What's Your Temperature Cut-Off For Riding?

It used to be +15, then it went down to +10, +5 etc etc. ...now about -10 or -15 if there's no chance of ice/snow.
5c would probably be my cut-off.
But tomorrow morning is supposed to be cold and we are heading out for a ride. As long as the sun is out, it should be ok.

Grip heaterz and handguards work great at this time of year.

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Wow, those photos are dramatic. I'm impressed you're riding already.

Freezing point is my cut off. I don't like the idea of hitting ice, especially in a turn.

Although, I have to say -- I don't understand why people give up in the cooler weather if there isn't snow or ice on the ground. It's just a matter of adding more layers and/or electric heating until comfortable. We pay so much for insurance, might as well make the most of it. Fleece jackets and long underwear are cheap in comparison to most other motorcycle related expenses.
with a name of......"TOYS are for BOYS"

YOU will be BUSY in JAIL.......LOL....LOL...LOL
I love riding in the cold weather condition as long as there is no ice or snow on the ground. I don't have any heated gear so I just layer up. I also use Balaclava to protect my head. Layers make riding really comfortable.
Coldest I have ridden is about 1 or 2 degrees. Maybe I should invest in some heated gears to make riding more enjoyable!
Well my heated grips are acting up a bit...so better add some wind deflectors...


should help if it comes to this...
used some sheets of vinyl strips...the stuff they use in the doorway of refrigeration rooms.

cut a small one first

and then decided to go bigger...

punched some holes where the faring cover screws go and sandwiched it.
Don't have a lowest temperature. Snow on the roads is my cutoff (although i did get stuck in a snowdrift this past February.) I routinely ride below freezing, but the coldest temp I rode in this year was -16c. (The hottest was 122f, +50c this September in Death Valley.)

wow jamie that looks brutal. were u in a LOT of pain?
I was only in lots of pain from July 17th to July 19th cause the surgery room was all booked up so they had to keep putting off my surgery. Even on full out morphine I still had tons and tons of pain from my leg muscle spasms! Once they put the epidural in everything was peachy!! Never had any pain at all after the surgery!

I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow ;)

-Jamie M.
Be sure to dress in layers.I got "cocky" many years ago wearing my cotton t-shirt under widder vest and leathers on the way from Toronto to Waterloo.Stopped for gas in Milton and broke the electrical plug for the vest.Couldn't fix it,so i rode back tucked in.Hypothermia isn't fun.Prepare for the worst case scenario.
Hypothermia is very dangerous for a mcycle rider as it dulls reactions and sneaks up on you. Don't wear cotton next to your skin especially if you get sweaty doing something then get on the bike.
Today ranged from about 11C down to 7C in Gooderham, that felt cold after being out so long. I've ridden below 0C, but the ride length decreases with the temps. 700km today was a bit much, I was feeling it by the time I got home.
ooooh 700k today ..yikes..that's a chilly trek.

Going out tomorrow - looks just "okay"....probably start towards the Shed but might be inclined for a Dover run - warm up over perch platter - I'm thinking it's warmer by Lake Erie

Yep - up to 15 in Dover tomorrow aft - that's where I'm heading.
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