We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Friend of mine has a 1942 Mosin (and a few other arms now). Had the chance to shoot it on Crown Land last summer - was quite intimidated by it, but we went out again a few weeks back, and I had an absolute blast (pun not intended), despite knee high snow and -25 all day long. Something so cool about trying out the rifle that my great grandparents fought with - really visceral experience with the bolt action and recoil and everything.

Bit the bullet and signed up for my CFSC, which is at the end of June. I hear wait times are insane for getting your PAL, so I am not expecting to get my license until 2023 or end of 2022, but nevertheless I am now constantly researching these things and looking for a decent example that isn't too pitted so I can do some meaningful target shooting with it.

Seems there aren't really any ranges in the GTA anymore, right? I feel like I'll just end up going out with friends when they are driving up north to Crown Land. Would be cool to have a local option, but alas. Hunting is something I want to try sometime too - though reading about field dressing made me realize I have a long way to go until I have either the experience or stomach to do it, and do it safely.

There may be some “pay to play” ranges out your way. They may still be a decent drive away though. Check waitlists and get your name on one as quickly as you can if you find one in your budget.

For older milsurp firearms look for “select” models in the stores. You pay a bit more but they have been hand selected for being in better condition usually. That’s usually for SKS‘s as there’s lots of those but there’s a fair few Mosin Nagant about too.
Register at Canadian gun nutz, they have a pretty big military section. And GunPost has some stuff as well .
Elwood Epps always has some odd balls in the rack .
When you get a PAL , take a Pal that knows stuff looking with you , due to why this stuff was made , a lot looks like it was thrown in a ditch and run over by a tank . In the ad it says 95% !

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My old high school in Port Perry had a range in the basement. And a Cadet Corp. We used to shoot converted Enfeilds down there.
My old high school in Port Perry had a range in the basement. And a Cadet Corp. We used to shoot converted Enfeilds down there.

The first time I ever shot a real gun was at the University of Toronto's Gun Club in the basement of Hart House. I was as sad to see it get shut down as I was surprised to learn about it in the first place.
Seems there aren't really any ranges in the GTA anymore, right?

There are lots of ranges... most are indoor though and more suited to handguns.

A short distance... an hour or so out of the city you can find several outdoor ranges more suitable for rifle.

Only issue will be access. Most range are private clubs that require membership.
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My new purchase is very very nice. Big difference between the Shadow Systems and my other polymer gun a Girsan. Everything is nice and slick, immaculately machined. Ordered a nice red (green actually) dot to go with it. Just need the range to thaw out a bit now.
So apparently I have a odd shaped Mellon head , old guy shooting beside me while I’m using a new to me gun , says here shoot this and hands me his gun . It fits better , I suspected the new to me gun wasn’t perfect, he then hands me a business card , he can set an adjustable comb and new 4 way butt plate and away we go . Back down the rabbit hole …

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More applicable to a dumb criminal thread but we don't have one. Interesting project but probably safer for those you are trying to shoot. Full-auto .40 handgun probably has a humongous pattern and he will be very quickly empty. It would sound scary but getting hit would be more related to bad luck.

The suspect was located and arrested inside the mall. That’s when police say they found the modified, fully-automatic Glock 22.

Police further allege the suspect was in possession of fentanyl and crack cocaine that was “packaged for sale.”

Isaac Roberts, 24, of no fixed address is facing a barrage of charges, including uttering threats, possession of a firearm, and possession of drugs for trafficking.
Is it the way the photo was taken or does the barrel on that gun look cockeyed ? Either way I’m not shooting that thing unless it’s bolted down and I’m on a 10 ft string .
See there is a clear case that gun has one job , and it’s not rabbit shooting , that guys needs to be in jail for a while .

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Is it the way the photo was taken or does the barrel on that gun look cockeyed ? Either way I’m not shooting that thing unless it’s bolted down and I’m on a 10 ft string .
See there is a clear case that gun has one job , and it’s not rabbit shooting , that guys needs to be in jail for a while .

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Hold my beer.

Is it the way the photo was taken or does the barrel on that gun look cockeyed ? Either way I’m not shooting that thing unless it’s bolted down and I’m on a 10 ft string .
See there is a clear case that gun has one job , and it’s not rabbit shooting , that guys needs to be in jail for a while .

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Slide's back, barrel is loose. It all locks up when slide is forward.
My old high school in Port Perry had a range in the basement. And a Cadet Corp. We used to shoot converted Enfeilds down there.
I went to RH King high school in Scarborough.It’s turning a 100 years old this year. I heard from an old timer that they use to have a marksmanship club and indoor range there years ago. He said it wasn’t uncommon for members to carry their old Enfield rifles on the bus to school. Fun fact, Robbie Robertson from The Band also went there in 1959-60 I think.
Re; shooting ranges in schools , my Grandmother taught in a one room classroom school ( till 1965) , when she started there in the 1940s it was a winter tradition some doofus would throw a few .22short shells in the giant cast steel wood stove and everyone would laugh while they pinged around inside.

For anybody ever driving west from TO on the 401 , the Country Heritage Park just past Milton has a stone school house near the highway, that was Grandma's school grades 1-8 . It was relocated to that site from the back of the Kelso conservation property .
Is that a prop or for real?
It looks more like art. Not sure if it could physically fire. From tip of bullet to venting is only ~1". The bullet is obviously long so that gives you a few inches of travel under pressure but you are making a lot of bang and not that much go.
It looks more like art. Not sure if it could physically fire. From tip of bullet to venting is only ~1". The bullet is obviously long so that gives you a few inches of travel under pressure but you are making a lot of bang and not that much go.

That thing on the top looks like a cheap Bushnell red dot that’s been ”antiqued”.
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