My woman is more beautiful TO ME than any of these make-up clad, fake-***, nip-tucked bi***es ANY DAY of the week (and she rides ). Do you think I give a **** what you or anyone else thinks of her? So why should my opinion not count just because she's not in the pageant? Do you think all the judges in the pageant are dating/married to pageant winners? Your point that no one here should have a say because we aren't dating pageant winners is totally flawed.
Precisely. Bring on the naturally beautiful women, please. They're out there.
sigh. please read my original post. i'm glad you think your 'woman' is more beautiful than those contestants. likewise, my wife is clearly more beautiful than yours.
however, this thread is about whether or not this woman should be in the running to be the next miss canada in a silly pageant. several posters have disparaged her appearance, and my point was that they would be hard pressed to do better. in a silly talent show full of cosmetically altered women, i don't see why we shouldn't allow another.