We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

Just a dumb question from a non gun owner.

I know I'm going to run into a bleeding heart, sky is falling friend soon and will be told that if every gun in Canada isn't melted down I will be shot dead in the street. They will point out the Ecole Polytech and more recent Nova Scotia shootings.

While I don't own any guns I have no problem with responsible sane people owning them. I admire the engineering.

I realize that to buy guns or ammo one must have a FAC which I assume is a document requiring some education and background checks.

Once a person has a FAC is there a requirement for each and every gun purchase to be recorded somewhere so there is a record of what a person owns? Assume normal long gun weapons and let's not get into the nit picking of what is assault.

IIRC the NS shooter used legally acquired weapons in his spree hence the argument for a long gun registry.

My argument will be that if we spent the money from the last registry on mental health instead we wouldn't need to discuss a long gun registry (Or rental van acquisition certificate)

Re the NS shooting, I am under the impression that the shooter was known to the RCMP and started playing dress-a-cop. Wouldn't an alert cop think something was getting out of hand and ask some questions?

I haven't heard of an official report and suspect that when it comes out it will be so redacted it will look like it was written on tar paper
Just a dumb question from a non gun owner.

I know I'm going to run into a bleeding heart, sky is falling friend soon and will be told that if every gun in Canada isn't melted down I will be shot dead in the street. They will point out the Ecole Polytech and more recent Nova Scotia shootings.

While I don't own any guns I have no problem with responsible sane people owning them. I admire the engineering.

I realize that to buy guns or ammo one must have a FAC which I assume is a document requiring some education and background checks.

Once a person has a FAC is there a requirement for each and every gun purchase to be recorded somewhere so there is a record of what a person owns? Assume normal long gun weapons and let's not get into the nit picking of what is assault.

IIRC the NS shooter used legally acquired weapons in his spree hence the argument for a long gun registry.

My argument will be that if we spent the money from the last registry on mental health instead we wouldn't need to discuss a long gun registry (Or rental van acquisition certificate)

Re the NS shooting, I am under the impression that the shooter was known to the RCMP and started playing dress-a-cop. Wouldn't an alert cop think something was getting out of hand and ask some questions?

I haven't heard of an official report and suspect that when it comes out it will be so redacted it will look like it was written on tar paper
On the subject of buying guns, at present, I don't believe there is any requirement to tell anyone if you have purchased, or sold a gun. You should verify the person has a valid PAL, but that's all. If you are a business, that may be different. I just received five guns from my neighbour after her husband died. She didn't want to get caught with them and have them confiscated, so she gave them to me to try to sell for her. We didn't inform anyone (except now the whole GTAM community).

On that subject, is anyone interested in some turn of the century side by sides? One is Belgian, and the other is German.
On that subject, is anyone interested in some turn of the century side by sides? One is Belgian, and the other is German.

Just out of curiosity, when people say "turn of the century" do they still mean the early 1900's, or has it been updated to reflect the early 2000's?
Just out of curiosity, when people say "turn of the century" do they still mean the early 1900's, or has it been updated to reflect the early 2000's?
Yeah, I debated clarifying that, but I did mean early 1900s. I wonder when we won't need to specify?
On that subject, is anyone interested in some turn of the century side by sides? One is Belgian, and the other is German.

I may be, if possible , gauge and style , side lock, hammerless, damascus barrels ?? depending on age they may be decorative pcs. but you probably know that. Give us a little more detail , if its interesting we can go offline to be discrete.

@nobbie , once you get a PAL which replaced the FAC, you can aquire more guns and purchase ammo as long as you keep your nose clean. A reported domestic incident will have them taken away very quickly.
Even "normal" people get a bit weird so having a PAL for 20yrs , well you may not have been nutty when you got it. Or had a drinkin issue , or a bad marriage. . We have checks and balances , and I'm cool with that.

As an aside, I personally know a half dozen people that inhierted gramps farm guns , keep them under the bed or in the closet for sentiment and have NO paperwork or working knowledge of firearms. Thats an issue.
On the subject of buying guns, at present, I don't believe there is any requirement to tell anyone if you have purchased, or sold a gun. You should verify the person has a valid PAL, but that's all. If you are a business, that may be different. I just received five guns from my neighbour after her husband died. She didn't want to get caught with them and have them confiscated, so she gave them to me to try to sell for her. We didn't inform anyone (except now the whole GTAM community).

