victim of Road Rage, hit and run by a coworker, how should I handle this?

I would report it quickly to police and HR before they take it upon themselves to do so and make you look like the agressor. HR will determine who is creating the poisoned workplace for who and 90% percent sure go about either warning the party they find at fault and punish them with slap on the wrist, or since there was a physical altercation in this case I would see a pink slip in someones future. Make sure you dont sleep on contacting anyone or they will say you were either not feeling as threatend as you say or they will say you were hiding it cuz you were the instigator.

Some old buzzard in my neighbourhood was making my wife feel uncomfortable as she jogged. One day he runs up and grabs her by the arm and starts talking a whole bunch of **** about what a crazy driver/rider I was(never told me this to my face)and blah blah blah. She tells me and I end up goin over there to "discuss" why its a bad idea to run up on someone's wife like that. Old guys friend shows up like thats gonna bother me and I just ended up telling them stay the eff away from my lady and things will be right in the world. Four hours later at about ten in the evening cops show up and handcuff me talking some **** about under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon(never touched the dude) and how his dumbass friend witnessed it all go down!!

A few months later I was cleared of all wrongdoing, but the point is dont let nobody get first dibs calling the cops over you, the dude who wasnt even at fault, I hate watching stupid stuff happen to good people. Get a Countour Camera just in case for the future.
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There isn't anything wrong with your intentions, or your personal reasoning. You are simply trying to be a good samaritan and do it the right way. The problem is you are dealing with a pair of guys that have no intention of being good people. If you want to use reasoning and logic, then you must also accept that you are faced with an enemy that will use your "rational" against you. I am not going to deny your version of what happened, but then you cannot also deny that you have no real proof (video etc..) of any of your statements. As others have stated its literally 1 vs. 2, and if they have more "respect" from co workers, or if your story seems to be outlandish by comparison to their story of you lightly bumping into them. What would you do if they then decide to charge you? What would your defense be? These guys have proven that they have ZERO problems attempting to injure you or your property. I would be far more concerned about that..

Its not about what happened. Its going to be about what is perceived to have happened. (UNLESS you have some sort of proof)

Good Luck.


This was not an accident. The offender used his vehicle to deliberately cause damage. Why would I contact insurance? Will I make a claim over this, no. As for knit picking on my confessions. I do what most motorists do. Also, police don't show up unless someone is hurt. This invidual and his accomplise drove off, they have relinquished any blame game sceneario. In anycase what kind of moron would deliberately be in accident? Go do it and see how your insurance rates are next year.

As for logic, I gave my reasons. Most intelligent people would understand that reasoning.
(tried to reply with quote but entire forum page is loading in reply box for some reason?)

Ironlung, you make good points, but I think if OP has a relatively clear conscience with regards to any previous interactions with ******** #1 and 2, be it at work, parking lot or highways, then I think this is one of those times you need to trust 'the system'.
First person to report (to the cops) is automatically deemed as more credible, and through interrogation, might be able to garner enough info from ******* #1's attitude that there is probably a lot more to the story than what he and ******* #2 dreampt up as a defense if need be.
the accidnet/hit and run has nothing to do with the company. It didnt happen on company time nor did it happen on company property. The only thing you can bring up with them is the verbal abuse.

as for the hit, that should have been reported to the police right away. this is your life man. forget insurance. if he gave it a little gas, things could have been so much worse. If it happended like you said it did, and you are not at fault, then your insurance will not rise. You are losing time on something that should have been simple. What happens if the co workers do something more drastic next? Please step back and take a look at the big picture. Listen to what everybody is saying.

for the future I suggest
Report to cops, hope they get fired, then take your vacation time the following week in case they show up and go postal on everyone there. Sounds like they might if they are acting that insane already. When i read your first post i was like huh? is this Arkansas? sounds like total redneck behaviour.
Forget about HR. Call the police now. Contact HR when you get to work and advise them of the police charges of threats, attempted murder or whatever the police say is appropriate. This forces HR to move the people away from you not the other way around.

I know someone going through a very similar thing and they trusted HR to take care of it. Incompetent HR doesn't want the company image tarnished so they have swept it under the blanket. Victim is off work on chump change but can accept a demeaning position elsewhere in the company. The bad guys are on full pay.

