We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

The exporting process from the US is messed up due to ITAR regulations. I'm not even sure how a private individual without (or even with) dual citizenship can pull it off legally.. Generally you'd need to go through irunguns.ca
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

The exporting process from the US is messed up due to ITAR regulations. I'm not even sure how a private individual without (or even with) dual citizenship can pull it off legally.. Generally you'd need to go through irunguns.ca

I don't have dual citizenship, nothing hard about it at all, go through Buffalo Gun Center, no fuss no muss.....

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

They dont list prices on their services or their guns from what I can tell. Canadaammo has (had?) XDs for $699. How much does it cost to get it from Buffalo?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I don't have dual citizenship, nothing hard about it at all, go through Buffalo Gun Center, no fuss no muss.....


I always thought you had to broker guns in from the US or have a dealer license.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I always thought you had to broker guns in from the US or have a dealer license.

Buffalo Gun Center has long offered a service to Canadian buyers, they take care of the paperwork and I believe you pick the gun up at the border. But that ain't free.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I don't have dual citizenship, nothing hard about it at all, go through Buffalo Gun Center, no fuss no muss.....


Can you explain the process and the added costs?

I never really considered buying a gun in the US as I always expected the hassle to far exceed the benefit. At what price difference does it become worthwhile?

Also, I presume the gun has to belong on a certain 'acceptable to RCMP' list, so you couldn't just bring in any gun you wanted to?
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Call them for specifics, about the export process, and prices of firearms, have specific questions they will answer...

pick a model and ask them how much, or a few models at once that you are interested in

sometimes they can be abrupt, but generally they will answer specific questions

you want to save cash, I had an eye on a shotgun it was over 12 thousand bucks here in Canada, they had it for 7 grand, tell me it's not worth shopping around......

it's just too bad we cannot get ammo...........but that's why you now reload......

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Yeah I'm not calling them for the sake of an internet argument. 699 for an XD here, Buffalo better be able to sell it to me for 500 or less with all fees for it to be worth the gas and time to drive there.
Best answer I can give you guys is to call the store and ask......

Things change and I don't want to give anyone the wrong info

It's a simple process, they actually take care of just about everything for you, yes there is a cost and it might not be worth your time, depending on what your buying, and even though they sell just about everything and anything that does not mean it can come into Canada, this you need to know and find out what is acceptable here, they sell rocket launchers, but I am sure you cannot get one into Canada, then again maybe, but I have not checked on that....

Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

It's your money, but that HK doesn't do a single thing that an AR for far less than half the money can't do.

Get this, spend the rest on ammo, thank me later.


I get what your saying I understand they all toss bullets down a barrel. However its a bit like saying all cars o the same thing, which is true in a sense but you cant say driving a Lambo is the same as driving a honda civic. Personally I like high quality brand name stuff, people laugh when I tell them I have $25,000 invested in my track bike that I ride a few times a year.

And just my luck they have 1 there on the shelf! Its the CAD version so its called a MR308 instead of a MR762, beautiful piece of equipment. If I didnt go with the intention to buy a pistol and I brought another $3000 cash with me I would have bought it. I told them I would be back very soon for it, depending how my dreams go tonight I might just have to go first thing in the morning..lol it was $4800 and they said they only have 1 and it was hard to get. So along with the quality I felt and could see with my own eyes it is also rare, something special that isnt a run of the mill cheap AR.
Anywas I had a great experience, TS wasnt any more expensive for the gun itself. I ended up buying a Gen 4 Glock 17, I registered as a member for the range, I bought quick loader, some glasses, and electronic ear muffs. All in all I spent $1900, and the guy was cool, I told him I was going to buy the 17 but I have never shot a gun in my life. He let me and my non lic friend that I brought shoot 20 rounds each out of one of their range 17's for free before making the purchase final. wow instant love! They said they should call me in about a week when they get my ATT and I can come back to pick it up. When I do I will do some more shooting and if that MR308 is still on that wall its mine!
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

I'd argue that Knights Armament is a better brand and product than HK. If 'ballin' is what you're after, get yourself an SR25.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Congrats on the new toy! Once you get into a decent club, get outta that place ASAP.. Membership prices are insane for what you get out of it. Sharon might be a better option, I'm just not sure about their rifle range(s). When it comes to the rifles, let me put it this way....

