Transsexual the next Miss Canada?

That's impossible to lose all that muscle. Thats nuts

Yeah, that was the focus of that thread when it was posted on The Chive (not sure where it ended up in terms of a decision or whether is in some way faked, etc.).
I don't know why it's so hard to believe. Regardless of whether or not that particular example is 'fake', hormone replacement therapy + surgery works wonders. I've known a few transgendered people (both "before" and "after"), and the results were about as drastic.
Wow good job on removing the adams apple... hahaha. Everything else looks fake though. I think they should have a number of plastic surgery operations limit on who can participate - shouldn't it be an appreciation of natural beauty? ... It just proves that its pretty easy to look good if you throw enough money and surgery at it.
Wow good job on removing the adams apple... hahaha. Everything else looks fake though. I think they should have a number of plastic surgery operations limit on who can participate - shouldn't it be an appreciation of natural beauty? ... It just proves that its pretty easy to look good if you throw enough money and surgery at it.

Agreed, seems to me it becomes a competition between plastic surgeons... so why not let Talackova compete if they let girls get plasticed up. In fact I look forward to the point where I can design my own sex robot to look life like and have a good enough AI to compete as well :)
FMJ touche... but I read that chick's story I think she's a bit of an exception... she had something like a bazillion surgeries done to look like a cat - epic fail in my opinion, but apparently despite the unusual appearance of the plastic surgeries, Ms. Wildenstein is reported to be "ecstatic with her work. She feels beautiful. She looks in the mirror and she loves what she sees. She got exactly what she wanted." - courtesy of wiki.
I think they should have a number of plastic surgery operations limit on who can participate - shouldn't it be an appreciation of natural beauty?
They all have make-up caked on, are coached to answer questions in a certain way, are taught how to act, and wear things that you wouldn't wear outside of a beauty pageant. Almost nothing about being in a beauty pageant is natural lol
You have to remember the Miss Universe Pageant is owned by the biggest media whore on the planet. Of course strings were pulled.
The solution is simple (if you even care (i don't)).

NO cosmetic surgery or you are disqualified from participating. Man, woman or dog... and nip and tuck, you are out of luck.
I wonder how the other contestants feel about sharing the same dressing rooms, showers and bathrooms with her/him? No way I'll believe everyone will be comfortable with this.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but something just doesn't sit right with me. Something tells me the GLBT lobby machine is behind this now try to prove a ridiculous point. It's not as good as having someone like him/her in Miss. America, but close enough for the USA to stand up and take notice. $100 says she wins.
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