What's Your Temperature Cut-Off For Riding?

All my layers are thin so it's not that bad. It's the stuff I wear under my boarding gear.

I wonder if they have a neck thing for riders that allows you to rotate?
Ahhh, you're talking about a Hans-like device. Not sure that would be a good idea on a bike as you need your neck to rotate and rotate fast. It would be too obtrusive. But you are right, it's an area that's very vulnerable.

I don't know how you ride with all those layers on. I would feel like H.R. Puffinstuff lol. How do you maneuver?
I stop when the snow hits. Temp doesn't matter to me cause I wear lots of layers and keep warm.

Jamie....going to wag my finger at you. Can you please get better before going out on the bike??? I cringe at the thought of anything happening to you while you're still healing.

I agree but he's as stubborn as an a** and trying to get him not to is impossible.
No problem riding in +4 degrees and warmer at any speed for up to 8 hours like last Saturday up north with (any colder and there might be frost on the roads, mainhole covers and drainage covers... = crashing = stay indoors or go offroad riding):

- full face helmet + I find wearing the soft foam ear plugs makes me feel warmer :eek:
- Joe Rocket thinsulate, waterproof gloves with gel pad in palm, with a medium length gauntlet which I wish was about an inch longer, vecros on gloves help to seal the air out/in
- boxer shorts, then longjohn bottoms, & lined blue jeans (Carhart from Marks Workwear).
- Technic high sport/race boots, waterproof, no vents or perforations. My feet have never even been chilly with one pair of regular thick but tallish socks. Pants go over the boots to keep the wind out and heat in
- long sleeve tee shirt, then a heated vest (+Venture, draws 48 watts on highest temperature, even a sportbike can handle this, full heat within 3 seconds) with heated collar :D and 4 position temperature controller, then snug tee shirt to help hold the vest snugly against my upper body and for added chest wind protection, then a black leather jacket with a collar and that has a liner with sleeves. Black is much warmer when the sun is out. Not one of those leather jackets with the clothe on the sleeves. All leather works much better I have found than say a Joe Rocket with the clothe on the front of the sleeves. We ride in Canada not Arizona. Added warmth comes from the jackets with the back, shoulder and elbow padding as it is like foam insulation as is common on sport jackets.
No need for the neck dickies....because the heated vest's collar seals the neck area when combined with a jacket with a collar that snaps or velcros closed at the neck.
- full tank of gas! Go ride.
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Rode up until December last year...

This year however, gonna store the bike mid November...not gonna freeze my butt off and catch a cold :D
Tonight was 6-7 deg C.

Half hour ride home from work doing 110-120kmh up the #400 was the coldest I've ever done.

I think I could handle 4-5 deg. C. But not much longer than 1/2 an hour.
No Temperature limit.
Just a matter of snow. the tires stick fine on cold pavement, but not on snow.
Tried riding on snow a couple times, didn't end well, learned my lesson.
Looking at getting a URAL side car bike for snow runs though ;)

This morning on my commute I didn't see a single bike downtown, same thing happened last year. all of a sudden everyone just disappeared.
No Temperature limit.
Just a matter of snow. the tires stick fine on cold pavement, but not on snow.
Tried riding on snow a couple times, didn't end well, learned my lesson.
Looking at getting a URAL side car bike for snow runs though ;)

This morning on my commute I didn't see a single bike downtown, same thing happened last year. all of a sudden everyone just disappeared.

Since I started commuting last week I haven't seen a bike on the highway going to or from work?
He'll just hop. And he's figured out how to get on, maneuver it and get gas without my help so now I can't even keep track of him. Might have to hide the keys...

I don't know then... keep him occupied else where so he doesn't think about riding. lol
Since I started commuting last week I haven't seen a bike on the highway going to or from work?

I commute every day Tuesday through Saturday. My commute is 58 km each way if I go direct. I haven't taken my car to work since Feburary. No doubt that there are much fewer bikes nowadays commuting.

Strangely, I did see three bikes yesterday on my way to work. Not surprised that I ddin't see any bikes this morning, but then it was +5 and pouring most of the ride in.

I went for an afternoon ride yesterday, it was great! Nice and crisp, heated vest on low and enjoy. I won't ride in the rain at these temps, just not enjoyable. Hope there are a few more days to ride left in the year.....winter is fast approaching......augh!
Strangely, I did see three bikes yesterday on my way to work. Not surprised that I ddin't see any bikes this morning, but then it was +5 and pouring most of the ride in.


Plus I slept in.
I'm restless - want to ride but too wet and too busy.
Sunday looks okay tho. 11 predicted for Orangeville so likely warmer down here - maybe do a Niagara run or something.
Apparently for the new 2012 650 V-Strom they expect you to ride down to about 1 Celsius, since the bike has a frost warning digital readout light.
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Apparently for the new 2012 650 V-Strom they expect you to ride down to about 1 Celsius, since the bike has a frost warning digital readout light.

My GSA has a frost warning, well supposed to. Not sure when it kicks in. Was 3 c on my ride intoday. Cold, but would still do this over a car any day of the week.
4C on the way in today, it was only a 15 min ride but I really do need to purchase some grip warmers.
4C on the way in today, it was only a 15 min ride but I really do need to purchase some grip warmers.

I have grip warmers. They are better then nothing, but not all they are cracked up to be. You will have sweaty palms while the rest of your hand freezes. If you really want warmth, I would look at heated gloves for all around warmth.
I've heard that wearing latex gloves under your leather gloves helps to keep things a bit warmer. I tried it on a 20 minute ride Monday evening and it seemed to help out a bit with wind protection. It's not perfect but it was a bit more comfortable.
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