Let's say you got a Kawi and a Duc.. And lets say they both have identical engine/suspension/braking/reliability/look/feel characteristics... There's no difference... (for the sake of the argument).. Now, let's say that the Kawi will cost you $25,000 to get properly race-ready, while the Duc will cost you $50,000 to get into the same shape as the $25,000 Kawi.. Why in the world would you blow your money on the Duc for no reason other than the name?

If you want a higher-end AR, you can always go with some very nice Daniel Defense models.. Go up a bit and get a KAC.. If you REALLY wanna blow that much cash on a rifle just to say you did, you'd be better off getting a custom build from Alberta Tactical. Will look and FIT better. Also, remember that shooting gives you PLENTY of more profitable opportunities for spending money.. Some examples..

1) OPTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can get all sorts of optical goodies, from a military grade dot in the $400-700 range, to an adjustable magnification scope in the $600-3000 range, plus the mounts/rings will cost you a pretty penny if you wanna go high quality
2) Upgrades like a quality trigger or better quality BCG...
3) A bunch of your own builds.. A different upper for every different occasion from IPSC to CQB to Service Conditions to 3Gun to SHTF.. You're a handy guy and you like to tinker, so I can see how this would appeal to you.. You can run them all off the same lower receiver or you can buy some extra lowers and run them (as some applications might be better with different triggers).. And chances are each upper will run different optics ;)
4) Reloading setup - properly done, that can run several g's, but you'll have proper loads for anything you can think of - a lot better than factory ammo
5) Gunsmithing tools

As you can see, you have plenty of other options to spend your money on instead of the big shiny German dick, that offers you NOTHING over much cheaper (still pricey) alternatives, from a company that turned its back on civilian shooters like us.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Congrats on the new toy! Once you get into a decent club, get outta that place ASAP.. Membership prices are insane for what you get out of it. Sharon might be a better option, I'm just not sure about their rifle range(s). When it comes to the rifles, let me put it this way....

Let's say you got a Kawi and a Duc.. And lets say they both have identical engine/suspension/braking/reliability/look/feel characteristics... There's no difference... (for the sake of the argument).. Now, let's say that the Kawi will cost you $25,000 to get properly race-ready, while the Duc will cost you $50,000 to get into the same shape as the $25,000 Kawi.. Why in the world would you blow your money on the Duc for no reason other than the name?

If you want a higher-end AR, you can always go with some very nice Daniel Defense models.. Go up a bit and get a KAC.. If you REALLY wanna blow that much cash on a rifle just to say you did, you'd be better off getting a custom build from Alberta Tactical. Will look and FIT better. Also, remember that shooting gives you PLENTY of more profitable opportunities for spending money.. Some examples..

1) OPTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can get all sorts of optical goodies, from a military grade dot in the $400-700 range, to an adjustable magnification scope in the $600-3000 range, plus the mounts/rings will cost you a pretty penny if you wanna go high quality
2) Upgrades like a quality trigger or better quality BCG...
3) A bunch of your own builds.. A different upper for every different occasion from IPSC to CQB to Service Conditions to 3Gun to SHTF.. You're a handy guy and you like to tinker, so I can see how this would appeal to you.. You can run them all off the same lower receiver or you can buy some extra lowers and run them (as some applications might be better with different triggers).. And chances are each upper will run different optics ;)
4) Reloading setup - properly done, that can run several g's, but you'll have proper loads for anything you can think of - a lot better than factory ammo
5) Gunsmithing tools

As you can see, you have plenty of other options to spend your money on instead of the big shiny German dick, that offers you NOTHING over much cheaper (still pricey) alternatives, from a company that turned its back on civilian shooters like us.

