We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I'm not certain about temporary ATTs for range visits, when you don't have a long-term att (LTATT)

I believe you'd need a quasi-official invite from a club in order to get a temp authorization. Like you said, if its only 2 more weeks till you're a full member, its no problem. Be aware that currently the Ontario CFO is slow as ffffk with ATTs. It took me over a week to get a temp one just to ship a gun, whereas it used to be a 5 minute phone call.

My LTATT states that I can go to any approved range, not just my own. Yours will likely say the same thing, unless something has changed recently. Therefore once you have your own LTATT through TS, you can go to any approved range.

not all ranges, more and more are requesting you have an invitation to their facility, just off the top of my head, Silverdale has it this way...fortunately you can get the invite on their site and bring it with you...

Silverdale Gun Club Range Invitation
If you are a member of another range and have a long term ATT with a registered CFO club you are welcome to download the invitation and present when signing in as a day pass guest. This invitation is only for those who already hold a long term ATT.

check out what is the requirement before you go.......

TS has the same thing....

Licensed shooters are welcome to use our modern indoor facility. You may also bring unlicensed guests with you.

Simply ensure you have a proper ATT and then come on in. We are a “section 29” approved facility, so as long as your ATT allows you to visit other “approved” ranges, we can be your destination. (INVITATION LETTER FOR LICENSED VISITOR)

The Cost:

  • $40 per day for anyone over 18 years old
  • $20 per day for anyone under 18 years old

Sorry, but we do not have any shorter passes available.
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Weird because my LTATT is under silverdale but it states any approved range...
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Weird because my LTATT is under silverdale but it states any approved range...

if you have an invite, and this is only for some, not all.....

you can come to my range with me as a guest, no paper invite is required, it's a new PITA hoop we now must abide by, but fortunately not all ranges have been quick to adopt this.

ohhh and read your ATT, if you just got a newer one, look at the conditions.....another PITA....

my first ones had no restrictions or talk of invite, or anything I could not only go to a range, but a gunsmith

we have many restrictions and it's getting worse unfortunately....
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

not all ranges, more and more are requesting you have an invitation to their facility, just off the top of my head, Silverdale has it this way...fortunately you can get the invite on their site and bring it with you...

check out what is the requirement before you go.......

TS has the same thing....

So your saying when I get a LTATT for TS, when I get it if it says I can visit other ranges, I dont even have to get an ATT specific for that day/range? If the range accepts non members with an invite you just print that out and bring that with you and your regular ATT?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

you can request anything you want but you will probably not get it.....it will more or less be along these lines....

To all approved restricted shooting ranges in Ontario as a member in good standing of that club or as an invite of an authorized member of the host club when transporting firearms by invitation written proof of invitation.........and so on

lots of crap and restrictions now days....
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

True dat
Just a few questions

To get your pal.. Do you have to attend a class or can you just schedule a test? I have books for both restricted and non restricted

For non restricted firearms... Do you need an extra license to transport it? Do you need any sort of license for bows?

Best place to do the course?
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Just a few questions

To get your pal.. Do you have to attend a class or can you just schedule a test? I have books for both restricted and non restricted

For non restricted firearms... Do you need an extra license to transport it? Do you need any sort of license for bows?

Best place to do the course?

answer to question 1


Firearms Safety Training

The Firearms Act requires that individuals wishing to acquire non-restricted firearms must take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and pass the tests, or challenge and pass the CFSC tests without taking the course.
As per Section 7 of the Firearms Act, individuals under 18 must complete the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and pass the test in order to obtain a licence. They are not eligible to challenge and attempt to pass the test without taking the course.
Individuals over 18 years of age who wish to acquire restricted firearms must also take the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) and pass the tests, or challenge and pass the CRFSC tests without taking the course.

Question 2 - NO, and NO


[h=4]Q. Do the licensing and registration requirements apply to bows?[/h] Crossbows that can be aimed and fired with one hand and crossbows with an overall length of 500 mm (about 19.68 inches) or less are prohibited. Individuals cannot lawfully possess a prohibited crossbow. Licensed businesses may possess prohibited crossbows for a purpose set out in section 22 of the Firearms Licence Regulations.
Businesses and individuals do not need a licence or registration certificate under the Firearms Act to possess other types of bows, including crossbows that are longer than 500 mm and require the use of two hands.
To use a bow for hunting, a hunting licence may be required and there may be restrictions on the size and type of bow that may be used under provincial hunting regulations. For example, some provinces do not allow crossbows for hunting. For more information, the applicable provincial government should be contacted.

Question 2 - do it with these guys - http://www.canadianfirearmscourses.com/

or find one on your own, make sure they are legit, there was a case where a guy was doing the courses was not qualified, and all the students had to retake the tests, yes even the ones that supposedly passed.....

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My LTATT is for my club only, I heard all the new ones are like this. I guess I could request more, but the club I'm at is perfect for me. Definitely is better to have all ontario approved clubs but I doubt I will go anywhere else
My LTATT is for my club only, I heard all the new ones are like this. I guess I could request more, but the club I'm at is perfect for me. Definitely is better to have all ontario approved clubs but I doubt I will go anywhere else

really ? you sure it's not listed as the one that holds your ATT, but you should be able to go to any club, either by invite or even if one is not required...

so you could not come to my club, I don't see that being the case.
Mine lists nothing about invitations, I can go to any approved range in Ontario.

If you get an ATT and you're unsure of some of the terms, just give them a call and provide a valid reason why it doesn't suit you. They may be willingly to change it.
They re-sent me this one just 2 months ago, and it's valid till late 2015. But yeah, who the hell knows what the climate for gun ownership will be like in 2015.
my last one made no mention of the invite crap either, we then moved, so I had to do a change of address, when the new one came in, it had all this invite crap on it, a few months later a new one was sent as the old one expired, and again the invite crap was on there, so they are going to get everyone sooner or latter.....

ohhhh well, at least we can still take em to the range......
really ? you sure it's not listed as the one that holds your ATT, but you should be able to go to any club, either by invite or even if one is not required...

so you could not come to my club, I don't see that being the case.

Sorry just read I again. I can go to any CFO approved club but MUST be invited
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Did my course/exam (Restricted and Non-Restricted) the other weekend. Now just waiting for my results to be mailed so I can send off my application and begin the wait.
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