We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

answer to question 1


Question 2 - NO, and NO


Question 2 - do it with these guys - http://www.canadianfirearmscourses.com/

or find one on your own, make sure they are legit, there was a case where a guy was doing the courses was not qualified, and all the students had to retake the tests, yes even the ones that supposedly passed.....

Thanks for all the info gatekeeper

Great help

Has any one done the challenge Exam for the non restricted license? Any hints/suggestions?
no problem.....

I would suggest doing the courses, you will learn stuff, and in the right way, you would be surprised on what small items you can fail on......

that being said

read the books, and get some hands on time with various firearms, this is the tricky part, unless you know someone with various firearms
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

My only issue is the length of the course - it's really hard to allocate 12 hours on a Saturday.... Some of the bookings are done weeks in advance...

Is the exam just written or practical as well?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Thanks again

I'll have to do the course.... Not much experience

glad to hear....

here is one thing they will drill into your head

Canadian Firearms Program

Assume every firearm is loaded

Control the muzzle direction at all times

Trigger finger must be kept off the trigger and out of the trigger guard

See that the firearm is unloaded

PROVEit safe.
Point the firearm in the safest available direction

Remove all ammunition

Observe the chamber

Verify the feeding path

Examine the bore each time you pick up a firearm

miss one part on your test, and you fail.....

you will do it so many times in the course it will be second nature
no problem.....

I would suggest doing the courses, you will learn stuff, and in the right way, you would be surprised on what small items you can fail on......

that being said

read the books, and get some hands on time with various firearms, this is the tricky part, unless you know someone with various firearms

The books and written is one thing, but I would have never been able to learn all the actions and how to properly acts prover them all without the course.

Also they said every weekend they get walk ins, people just show up to challenge the tests. They said 99% fail, on my weekend a few people showed up, all failed.

In my class only one guy failed, they offer to stay late so you can try aging it's like $40 or something to try again. But the guy got all mad and said it was a scam and they only wanted more of his money lol
Just passing on the sale :p

The most expensive piece of kit I plan on owning is a Tavor or XCR, but the G36 copy would go well with my 229
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

. 223 is technically a 22

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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Just making a joke, champ

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Just passing on the sale :p

The most expensive piece of kit I plan on owning is a Tavor or XCR, but the G36 copy would go well with my 229
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind , I'm holding off on a rifle for a bit. I just spend $3000 on the hand gun, and I need to buy a bigger safe before I order a rifle.

Side note I got a message back from range Burlington. They are not a accepting new apps till October and don't have any classes free till the end of 2015! Lol so I guess I won't plant to shoot there till 2016 lol
Thanks! I'll keep that in mind , I'm holding off on a rifle for a bit. I just spend $3000 on the hand gun, and I need to buy a bigger safe before I order a rifle.

Side note I got a message back from range Burlington. They are not a accepting new apps till October and don't have any classes free till the end of 2015! Lol so I guess I won't plant to shoot there till 2016 lol

Check out Sportsman's Club Galt

There's also Sharon Gun Club if you're willing to pony up and find a share

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Check out Sportsman's Club Galt

There's also Sharon Gun Club if you're willing to pony up and find a share

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Yeah there are others it's just that since I live in mississauga a 24 hour indoor range in Burlington would be amazing to have access to
The $3k Glock!!!!

:lol: the sickness has only just started
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