For the nth time, the perpetrators drove off. There is no upside to me calling the police at this time. I don't want this on my driving record or apart of the info declared when I get insurance quotes. If it were not for my employer I would not know these guys. These guys used company property to harass me over stated incidents and used company time to plot their actions. This is a company issue. I have forwarded the matter to HR and to the fire chief. On monday I will be driving my 4500 lb all wheel drive car. These jerkoffs can go ahead and try something, my car will eat them for lunch. On monday I will be getting out of my car on company property upon which time we will see how this matter is resolved. The company is required by law to do something if they won't this becomes a MOL issue to redress.
So now you are a tough guy cause u will be driving 4500 lb car. What makes you think they will not trap you again, damage company car by backing up in your truck and report it as your fault? If you can't escape on your bike and can't handle it on your bike - what makes you think you will have more luck in the truck?
And you are seriously brain washed if you think HR has more power then police. Say they will fire their ***** - what will stop them from coming back at ya? And this time it may not end as pretty as broken fender.