Definitely research price first, then try them out at the store for hand fitting. Also, check out Williams Arms in Port Perry as they have a good selection and their website is updated daily with prices. I've noticed their prices keep going up though, so shop around. They may price match as they are down to earth people and customer focused.

Another way to see if you like something is ask someone if you can try their handgun once you get into the club.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Congrats on the new toy! Once you get into a decent club, get outta that place ASAP.. Membership prices are insane for what you get out of it. Sharon might be a better option, I'm just not sure about their rifle range(s). When it comes to the rifles, let me put it this way....

Let's say you got a Kawi and a Duc.. And lets say they both have identical engine/suspension/braking/reliability/look/feel characteristics... There's no difference... (for the sake of the argument).. Now, let's say that the Kawi will cost you $25,000 to get properly race-ready, while the Duc will cost you $50,000 to get into the same shape as the $25,000 Kawi.. Why in the world would you blow your money on the Duc for no reason other than the name?

If you want a higher-end AR, you can always go with some very nice Daniel Defense models.. Go up a bit and get a KAC.. If you REALLY wanna blow that much cash on a rifle just to say you did, you'd be better off getting a custom build from Alberta Tactical. Will look and FIT better. Also, remember that shooting gives you PLENTY of more profitable opportunities for spending money.. Some examples..

1) OPTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can get all sorts of optical goodies, from a military grade dot in the $400-700 range, to an adjustable magnification scope in the $600-3000 range, plus the mounts/rings will cost you a pretty penny if you wanna go high quality
2) Upgrades like a quality trigger or better quality BCG...
3) A bunch of your own builds.. A different upper for every different occasion from IPSC to CQB to Service Conditions to 3Gun to SHTF.. You're a handy guy and you like to tinker, so I can see how this would appeal to you.. You can run them all off the same lower receiver or you can buy some extra lowers and run them (as some applications might be better with different triggers).. And chances are each upper will run different optics ;)
4) Reloading setup - properly done, that can run several g's, but you'll have proper loads for anything you can think of - a lot better than factory ammo
5) Gunsmithing tools

As you can see, you have plenty of other options to spend your money on instead of the big shiny German dick, that offers you NOTHING over much cheaper (still pricey) alternatives, from a company that turned its back on civilian shooters like us.

Thanks man for me the thing was they were expensive and I know that, but I called and got straight answers and got kill all 3 birds with one stone in about 2 hours time. I got to shoot a real gun for the first time and even better the exact same model I was buying, then I got to buy the gun, and register for their range. Online stores were asking for a gun club or range membership before they would get me an ATT, and I couldnt get a straight answer from places I called or even someone to pick up the phone. So yeah I paid a lot but I got the ball rolling in a big way IMO. It was like $655 or something for the complete membership, if I dont re reg next year and shoot there 20 times before its over IMO thats not that bad I wont loose sleep over it. It closes at 9pm and seemed small but there was literally no one there but us and a cop that was helping 3 other people shoot. The other side wasn't even open and the lights were off. If thats how it is during the day during the week that cool, it took me 20-25min to drive there and id do that 3 times a week at this point it was so much fun.

Ideally Id like to join Burlington gun club, its indoor and 247 access, my friend is a member and hes going to go with me in the next week or so. I already tired to call and get a machine, and I filled out the online app but got no response yet. Id like to join other ranges/clubs but it seems like for some it takes a long time to get in, and being a member of another club or range helps. Call me impatiet but I want to get shooting on my own ASAP, and I want to get into courses for the hand gun stuff to make my way up to black badge or whatever else I can, then maybe into comp if I dont really suck at this..LOL

As for the rifle I am so temped to buy it but I dont think I will till I join an outdoor range as I would like to get a nice scope on it and do long range stuff with it. TS said I cant shoot it there till about the end of the year when they upgrade the back of their range to handle those larger calibers. And even if I could the place is so short the barrel would be almost touching the targets

Youve seen my style I'll build a $25,000 motorcycle that I barely ride, but still enjoy it and think its worth it to me. Ive always been like that with my hobbies, when I go in I go all in. Call me a poser or whatever for wanting the big name stuff but I will be having fun shooting them and just as much fun working on and modding them.