Start documenting evidence, witnesses, cameras, exact times.

PS I just saw Rollandburn's post. Thank you for confirming that HR are useless cows. Who do you report them too? HR?

^ +1
Go police. Absolutely no question. If this happened as described it was premeditated assault.

I'd also report it to the employer. It qualifies as workplace harassment and the employer has a legal obligation to act on that.

Also, you could find out which volunteer fire department he works for. I'm sure the chief would be thrilled to find out the type of person he has working in his department and abusing the green light privilege.
Why didn't you pull over immediately after it happened and called the police right then and there at the scene?
OP, I dunno what are you waiting for. Seriously, so far I would say your were lucky that all confrontation was in the open.
What if they will decide to mess with your bike? DO you always check bike all over before riding home?
If you're seriously that afraid of calling the cops:

pm me.
wtf ... i don't get why the OP doesn't call the cops ... clearly there is an attempt on the life here, a threat of it as well, so wtf, call the popo for once ... criminal offences / charges do nothing against your insurance record

your insurance record will be clear when your buried 6 feet under man ... think about that for a second...
OP-you take the cake as "Man-Boy of The Year".

You must be leaking intelligence if you couldn't think of reporting this attack to the police yourself. I'm going to bet you’re just as annoying in RL so I'm going to approve of this kind of bullying and suggest you start lifting weights or something and find the heart and soul it requires to stand up for yourself. As for next time, cry to your mommy and not us.
OP-you take the cake as "Man-Boy of The Year".

You must be leaking intelligence if you couldn't think of reporting this attack to the police yourself. I'm going to bet you’re just as annoying in RL so I'm going to approve of this kind of bullying and suggest you start lifting weights or something and find the heart and soul it requires to stand up for yourself. As for next time, cry to your mommy and not us.

I don't really blame him to be honest. I've been in this kind of situation (bullying) way back in the past. You can't really do anything about lack of self esteem; but you can take the nearest blunt object and help someone with lack of self-esteem.
油井緋色;1793194 said:
I don't really blame him to be honest. I've been in this kind of situation (bullying) way back in the past. You can't really do anything about lack of self esteem; but you can take the nearest blunt object and help someone with lack of self-esteem.

It's not high school. Cops are paid to deal with this everyday. **** like this is total internet BS anyway.
OP-you take the cake as "Man-Boy of The Year".

You must be leaking intelligence if you couldn't think of reporting this attack to the police yourself. I'm going to bet you’re just as annoying in RL so I'm going to approve of this kind of bullying and suggest you start lifting weights or something and find the heart and soul it requires to stand up for yourself. As for next time, cry to your mommy and not us.

Damn we sure do need a "Like" button!!! Well said sir!
OP sounds like a total puss if he let it escalate that long without calling cops. OP may think being called a puss is harsh, but, it is what it is.

Wtf is wrong with people ?? I mean the OP here! Grow some...!!
Why didn't you pull over immediately after it happened and called the police right then and there at the scene?


When the OP starts believing that his HR has more power than the Police :withstupid: it just highlights how delusional he is.

I can only suspect that there is some key element missing to the story or we are getting a lot of :bs::bs::bs::bs::bs::bs:
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Hey OP,

What are you going to do if you get an email from HR saying that some company employees are being harassed by your aggressive riding? What if you get a cop come to your home to tell you that there were "a couple" of reports of your aggressive riding?

Seriously dude... cover your #$%@ing butt. From what you say, I get the feeling that you don't want to report it to the police because you may not be riding to the letter of the law. Well you know what? The alleged road rage incident you described is much worse and the police would act accordingly.

1) You need to file a report to the police, and tell them why you're filing it a few days late, at the very least they'll have it time stamped and on record.

2) Put in a formal complaint with your company about the harassment from the two employees so that it's on file, now they can't fire YOU for being "harassing two employees upon exit of the parking lot".

3) Get a Go Pro and use it when you come in and leave the parking lot.

4) Check your bike every day, because you know what? Someone's going to "accidentally" knock it over while you're at work, with no witnesses. Seriously dude...

5) Your insurance will not be affected for reporting harassment.

6) Leave at a different time and know that as a motorcycle rider you will always be the small fish amongst sharks.
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