On that subject, is anyone interested in some turn of the century side by sides? One is Belgian, and the other is German.
@crankcall might be your man.

nvm, i was late.
On the subject of buying guns, at present, I don't believe there is any requirement to tell anyone if you have purchased, or sold a gun. You should verify the person has a valid PAL, but that's all. If you are a business, that may be different. I just received five guns from my neighbour after her husband died. She didn't want to get caught with them and have them confiscated, so she gave them to me to try to sell for her. We didn't inform anyone (except now the whole GTAM community).

On that subject, is anyone interested in some turn of the century side by sides? One is Belgian, and the other is German.

so not like this then?

so not like this then?

That doesn't look fun to shoot.
maybe once…and then some ice for the bruises.

Shouldn't be any different from any other double barreled shotgun. All the bullpup design does is move the trigger forward so you have a shorter overall length compared to a traditional layout with the same length barrel.
Shouldn't be any different from any other double barreled shotgun. All the bullpup design does is move the trigger forward so you have a shorter overall length compared to a traditional layout with the same length barrel.
I guess. I was thinking it was smaller and lighter than it actually is. For fun I wanted a bullpup 22 but the fun police put an end to that idea.
Shouldn't be any different from any other double barreled shotgun. All the bullpup design does is move the trigger forward so you have a shorter overall length compared to a traditional layout with the same length barrel.

I have a nice cushy pad on my shotgun and the semi auto mechanism absorbs some recoil too. This is pump and two magnum loads at a time might be a bit…..barky.
I realize that to buy guns or ammo one must have a FAC which I assume is a document requiring some education and background checks.
It's known as a PAL. 'Possession and Acquisition License". Yes, a course, background investigation is part of getting a PAL.

Once a person has a FAC is there a requirement for each and every gun purchase to be recorded somewhere so there is a record of what a person owns? Assume normal long gun weapons and let's not get into the nit picking of what is assault.
In the case of non restricted firearms... If you buy from a business, yes they do "record" the sale in their big red book as required by the Chief Provincial Firearms Officer. However... After that there is no requirement to record or report where or to whom those firearms end up or are given to. So really... The records retailers keep are pretty much useless.

Restricted firearms (handguns and some long guns) are "registered" to those who own them. Each and every (legal) sale or transfer is reviwed and must be approved by the CPFO... This can take anywhere from a few hours to weeks or in rare cases months.

IIRC the NS shooter used legally acquired weapons in his spree hence the argument for a long gun registry.
If we're talking about the same guy... He also used a handgun taken from an RCMP constable and a book of matches.
A long gun registry is just a list. It would do nothing to stop a crime. If someone could demonstrate how it would have done anything to prevent any gun crime... That would be nice.

My argument will be that if we spent the money from the last registry on mental health instead we wouldn't need to discuss a long gun registry (Or rental van acquisition certificate)
Again... The registry we had for years was never used to prevent any violent gun crime. It was a waste of money.

Re the NS shooting, I am under the impression that the shooter was known to the RCMP and started playing dress-a-cop. Wouldn't an alert cop think something was getting out of hand and ask some questions?
There's all sorts of WTF? with that situation... Hind sight is 20/20, but... Who knows if we'll ever get the whole (true) story..?

I haven't heard of an official report and suspect that when it comes out it will be so redacted it will look like it was written on tar paper
'You're probably right...
It's known as a PAL. 'Possession and Acquisition License". Yes, a course, background investigation is part of getting a PAL.

In the case of non restricted firearms... If you buy from a business, yes they do "record" the sale in their big red book as required by the Chief Provincial Firearms Officer. However... After that there is no requirement to record or report where or to whom those firearms end up or are given to. So really... The records retailers keep are pretty much useless.

Restricted firearms (handguns and some long guns) are "registered" to those who own them. Each and every (legal) sale or transfer is reviwed and must be approved by the CPFO... This can take anywhere from a few hours to weeks or in rare cases months.

If we're talking about the same guy... He also used a handgun taken from an RCMP constable and a book of matches.
A long gun registry is just a list. It would do nothing to stop a crime. If someone could demonstrate how it would have done anything to prevent any gun crime... That would be nice.

Again... The registry we had for years was never used to prevent any violent gun crime. It was a waste of money.

There's all sorts of WTF? with that situation... Hind sight is 20/20, but... Who knows if we'll ever get the whole (true) story..?

'You're probably right...
That whole mess is full on rcmp suppression. Never any charges and barely any comment on the officers that sprayed a firehall full of refugees and then drove away. The way the whole situation was handled was a lesson in how to screw up.
For those that know more than I, what's going on with the silver cases? Nothing improves firearm accuracy more than randomly switching types of rounds in a stack.

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