The coldest I've ever rode in is -26. My car wouldn't start and I had a super important meeting at work. Unfortunately the bike started no problems

Thank god for heated grips!! Only time I've ever used them on "high"
Speaking of cold, I went out for my first ride on my new bike today (first time riding anything since my accident on July 17th 2011)!!! It was 7 degrees when we left and warmed up to 9 degrees while we were out. Did about 220km's round trip, and was super nice seeing all the fall colours! Sorry I didn't get any scenic pics but everyone was too cold to stop for photos! lol.

My new bike is an absolute MONSTER under 10,000RPM! Makes my old 08 R6 and my GF's new 09 R6 look silly
Love this weather, so much power, such little traction!
-Jamie M.
(P.S. OMG love the sound of my new exhaust! *orgasm*)