Walking Dead (Spoliers)

Re: Walking Dead

All this time they've had riot gear and never ONCE used it for any other operation but now?! Come on!

Why go back to the Prison? Why not claim the town? Comfy beds or prison cots ..... PRISON COTS! YAY!

They did use riot gear when clearing out the prison of zombies originally.

Prison makes perfect sense. You have a closed off environment not easily accessible once it's cleared out and repaired. They have repair the fence and start to farm it like they had mentioned before and it has a river near by. In an open environment a horde of walkers could come at you and surround you easily, but inside the walls they are in narrow chokes and you have to fight maybe 3-5 at once which is much easier. Woodbury would made sense if they had a giant wall made out of concrete or steel.
Re: Walking Dead

But he didn't know there was a survivor who tipped off the remaining townspeople.

With that act he was done with the town. He basically killed off every able bodied member who had been willing to fight. It didn't matter that there was a witness.
Re: Walking Dead

Unrealistic liberties? its a show about the zombie plague, you get that part right?
If Andrea cant get her monkey toes going and get some dollar store pliers to bite through tempered steel in timer to save her sorry arse, well thats just bad writing too.
For you guys counting rounds out of an" AMC network "assault rifle, 50-60-92 rounds, jumping jebus on a pogo stick, of course Firestarter and TAFB are modifying mags and selling them to the network and God help those clueless actors that call it a clip, zombie beatdown is the least of the worries. Wait till the hyper smart uber right gun nuts show up here, oy vey.

Its supposed to at least be realistic or else I won't be able to stop face-palming

Sent from my tablet using my paws
Re: Walking Dead

The comics are a lot better than what the show is interpreting from it. I would highly recommend that fans of The Walking Dead download the CBR readers and read it on their computers :)
Re: Walking Dead

The comics are a lot better than what the show is interpreting from it. I would highly recommend that fans of The Walking Dead download the CBR readers and read it on their computers :)

Everything loses something in translation from print. Even "Watchmen", which was in my opinion an excellent treatment of a graphic novel in movie form, lost a lot.
Re: Walking Dead

I laughed when Andrea shot herself with what appered to be a revolver (Rick's python maybe?) and it ejected a casing...

You hear it tink-tink on the ground right after the shot.

Oh well, suspension of disbelief. The obviously don't have a firearms adviser/expert.
Re: Walking Dead

I laughed when Andrea shot herself with what appered to be a revolver (Rick's python maybe?) and it ejected a casing...

You hear it tink-tink on the ground right after the shot.

Oh well, suspension of disbelief. The obviously don't have a firearms adviser/expert.

It is confirmed a python, he mentioned it in an earlier episode. I didn't notice the shell sound, lol.

From what i see in 'talking dead' they do have a weapons expert but maybe the editing guys screwed up. I must admit the writers do not sit down with a military adviser of some sort. Remember they gunned down a group of soldiers? Lolz

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
Re: Walking Dead

Milton even tho is a softie was eventually a hero.

Milton was a dumbass. He could have taken the knife and gutted the Governor right there and then, instead he chose to walk forward put himself out range then swing around and lunge at him like an idiot...
Re: Walking Dead

I laughed when Andrea shot herself with what appered to be a revolver (Rick's python maybe?) and it ejected a casing...

You hear it tink-tink on the ground right after the shot.

Oh well, suspension of disbelief. The obviously don't have a firearms adviser/expert.

I saw Rick hand her an automatic.
Re: Walking Dead

I saw Rick hand her an automatic.

It was Ricks revolver with a long barrel. I heard the "tink tink" of a casing too but decided I'd be generous and chalk it up to the revolver hitting the floor
Re: Walking Dead

I laughed when Andrea shot herself with what appered to be a revolver (Rick's python maybe?) and it ejected a casing...

You hear it tink-tink on the ground right after the shot.

Oh well, suspension of disbelief. The obviously don't have a firearms adviser/expert.

Gun dropping out of dead hand sound, not cartridge eject sound.

I saw Rick hand her an automatic.

It was a revolver.
Walking Dead

Listen well.....but to me it sounds just like a casing hitting the floor, and bouncing once or twice, a gun would make only one thud as it hit the ground..

I recorded the show, so I played it over a few times.....

Yep, I just listened again and you can faintly hear a light metal pinging, just like a casing, and then you can hear the gun drop.
Re: Walking Dead

Yep, I just listened again and you can faintly hear a light metal pinging, just like a casing, and then you can hear the gun drop.

Sound engineer asleep at the switch in editing.
Re: Walking Dead

lol WOW
this thread is proof you really can't please everyone... its Hollywood guys, seriously... mindless entertainment, don't expect a hell of a lot of realism out of zombie apocalypse shows...
Walking Dead

lol WOW
this thread is proof you really can't please everyone... its Hollywood guys, seriously... mindless entertainment, don't expect a hell of a lot of realism out of zombie apocalypse shows...

+1 go out and ride instead of nitpicking this fictional show
Re: Walking Dead

lol WOW
this thread is proof you really can't please everyone... its Hollywood guys, seriously... mindless entertainment, don't expect a hell of a lot of realism out of zombie apocalypse shows...

We love our zombie apocalypse. In today's disappointing society we have so little to look forward to.
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