We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Ended up getting my card on Monday. Two months from mailing to receiving is pretty good - I guess I got lucky and/or they are finally staffed enough to put these cards out in a reasonable time.

Either way - glad the wait is over!
So what’s on your shopping list?

Anyone played with a GSG 15? Was thinking of picking one up just for fun plinking but have heard both good and bad.
So what’s on your shopping list?
I went to Als Tuesday before work with the intention of getting a CZ457.

They had a Tikka T1x (was also on my "maybe" list, but I wanted CZ for the better stock) with a 16" barrel that was just traded in by someone else the day before. Also got the usual snap caps, case etc. Still need to sort a cleaning kit - that's a whole other bag of worms research wise...

I ended up buying the 16" T1x (at $630 with a rail already mounted it was kind of hard to say no), then I picked up a used Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24 FFP in MRAD.

It's all assembled - and I just got a torque screwdriver in the mail so going to finalize scope mounting as best I can without levels and a vice etc. Dry fired with some snap caps and it cycles and ejects beautifully. The single stage trigger feels very crisp too!
I would like to get something fun for plinking etc what are the recommendations. I currently have a few old 22 bolt action (Sears brand and Remington) and singles and a 3030 lever. Was thinking something in 9mm possibly?

Sent from the future
I would like to get something fun for plinking etc what are the recommendations. I currently have a few old 22 bolt action (Sears brand and Remington) and singles and a 3030 lever. Was thinking something in 9mm possibly?

Sent from the future
I loved plinking with a Mosin Nagant. Surplus bulk ammo is cheap enough, and the experience of shooting one is other worldly to me - it’s a pretty powerful round.

Maybe I’m just sentimental since it was the first rifle I shot. Not great if you wanna shoot precision unless you get a really nice example and good ammo though.

For 9mm someone else would have to chime in. I’m only just getting started in this hobby haha.
Nothing in my mind outweighs the .22 for plinking in any capacity. Yes there are cooler guns and more techy setups . But you can shoot all day for $15 bucks .

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Cheap high quality ammo for .22 is one of the main reasons I’m starting with it for sure!

Hard to learn accurate shooting with Chinese surplus lol

Last piece of the puzzle is finding where to shoot that isn’t a 3 hour drive from the city and a hike in the woods. For now Crown Land is good, but would be nice to have options down the line.
So what’s on your shopping list?

Anyone played with a GSG 15? Was thinking of picking one up just for fun plinking but have heard both good and bad.

I have a GSG16 and it’s weirdly accurate for a novelty gun. I’ve fired the 15 too and it’s pretty nice. I put a prism sight on my GSG and it’s a really nice set up. One thing though, it’s not super user friendly for taking apart.
I would like to get something fun for plinking etc what are the recommendations. I currently have a few old 22 bolt action (Sears brand and Remington) and singles and a 3030 lever. Was thinking something in 9mm possibly?

Sent from the future
Maybe it was just me but a 9mm carbine wasn’t that much fun. I ended up selling my HiPoint for about what I paid for it. Maybe it would have been different if I’d splurged on a Swiss B&T but I didn’t feel like parting with nearly $3k for one.
Nice long weekend sale on at Cabela's fyi.
Be careful plinking on all crown land , yes it’s crown but if your in a municipality like Halton, which has a ban on target shooting anywhere but a range , you can still get ticketed . County bylaws can come into effect .

I’ve ended up speaking with police , they were very friendly , they totally get what your doing ( almost seem they would like to fire a couple rounds lol) , but they may ask you to cease and pack up .

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Be careful plinking on all crown land , yes it’s crown but if your in a municipality like Halton, which has a ban on target shooting anywhere but a range , you can still get ticketed . County bylaws can come into effect .

I’ve ended up speaking with police , they were very friendly , they totally get what your doing ( almost seem they would like to fire a couple rounds lol) , but they may ask you to cease and pack up .

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I generally go with friends that do their research. We check bylaws and find suitable locations etc :) no issue the last three or four times I’ve gone. But definitely lots of research to find good spots.

Hopefully I can start digging around myself and finding spots via atlas and satellite etc. I hear iHunter is a good one for this sort of thing - the fee isn’t ideal, but still cheaper than a range.
Saw this found it amusing.
I built one before using a propane cylinder, a solenoid and some old plumbing parts. Worked fine for the task (big fire when someone pushes button). Obviously mine didn't light things on fire as well as the fire doesn't stick and burn (which was an advantage for the project). Not really sure where it ended up. I don't think I have it anymore.
Posted in the other thread but this applies much more here as well.
Milton man charged with murder after allegedly shooting intruder makes brief appearance in court

I know if I was in that situation, I would not hesitate with my wife and two kids in the house. I cannot control how much crying the three will generate and what some stressed out intruder will do.

What are the other R/PAL members thoughts? I've previously always held firm that intruders would get the bat or any other instruments in my house but, 'you don't bring a knife or bat to a gun fight'
Posted in the other thread but this applies much more here as well.
Milton man charged with murder after allegedly shooting intruder makes brief appearance in court

I know if I was in that situation, I would not hesitate with my wife and two kids in the house. I cannot control how much crying the three will generate and what some stressed out intruder will do.

What are the other R/PAL members thoughts? I've previously always held firm that intruders would get the bat or any other instruments in my house but, 'you don't bring a knife or bat to a gun fight'
My thought is that I’m not sure we know the entire story.
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