What's Your Temperature Cut-Off For Riding?

I used to ride in anything above 0 but those days are long gone.

15 is the new magic number. Riding around town has lost a lot of its luster (how many bloody times can I ride the same streets over and over) so I don't bother if it's cold.

you are not the only one that feels this way I use to ride till high single digits during my first season now I find that my limit is 13 but the sun has to be out
The coldest I've ever rode in is -26. My car wouldn't start and I had a super important meeting at work. Unfortunately the bike started no problems :( Thank god for heated grips!! Only time I've ever used them on "high" :)

Speaking of cold, I went out for my first ride on my new bike today (first time riding anything since my accident on July 17th 2011)!!! It was 7 degrees when we left and warmed up to 9 degrees while we were out. Did about 220km's round trip, and was super nice seeing all the fall colours! Sorry I didn't get any scenic pics but everyone was too cold to stop for photos! lol.


My new bike is an absolute MONSTER under 10,000RPM! Makes my old 08 R6 and my GF's new 09 R6 look silly

Love this weather, so much power, such little traction!

-Jamie M.
(P.S. OMG love the sound of my new exhaust! *orgasm*)

hey jamie, does that leather suit even keep you warm? my understanding is leather doesn't keep you warm at all
I used to be very picky when it came to temperature...typically been a fair weather rider, venturing out when it's at least 20C out, but now that I'm back on the road after a 2-year break, tomorrow's 13C is looking pretty damned good! :lol:
I was out tonight between 10 - 11 pm. According to The Weather Network it's 8*C tonight here in Brampton. I dress smart so I wear layers, for sure, but I have new gloves and confirmed tonight that they're not that great for cold weather. :( Like really not that great at all. Also on a naked bike now, so ... :/

While enjoying Terra Cotta and such I had to pull over at the clay hills on Olde Base Line. I could no longer feel my right thumb. Warmed it up on a coolant hose then made my way straight home.

I'd like to imagine with better gloves and/or wind protection (MX hand guards look quite intriguing right now!) i'd be good for around 0*C. That's not using any electric items. Gonna research that and see what happens through the winter's various bike shows.
leather by itself isn't warm, but it cuts the wind and what you wear underneath helps insulate. I wear an oversized 1pc over regular clothes and a ski jacket on top.
hey jamie, does that leather suit even keep you warm? my understanding is leather doesn't keep you warm at all
My suit has absolutely NO ventilation holes, it's sealed up tighter than a Nun on Sunday! While it's totally nasty in the warm weather I've never ever been cold when riding in it, even when it was -26! My GF was riding in her new velocity suit yesterday on our ride and she was complaining she was cold right from the start. I had a look at her suit when we got home and it's got perforations everywhere so not very good for the cold weather. I told her to wear her rain gear over top of it next time and it should block most of the wind from getting in.

My only issue is my gloves/hands getting cold. I'll be installing heated grips on my bike today so that should solve that problem :)

That's not using any electric items. Gonna research that and see what happens through the winter's various bike shows.
I had these grip heaters on my 08 R6 and absolutely loved them! Crazy hot even on LOW! They are the $37.99 ones on the left side of this catalog page called " External Grip Heater Kit (12-170)"

-Jamie M.
I used to ride in anything above 0 but those days are long gone.

15 is the new magic number. Riding around town has lost a lot of its luster (how many bloody times can I ride the same streets over and over) so I don't bother if it's cold.

Im the same way. when i first started riding, i would ride during the winter as long as there was no snow on the ground. these days, anything colder than 15 and i have more fun driving my car.
Ha....getting ready to go for a ride today as we speak......the sun's out and it isn't that cold yet...maybe..but heated gear works wonders!!!! If you have never tried it.....you will be shocked at how much more enjoyable riding is when your core is toasty warm!
Now, where to go????
Ha....getting ready to go for a ride today as we speak......the sun's out and it isn't that cold yet...maybe..but heated gear works wonders!!!! If you have never tried it.....you will be shocked at how much more enjoyable riding is when your core is toasty warm!
Now, where to go????

Yes, for the first time ever, I'm actually considering a heated vest and grips. Were these in the list in the "cost of motorcycling" thread? :lol:
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around 12-13 degrees. My hand got numb after 1 hr of riding, so only reason being I don't have heated grips on my bike now. looking to get that on my next bike.

If i do i'll prolly ride til there's snow/ice on road haha
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My personal limits are about 5 degrees for distance riding, and until salt hits the ground for commuting. There's a whole lot of caveats for riding in 5 degrees, of course - can't be raining, gotta have all my layers, can't have wet hair (didn't quite achieve that this morning, had an ice cream headache for about twenty minutes lol). Will be glad once my apartment building turns the heat on, as it heats the garages too. My bike takes a long time to heat up from overnight temperatures just idling in stop-and-go traffic. :P
I ride up until it drops below 0 in the low for the forecast...

I won't ride in the rain below 10 degrees regardless though.
What temp was it at 1:00 today? That's my limit. Even my eyeballs were starting to get cold.

You and me both Stormcat. Stopped at R&R Bikes in Erin and picked up a neck protector. Nice bunch of guys there. Felt like about 10 - 12 degrees at the Forks and Hockley.
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Was surprised by my dad calling us up this morning, asking if we were looking to head out today. I thought for sure it was too cold for him, but the three of us headed up through the forks and hockley, packed with long johns, nitrile gloves under our normal gloves, and newspaper in our jackets and pants (shins)...it was a great ride!! :D
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