yep, $1000 would likely be the average for a so-so handgun now. $1500 gets you something nicer. Boutique revolvers and 1911’s are anywhere from 2-4K. Luckily I don’t like either of those really.
The secret to ammo is to buy handguns that also use long gun ammo so it will at least be around for a bit. 9mm might be an issue at some point but I bought dies a while back in anticipation of issues and I’m stocked up for cases, powder and projectiles. I have dies for 38spl and .357 mag so that’s covered. .22 is still dirt cheap comparatively.
With how many people are buying up handguns I don't think pistol round demand will go down for awhile unless they specifically block the import/sale.
Also have to remember the recent popularity of PCC (pistol-caliber carbines), lot's of little rifles in 9mm around.