We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Johnny hit up an outdoor range and try a rifle or shotgun.

A handgun is like a fiddy, a rifle like a 600ss :)

$20 bucks per visit

Yes I plan to go with someone to try some un restricted rifles, then I already plan to buy a restricted rifle the second I am a member at a range that I can shoot them at....If my TS membership goes through before I am accepted at a longer range or they step up the backing to accept larger caliber I will buy something I can shoot there in 556. Big tricked out rifles with optics is something I really like, just holding the MR762 I could feel the power it has inside lol

And when I go pick up my Glock I want to try shooting some of the larger caliber hand guns they had there an a rifle too
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Yes I plan to go with someone to try some un restricted rifles, then I already plan to buy a restricted rifle the second I am a member at a range that I can shoot them at....If my TS membership goes through before I am accepted at a longer range or they step up the backing to accept larger caliber I will buy something I can shoot there in 556. Big tricked out rifles with optics is something I really like, just holding the MR762 I could feel the power it has inside lol

And when I go pick up my Glock I want to try shooting some of the larger caliber hand guns they had there an a rifle too


That is all.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

The HK rifle uses clear plastic mags, I believe the 762 comes with a 10rd pinned to 5 mag size
Here it is at TS in the middle with the mag in it
The real problem about carrying around those mags is I read that you can only get them from HK at this time and they are like $100 each, so that would me $500 in mags lol

$100 per 5rd mag? That's terrible... In comparison, 10rd mags that run in AR/XCR/Tavor/T97 cost $20 a pop and 13-15rd mags cost $50. The only reason I even have 5rd mags in my AR is for games that have mandatory reloads after 5 shots. Otherwise I would have sold the ones that came with my rifle ll
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

As I like to say (and you can quote me on it):
-There's a gun for everyone
-Everyone should have one
-You can't stop at just one ;)

Quoted, and true! Though I'd change 'Everyone' to 'Almost Everyone'....:P Some people who have the privilege, shouldn't have the privilege (mainly in the USA though)
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I'm a huge fan of the Norinco M305 (a semi-auto only knock-off of the US Army's M14) now.
Dress it up with a Sage EBR or an M14.ca Blackfeather stock and it looks wicked....and it's non-restricted

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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

M14.ca Blackfeather stock and it looks wicked.

Don't go on m14.ca or your wallet and your wife will hate you!!! Too many tempting goodies, well-made, in Canada :D
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Don't go on m14.ca or your wallet and your wife will hate you!!! Too many tempting goodies, well-made, in Canada :D

too late...too late...
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

$100 per 5rd mag? That's terrible... In comparison, 10rd mags that run in AR/XCR/Tavor/T97 cost $20 a pop and 13-15rd mags cost $50. The only reason I even have 5rd mags in my AR is for games that have mandatory reloads after 5 shots. Otherwise I would have sold the ones that came with my rifle ll
It's a 10 round I believe but are we aloud to have 10 in a rifle here?

Also question about pistol sights, what are you using? I've been reading and most people thAt compete with the glocks use a fiber optic front and a standard rear, warren and Dawson are really popular. I'm trying to decide between a fiber optic front or the night sight that glows. On the forums it's was like 50/50 between fiber op or night. Also I was thinking of getting the rear with a narrower notch

The modding addiction has already started I have a glock works fulcrum trigger kit and a bunch of other parts from them on order.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

When you get used to shooting it quickly (which is the only fun kind of shooting with a pistol IMO) you barely notice the sights. Personally I have the glow front and back, and several years later they're still 'glowy' so it was money well spent. If I was doing it again I'd probably stay stock rear and get a fiber front or something.

As for rifles, you can get 10 round mags which are designed for AR-style "pistols", as seen here: http://www.alflahertys.com/products/robinson-arms-xcr-223-308-10-round-ar-pistol-magazine

You can now also find AR magazines designed to hold 5 rounds of the 50 Beowolf cartridge.... these mags 'just so happen' to also perfectly hold 15 rounds of 5.56/223. It's legal because the mag is limited to the capacity of its intended ammunition.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

It's a 10 round I believe but are we aloud to have 10 in a rifle here?

Also question about pistol sights, what are you using? I've been reading and most people thAt compete with the glocks use a fiber optic front and a standard rear, warren and Dawson are really popular. I'm trying to decide between a fiber optic front or the night sight that glows. On the forums it's was like 50/50 between fiber op or night. Also I was thinking of getting the rear with a narrower notch

The modding addiction has already started I have a glock works fulcrum trigger kit and a bunch of other parts from them on order.

The only way you can legally have a mag that will feed 10rds into your h&k is if there is a pistol that takes the same mags as the h&k and there are mags "manufactured specifically for that pistol". If they are mags manufactured for use in a semiauto centerfire rifle, they need to be pinned to 5rds of whatever the caliber that rifle is in. Here's the breakdown from the AR platform perspective as it has a littlebit of everything:

1) AR-specific mag - Normal mags that start with a nominal capacity of 30rds but the importer has to pin them to 5 rounds

2) LAR-15 pistol mag - Magazine manufactured for the LAR-15 PISTOL that just happens to also be able to run normal AR mags. That one can feed 10 rounds. Will have the fact that it's made for the pistol engraved/printed/stamped on the mag body or baseplate

3) .50 Beowulf mag - This magazine is designed to feed 5 rounds of .50 Beowulf ammunition in AR uppers in that caliber. "Coincidently", it will also feed 13-15 rds of .223rem

There are only 2 ways you can legally get mags that will run more than 5rds of whatever caliber your h&k rifle is designed for:
1) That there is a pistol, readily available in Canada, that has the same mag attachment mechanism - the mag has to be marketed for that pistol only
2) That there is a .50cal variant of the h&k rifle that has the same mag attachment mechanism as the .223/7.62 variants and the mag can also feed .223/7.62

You cannot buy a magazine that is marketed for a semiautomatic centerfire rifle that can feed more than 5rds of that caliber (legally).