Dont blame me blame COD MW3

And I did look into the Daniel Defence AR stuff I really like them too with the cheaper price point but I think Id do an AR15 from them later. Or the other way around an HK556 and a DD AR10

I held a few other hand guns, the CZ, Sig and HK. You can feel the difference, and why they are almost double or in some cases more then double the price of the glock. The glock is my first pistol, for sure not my last and not something I would compete with if I go that far. Its a classic and the cop that was there said I cant go wrong it will out live all 3 of us, he had a duty G22 in his holsiter, also competes but uses other pistols for that.
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Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Johnny hit up an outdoor range and try a rifle or shotgun.

A handgun is like a fiddy, a rifle like a 600ss :)

$20 bucks per visit
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Fair enough... Can't fault a man for getting a Glock.. Chances are, I will, too. Will still compete with my CZ, but if I can get an Austrian Barbie for a steal, you won't hear me say no lol They are dead-reliable and great for carrying (irrelevant for most of us Canadians). The tradeoff is in accuracy (crappy trigger) and speed of followup shots.

Rifle-wise, I'd recommend just joining an outdoor club. Go for Galt if you can or EESA if you don't mind the drive. If you wanna go REALLY long distance, you can join the ORA and then play at military ranges.. I think Service Conditions maxes out at 600, their long-range disciplines go past 1000 (wouldn't run an AR-10 for that - most likely a Rem700 build, all in all about $5000-$10000 with optics and all the necessary toys) or you can play CQB. For Service Conditions and CQB, AR is king.

By the way did you check if there are any "pistol" mags that work for the H&K rifles? If you have to run it with 5/30 mags, you might as well buy it and leave it in the safe. Even if you decide to buy it, buy an AR so you have a rifle that you will actually be shooting as you can run 10 and even 15rd mags in it, the aftermarket is in-FRIGGIN-sane and so's the wealth of knowledge from people familiar with the platform. As I like to say (and you can quote me on it):
-There's a gun for everyone
-Everyone should have one
-You can't stop at just one ;)
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Johnny hit up an outdoor range and try a rifle or shotgun.

A handgun is like a fiddy, a rifle like a 600ss :)

$20 bucks per visit

Amen... Rifles are a lot more fun! Even though AFAIK Silverdale went up to $30 per visit.
Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot?

Fair enough... Can't fault a man for getting a Glock.. Chances are, I will, too. Will still compete with my CZ, but if I can get an Austrian Barbie for a steal, you won't hear me say no lol They are dead-reliable and great for carrying (irrelevant for most of us Canadians). The tradeoff is in accuracy (crappy trigger) and speed of followup shots.

Rifle-wise, I'd recommend just joining an outdoor club. Go for Galt if you can or EESA if you don't mind the drive. If you wanna go REALLY long distance, you can join the ORA and then play at military ranges.. I think Service Conditions maxes out at 600, their long-range disciplines go past 1000 (wouldn't run an AR-10 for that - most likely a Rem700 build, all in all about $5000-$10000 with optics and all the necessary toys) or you can play CQB. For Service Conditions and CQB, AR is king.

By the way did you check if there are any "pistol" mags that work for the H&K rifles? If you have to run it with 5/30 mags, you might as well buy it and leave it in the safe. Even if you decide to buy it, buy an AR so you have a rifle that you will actually be shooting as you can run 10 and even 15rd mags in it, the aftermarket is in-FRIGGIN-sane and so's the wealth of knowledge from people familiar with the platform. As I like to say (and you can quote me on it):
-There's a gun for everyone
-Everyone should have one
-You can't stop at just one ;)

The HK rifle uses clear plastic mags, I believe the 762 comes with a 10rd pinned to 5 mag size
Here it is at TS in the middle with the mag in it
The real problem about carrying around those mags is I read that you can only get them from HK at this time and they are like $100 each, so that would me $500 in mags lol
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