VW deisel?? wtf...

On the other hand, I bet you can get a smoking deal if you buy a VW right now. Lol

I would imagine in about 3-4wks when the score board in the dealership sales office looks like a soccer score you could make your own price up at most VW lots. Inventory will just be piling up, gas car sales will be in the crapper because NOBODY is trusting VW right now.
you can get a VW glow plug for $5 each? that's got to be a first, I couldn't get a parking lamp bulb for $5.
Found them on eBay from China. Worked great for years until a mechanic swapped them all out with some that were much more expensive. The expensive ones failed repeatedly after that. I was not impressed.
^ $12 for bosch or meyle glow plugs @fcpeuro. If anyone needs parts let me know I am going to cibi next week.

I would imagine in about 3-4wks when the score board in the dealership sales office looks like a soccer score you could make your own price up at most VW lots. Inventory will just be piling up, gas car sales will be in the crapper because NOBODY is trusting VW right now.

NOBODY I know with a VAG cares about what they did.
I have Vag-Com, it's a necessity. I hope their sales tank. If I can get a '16 Jetta GLI for 10K less than invoice and 0% financing I'd probably bite.
yeah. must have been such a horrible experience, 95000km later.

if they were so concerned they should have gotten a prius. silly people. everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon.

they're just complaining so they get free stuff / $ / buyback / whatever VW gets told to do by the authorities.
They were advertised as "clean diesel" not clean vehicles. They are way cleaner than your 80s diesel.

This guy doesent care


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My Jetta TDI DSG will tow 3200 lbs (personally tested) wouldn't do it regularly because im sure the transmission was not happy with me, however the engine pulls it like nothing I was amazed.

However the breaks are another discussion, slowing down on the 407 off ramp was interesting...

I find it hilarious how people in Canada think they need the 6L Hemi with dualies and balls on the hitch (gotta have the hemi bud) to tow their boats lol... American car culture is funny.

It's all fun and games until someone outside the culture runs into the back of them,
because of inadequate brakes for the load being pulled.
VW has been delisted on the ethical stock trading listings, the 6 billion they set aside for weathering the storm aint't gonna cut it.
VWiesel. Has anybody used that yet? If not I got dibs.
I'm older, I've got 3 kids so, the environment is important to me. But, I still take them camping. Burn fire wood. Ride motorcycles with outdated tech, and I drive a lot for work.

I want to be a responsible fella. Honest. I do.

But, I can't.

Haha.. the irony in this statement (and not just you saying it, but everyone that does) is that having kids is THE worst thing you can possibly do to our environment: Introducing yet another human being into an over-populated planet that will live to consume more and more of our overly-exhausted resources...
Haha.. the irony in this statement (and not just you saying it, but everyone that does) is that having kids is THE worst thing you can possibly do to our environment: Introducing yet another human being into an over-populated planet that will live to consume more and more of our overly-exhausted resources...

Having 0, 1 or 2 kids is fine. If everyone stuck to that ideology we would a decline in population and move towards a more sustainable population.
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