As for the pistol sights, I'm running a fiberoptic front, regular rear. That's how my Shadow came outta the box and nobody touches it. Definitely better than standard sights, haven't tried night sights. If it's 50/50, get whatever feels better for you or ask on CGN (Action Shooting Games is probably the best forum to ask that question if you want the optimal setup for IPSC). Also note that some upgrades may not be legal for production, so read the rulebook before doing any mods, unless you wanna shoot that Glock in Open (my condolences lol).
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

and then you put 2 together and you have 20 rounds at your disposal, OK you have to flip it, but it's right there....


and an exception to the 10 round mag

Paragraph (1)(a) does not include any cartridge magazine that
(a) was originally designed or manufactured for use in a firearm that
(i) is chambered for, or designed to use, rimfire cartridges,
(ii) is a rifle of the type commonly known as the "Lee Enfield" rifle, where the magazine is capable of containing not more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed, or
(iii) is commonly known as the U.S. Rifle M1 (Garand) including the Beretta M1 Garand rifle, the Breda M1 Garand rifle and the Springfield Armoury M1 Garand rifle;

https://shopquestar.com/shopping65/shopcontent.asp?type=Mag Ruling

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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Cool info never knew about the pistol mags. Now what the hell do these pistols look like?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

The only way you can legally have a mag that will feed 10rds into your h&k is if there is a pistol that takes the same mags as the h&k and there are mags "manufactured specifically for that pistol". If they are mags manufactured for use in a semiauto centerfire rifle, they need to be pinned to 5rds of whatever the caliber that rifle is in. Here's the breakdown from the AR platform perspective as it has a littlebit of everything:

1) AR-specific mag - Normal mags that start with a nominal capacity of 30rds but the importer has to pin them to 5 rounds

2) LAR-15 pistol mag - Magazine manufactured for the LAR-15 PISTOL that just happens to also be able to run normal AR mags. That one can feed 10 rounds. Will have the fact that it's made for the pistol engraved/printed/stamped on the mag body or baseplate

3) .50 Beowulf mag - This magazine is designed to feed 5 rounds of .50 Beowulf ammunition in AR uppers in that caliber. "Coincidently", it will also feed 13-15 rds of .223rem

There are only 2 ways you can legally get mags that will run more than 5rds of whatever caliber your h&k rifle is designed for:
1) That there is a pistol, readily available in Canada, that has the same mag attachment mechanism - the mag has to be marketed for that pistol only
2) That there is a .50cal variant of the h&k rifle that has the same mag attachment mechanism as the .223/7.62 variants and the mag can also feed .223/7.62

You cannot buy a magazine that is marketed for a semiautomatic centerfire rifle that can feed more than 5rds of that caliber (legally).

As for the pistol sights, I'm running a fiberoptic front, regular rear. That's how my Shadow came outta the box and nobody touches it. Definitely better than standard sights, haven't tried night sights. If it's 50/50, get whatever feels better for you or ask on CGN (Action Shooting Games is probably the best forum to ask that question if you want the optimal setup for IPSC). Also note that some upgrades may not be legal for production, so read the rulebook before doing any mods, unless you wanna shoot that Glock in Open (my condolences lol).

I'm not looking to compete with the glock just think I'd still like differnt sights. The glock rear has a white outline I'm not a big fan of. I know no matter what I do to it it's still a glock. Still want that slipon exhaust for it

Ar platform seems hard to beat, just might sell me on one for a first rifle
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I used to shoot IDPA, kinda fun... but not like racing on the track fun. I decided to end that costly venture for this costly venture. Dumped all my restricted's , sp 01 shadow, glock 22, norc .45, norc p226, norc ar 223, para .45 double stack, probably some im forgetting...lol... just kept the nons. couple 12's and a nice clean sks. This country isnt kind to restricted owners. To many hoops and rules. I reloaded as well. only way to keep the cost down a bit.
unless you shoot at night in the dark.. why would anyone buy night sights? My glock ran fiber optic front and a glock adjustable rear.
The ar mag talk doenst really matter because you cant hunt with it anyway, so who cares how many it can hold. You cant enter comps with it. a ,40 glock mag will hold like 13 9mm when you run the 9 barrel in a .40. but again who cares, i couldn't shoot with more that 10 in the mag for competitions anyway. Just more Canadian goverment nonsense about how many it will hold. like 10 vs 14 is really gonna matter. Any 18year old with his non restricted can go buy a $5000 barret 50 cal and blow holes through buildings... but no way that same kid can buy a .22 pistol or .22 ar. clearly that makes sense..... to somebody.
just some old pics

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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

^ you can buy that here, it's just a pistol...

Here's an XCR pistol from Wolverine http://www.wolverinesupplies.com/de...-223-Rem-75-Heavy-Barrel-Quad-Rail-Black.aspx

And an RRA from Questar https://shopquestar.com/shopping65/shopexd.asp?id=1540

Be forewarned that these are largely novelties... they're sort of awkward to shoot and the .223 is junk out of such a short barrel IMO. You'd also have a hard time re-selling, I don't see them being in big demand on the used market. On the flip side, they look and handle much better with a stock attached, especially a folding one ala:

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