[h=4]J.2.1. How to apply for an International Import Certificate[/h]Applications for International Import Certificates may be submitted online using Export Controls On-Line (EXCOL), click on
International Import Certificate on the left-hand menu bar. A paper application form
EXT1020 - Application for International Import Certificate - (PDF
[SUP]*[/SUP], 95 KB) is also available on our website
An application for an International Import Certificate must present an accurate and complete reflection of the proposed transaction. The International Import Certificate is a stand-alone document, meaning that the issued document will not be supplemented by attachments, invoices, statements, or letters at the time of issuance. The application should include the following information:
- Description: Name of the goods, including, where possible, models, brand names, part numbers, serial numbers, and so on. Each type of product should be entered on a separate line on the application. The Import Certificate Regulations require that item descriptions must “describe the goods concerned in sufficient detail as to disclose their true identity and, in so doing, avoid the use of trade names, technical names or general terms that do not adequately describe the goods”.
- Quantity: for each line item, state the number of units. Where quantity is given as a weight or volume, the unit of measure must be stated in the Description field.
- Value: for each line item, state the value of the total quantity of units imported. Currency used for value must be indicated on the application (e.g. CAD, USD, EUR, GBP, or YEN).
- End-User: applicants must state the End-Use and End-User of the goods in Canada. Goods imported under an International Import Certificate and incorporated into final goods for re-export may be subject to export controls.