp or below.

10 because, I don't mind starting out in the cold but I like it to be warming up.
I guess my limit is 4 deg C.

Last night I made the mistake of not using enough layers, and my jeans had a hole in the knee... THAT was cold. Today I layered up and brought a backpack with extra clothing in case I wanted more layers. I was on the bike for hours with no issues (maybe the occasional visor fogging). Unfortunately I can't do a scarf with my 5 o'clock shadow that shows up 2 minutes after I shave.
I ride up until it drops below 0 in the low for the forecast...

I won't ride in the rain below 10 degrees regardless though.

I guess I should add that the coldest I've ever ridden in is -5 at night for about an hour at highway speeds...

After ending up with mild hypothermia, never doing that again.
If the roads are clear of ice and snow and the forecast calls for sun, I have no problems commuting to work in -5 weather. The heated grips make all the difference.

Rainy days, it has to be over 8 ish although I wimped out this morning; I didn't feel like dealing with the lightning and heavy rain.

The Duc goes away around the first snowfall when the salt truck make their first dump and comes out when in mid April. The Kawi goes bye bye when the snow stays and comes out the first week of March.
I stop when the snow hits. Temp doesn't matter to me cause I wear lots of layers and keep warm.

Jamie....going to wag my finger at you. Can you please get better before going out on the bike??? I cringe at the thought of anything happening to you while you're still healing.
Rainy days, it has to be over 8 ish although I wimped out this morning; I didn't feel like dealing with the lightning and heavy rain.

I should have left the bike at home this morning. Was a bit cold, but as soon as I hit the gardiner it started raining and my dress clothes got a wee bit wet. The gardiner was also slow as molasses from South Kingsway to Spadina. Still better than the subway.
You and me both Stormcat. Stopped at R&R Bikes in Erin and picked up a neck protector. Nice bunch of guys there. Felt like about 10 - 12 degrees at the Forks and Hockley.

You were at Hockley too, eh? Parked at the front? Recognize these bikes? I'm on the left of the pic on the silver CBR:

Was thinking about getting a neck protector. The last time I was at the track I was looking at a rider all geared up everything protected except for the neck and was thinking man we are so dumb for not protecting one of the most vunerable spots on our bodies.

How does it feel riding with one on?
You and me both Stormcat. Stopped at R&R Bikes in Erin and picked up a neck protector. Nice bunch of guys there. Felt like about 10 - 12 degrees at the Forks and Hockley.
Was surprised by my dad calling us up this morning, asking if we were looking to head out today. I thought for sure it was too cold for him, but the three of us headed up through the forks and hockley, packed with long johns, nitrile gloves under our normal gloves, and newspaper in our jackets and pants (shins)...it was a great ride!! :D

never heard of that one before.

i have to try those nitrile gloves still. was out yesterday night from 8 to 10:30pm. hands were the only part that was cold.
TAFB, is that a handicap permit on your passenger seat?...
LOL! Sure damn is! I wouldn't be a dick and park in the handicapped spot if I didn't actually need to! I CAN'T EVEN WALK! lol :)

On Nov 1st I pick up my new license plate that has the handicap logo right on it, that's what they do for bikes so peeps dun thief your permit! :)

I need help with the kickstand, standing the bike up, and getting on and off :)

-Jamie M.
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Yup my dad used to do that on the cold days when he used to ride way back in the day.
never heard of that one before.

i have to try those nitrile gloves still. was out yesterday night from 8 to 10:30pm. hands were the only part that was cold.
LOL! Sure damn is! I wouldn't be a dick and park in the handicapped spot if I didn't actually need to! I CAN'T EVEN WALK! lol :)

On Nov 1st I pick up my new license plate that has the handicap logo right on it, that's what they do for bikes so peeps dun thief your permit! :)

I need help with the kickstand, standing the bike up, and getting on and off :)

-Jamie M.

How much longer are you gonna be a cripple? Also please post pics of your cripple MC plate. I need a new avatar. :)
LOL! Sure damn is! I wouldn't be a dick and park in the handicapped spot if I didn't actually need to! I CAN'T EVEN WALK! lol :)

On Nov 1st I pick up my new license plate that has the handicap logo right on it, that's what they do for bikes so peeps dun thief your permit! :)

I need help with the kickstand, standing the bike up, and getting on and off :)

-Jamie M.

Give yourself the time to heal man, season is done...
How much longer are you gonna be a cripple? Also please post pics of your cripple MC plate. I need a new avatar. :)
Not sure. Doc said it'd be a year until I'm 100% so maybe July? I'm working my stuff hard but not too hard. He said if you don't use it your body doesn't make it a priority to heal it fast! :)

Will take a pic for you :)

-Jamie M.
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