Transsexual the next Miss Canada?

This explains why I never got laid in high school.

I'm...going to be...honest..with you's the smell...

I kinda understand the fear of telling someone u love about your "innie" used to be your "outie", but personally a person who says they love me would never have started the relationship lying to me. What if I started the relationship with the intention of someday starting a family with her, clearly now with her that's not happening. Now before you say "well you know you can adopt" let me explain something, I am a fully functional male and my first kid is going to have my DNA. I understand adopting can help children in need, but this is my belief and I'm entitled to it.
Hey buddy, withholding the truth can be regarded a lie
I'm not denying that?

Anyways, I learned about a term called pansexuality this year. Pretty interesting concept 'cause it means that some people fall in love first and the gender of the person is a secondary characteristic (so it's like being attracted to someone but their gender's irrelevant). I'm still undecided on whether or not I think it's bs, but it's interesting nonetheless
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