I can already picture the other guys story to HR similar to something like this. "I have repeatedly told this guy he rides to fast, operates his motorcycle dangerously, and is going to hurt himself or worse someone else with his risky driving techniques. By the way I am a volunteer firefighter, and I respond to tons of these motorcycle accidents were the operator's use excessive speed. Well last Friday I was driving home, and was approaching a stop sign, so I proceeded to slow down. As I came to a stop for about 1 second; I looked in my rearview, because I could hear a loud motorcycle approaching fast then his tires were screeching. This D bag motorcyclist slammed into the back of my car. I got out and looked for any damage on my vehicle, there was none. I asked the rider if he was okay, and what he wanted to do about his bike damage. I asked him for his insurance and license, he told me not to worry about it because he didn't want to ruin his driving record or report it to insurance. I asked him if he wanted me to call anyone for him on my cell phone, he refused. So I got back in my car and continued home. By the way Tim from accounting witnessed the incident also".