We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I'll break it down for information's sake, not to argue.

ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) up until last year had a $100 exemption limit for sending firearms/parts/accessories from USA to Canada. This means that if the item(s) you were sending were not controlled items, and were of a retail value less than $100, US retailers wouldn't need an export licence. They can just mail it and forget it.

This limit, as of last summer, was increased to $500. Now US retailers can send certain parts and accessories valued at less than $500 without requiring export licencing.

Logic would dictate that this particular business told him they can't send anything over $500 because they are NOT an exporter... if they were a licenced exporter, they'd have no problem sending the kit. Furthermore, barrels (and certain other parts like frames, etc) were never exempt to begin with, so the value of this kit means absolutely nothing. The fact that the kit has a barrel means it requires export registration and licencing with the DDTC. Johnny must deal with a licenced exporter on this. He CANNOT do it alone.

See where Im going?
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

and I can only go by what was written in the post

The exporter said they get the export docs for me, but for them to get that on their end they need me to get an import doc if its required for any of the parts Im buying. Or if I do not require a import lic for any of them a letter saying none of the parts require one....That is all they need from me besides money......So I am looking for the information to see if I require one, and if I do where to get it, or if I dont where to get that paper saying I dont so I can proceed with the order...

The only thing we need basically to get firearms over from the US is the Import Cert, the rest is up to the Exporter in the US to get all their paper work done.....it's how I got my pistols from the US, and I actually didn't even have to do the Import Cert
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I get that, but that means he's already using a third party to export the gun (sans nom)... this isn't gonna be free, so why not use irunguns which already has an established export AND import process US->CAN? Why pay a third party AND have to fill out your own forms when you can use a company which will take care of both sides of the coin.

edit: and I just saw on the sans-nom site they have a minumum fee of $450usd which is outrageous... so yeah, not only do they require him to also fill out forms, they want his kidney too.
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

The only cheap place at one point in time was BGC, 50 bucks per firearm, now it's 75 bucks and 5 percent of the firearm value if it hasn't changed, anyone in Canada doing you this service is in the hundreds.....and that is a rip off to say the least....
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Yeah it's steep for sure. Questar at one point was charging something like $700-800 though.

irunguns.ca charges $200 flat for the first firearm... so if you're buying something expensive it's definitely worth it. I don't know what they'd charge johnny for importing this particular kit. Maybe less? Either way, he'll be better off with them than the sans-nom place the retailer chose. $450 is ludicrous.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Johnny, you can also contact One Shot Tactical. They do the occasional course. Highly reputable. Or you can do the black badge after you have about 1000rds under your belt.. Made a HUGE difference for me.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Thanks I didnt find that myself, I will keep it in my records. I called Irunguns but lady said import people left already so I have to call back tomorrow, but she said they should be able to offer me full service

IRG is a licensed Class 3 FFL holder in the US. They can get you literally anything if you're willing to pay for it and it's legal in Canada.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

They're working on importing my M1A3 Abrams as we speak. Anyone wanna come for a range day?
They Export.......

dude I am not here to argue with you, I gave Johnny the info he was asking for, now he can do with it what he wants....

They asked me to get Irunguns to CC them in an Email confirming that they would offer me exporting services. They dont want to process my order until some kind of gun broker confirms that they will accept my parts if they ship it to them, and also take care of the export documents. They need a shipping address for the order, and confirmation to allow them to ship what I order to Irunguns. And really Id prefer that, I would rather pay a little extra to a company that takes care of everything and all I have to give them is my info and money...And then I can just sit back and wait

My friend imports stuff, hes the one that suggested me to use Sans mon, but they are $450 min for export. That sounded way too high but he says its $450 for up to 10 guns at once...So for him when he imports a few guns at a time its worth it..

Irunguns like mentioned already is $200 for a complete hand gun, even if they charge me that for just my parts Im cool with that if they take care of everything and I just give them my info and money..

It may not be easy but it is leagal and doable like people have also mentioned. In fact I was originally going to order a glock 19 from them that has a aftermarket barrel on it to be allowed into canada as the stock 19 barrel is too short to enter Canada. So Id think if they can covert a prohibited gun to a restricted gun to be able to import them to Canada, Im sure they can do the same for just a barrel...Its a stock length G17 barrel so it should be completely legal here

Id also hope that if anything I plan to order is actually prohibited that they would also be able to tell me what they are not able to export for me. So I dont end up ordering parts that cant enter Canada
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Johnny, you can also contact One Shot Tactical. They do the occasional course. Highly reputable. Or you can do the black badge after you have about 1000rds under your belt.. Made a HUGE difference for me.

Can I even take any courses before my range membership goes through 100%? They told me to expect a call in like 2 weeks for my range test or whatever before I can use the range on my own...
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Typically, various outfits which offer courses (such as TDSA) will be open to anyone with a licence, not just members of the particular range.

You have an ATT yet?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Typically, various outfits which offer courses (such as TDSA) will be open to anyone with a licence, not just members of the particular range.

You have an ATT yet?

Only the one that TS got for me to bring the firearm I bought home. I am still waiting for a letter from the RCMP I believe for my registration, they told me it should come in the mail soon

Ive been reading and people say that if you are not a member of at least one range, the CFO will not issue you any ATT's for temporary...For example my buddy is a member somewhere else, he gets me an invite from his range for me to go shoot there for a day or whatever. If I call for an ATT will they give me one for that before Im a member somewhere else first?

Would the same apply for a course? Or would they give me an ATT for a course?

If its actually only 2 weeks before I get full membership it doesnt really matter, I can wait but Im curious
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I'm not certain about temporary ATTs for range visits, when you don't have a long-term att (LTATT)

I believe you'd need a quasi-official invite from a club in order to get a temp authorization. Like you said, if its only 2 more weeks till you're a full member, its no problem. Be aware that currently the Ontario CFO is slow as ffffk with ATTs. It took me over a week to get a temp one just to ship a gun, whereas it used to be a 5 minute phone call.

My LTATT states that I can go to any approved range, not just my own. Yours will likely say the same thing, unless something has changed recently. Therefore once you have your own LTATT through TS, you can go to any approved range.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I'm not certain about temporary ATTs for range visits, when you don't have a long-term att (LTATT)

I believe you'd need a quasi-official invite from a club in order to get a temp authorization. Like you said, if its only 2 more weeks till you're a full member, its no problem. Be aware that currently the Ontario CFO is slow as ffffk with ATTs. It took me over a week to get a temp one just to ship a gun, whereas it used to be a 5 minute phone call.

My LTATT states that I can go to any approved range, not just my own. Yours will likely say the same thing, unless something has changed recently. Therefore once you have your own LTATT through TS, you can go to any approved range.

I was surprised that TS called me on Friday when I bought the gun on Monday, because I read that ATT's take a long time in Ontario...I would assume that because they sell guns all the time they could get one faster then an owner calling in for one
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Yeah for sure, dealers have the inside line. So uh.... Can you bring guests to TS ? :D
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