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Trump Guilty

I don't trust Forbes to do any sort of investigative journalism, especially after a bunch of thier 30 under 30 poster children ended up being frauds and scam artists. Also the employment figures in countries like USA, Australia and Canada are so manipulated and messed with by government it's almost impossible to compare figures from different time periods
That's funny because I won't watch any of their videos due to their right wing bias.
Unemployment: check how that is measured. The surge of migrants skews that number wildly as low wage job creation has soared for minimum wage jobs while migrants are not counted as unemployed.

Net worth; that’s relative. Less than 5% of America is richer (by a lot), the rest are poorer.

Health care: a win for Biden.

Violent crime: falling yes, but still higher than under 45. Fun with numbers.

Equity market: funny that it tracks with Trump polls. Notice it soared after the debate? The Trump likelihood juices the markets, not Biden.

I think you see the USA thru the eyes of a Canadian. I’m an American and Canadian, I can see it from both sides.
My take away, you confirmed all the points are true.
My take away, you confirmed all the points are true.
You can ask a question or present a point of view through any lens you like. For years I've watched Canadians put positive spins on every silly deed our Canadian PM has done for us. At some point the electorate feels the pressures of rising crime, housing issues (availability, costs, finance rates), pocketbook issues (cost of shelter, food, fuel and money), health care.... the spin stops working at some point, and people become focused on change.

Like Canada, the US electorate is feeling the pressure of those things. Biden is losing confidence within his own party and as the polls say -- with the electorate. Not unlike the situation in Canada -- there's only so long a leftist agenda will go before voters feel the pocketbook strain.

I think the Left has crossed the line in both countries, the pendulum is swinging right.
If you're investing in US equities, your recent wealth increase is largely tied to the markets baking in the probability of a Trump return.

And if you do the math, you'd know $1 invested at the DJIA at day one of Trump's term was worth $1.53 at the end. $1 invested on Biden day 1 is worth $1.12 today. Don't forget inflation over Trump's reign totaled ~9%, and Biden's term is over 19% to date.

Looking at a short period in the markets is like looking at your last 15 minutes at a casino table, if that's your entry and exit point, count your chips and that's that. For most people investing is a longer game -- there is no possible way you can form an argument that the markets are doing better under Biden.

For the last several years?

How many moons can you see from your planet?
Did you look at the graph you posted?
I did -- it highlights gun-related homicide in the US -- the ultimate violent crime. While it's not the whole measure, it's the most violent crime on the books.
I did -- it highlights gun-related homicide in the US -- the ultimate violent crime. While it's not the whole measure, it's the most violent crime on the books.

And you used it to dispute violent crime going up during Trump's term? Your own graph shows gun related deaths going up 30%+/- during his term then dropping about 10% once Biden came into power. Weird flex, but ok.
If you want to talk about violent crime, then you talk about all violent crime. You also talk about it in per capita numbers, not straight numbers. The variations these days are little more than blips.

If you want to talk about violent crime, then you talk about all violent crime. You also talk about it in per capita numbers, not straight numbers. The variations these days are little more than blips.

You can't talk about ALL violent crime for a number of reasons. One is that your data only goes until 2022. Two is that the data under Biden is now incomplete, because submission to the FBI is voluntary and some places don't submit anymore. Depending on which places, that could be a lot of violent crime that's unreported. Three is that it only counts reported data; if a victim doesn't report the crime, for various reasons, then it isn't counted.
It's really difficult to compare now to before when you don't have the data for now. Best to stick with other statistics that are verifiable.
You can't talk about ALL violent crime for a number of reasons. One is that your data only goes until 2022. Two is that the data under Biden is now incomplete, because submission to the FBI is voluntary and some places don't submit anymore. Depending on which places, that could be a lot of violent crime that's unreported. Three is that it only counts reported data; if a victim doesn't report the crime, for various reasons, then it isn't counted.
It's really difficult to compare now to before when you don't have the data for now. Best to stick with other statistics that are verifiable.
Well that's the thing about proper, accurate data; it takes time to compile. And of course you can only remark upon what's actually reported. Funny thing, that. Unreported data isn't data.
It's being reported that GRINDR was going nuts around the republican conference... so much it's gone off line a couple of times. The gay hookers have never had it so good
Doesn't MEAN anything, maybe GRINDR goes nuts at Democrats conventions too... but I LOL'ed
About time. You can only hold so many press conferences/hearings accepting full responsibility for the worst secret service failure in decades but then declining to have personal consequences before it is laughable.
And not really having any answers about basic facts of the investigation, more than a week later. Where did she think she was going?

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