Transsexual the next Miss Canada?

And yet real women who have children are disqualified from participating! Funny stuff indeed!
Let's face it, beauty pageants are first and foremost a business. Isn't that sheit owned by Donald Trump?

Imagine all the people that will now watch the pageant that had zero interest before. Watch, ratings will double as people tune in to see "if the tranny wins" even though she/he will most likely not win (you think the organizers would allow a tranny to be the face of the organization?). THe organizers are happy, the investors are happy, the LGB community is's a win win.
Imagine all the people that will now watch the pageant that had zero interest before. Watch, ratings will double as people tune in to see "if the tranny wins" even though she/he will most likely not win (you think the organizers would allow a tranny to be the face of the organization?).

Personally, I'm waiting for her sex tape to come out.
I hope she don't whip out something bigger than a pornstar :shock:

But isn't it cut off?? I was curious about this so I googled what "she" would look like down there and it looks like they basically invert the man bits and fashion some lady bits....looks pretty gross though.
But isn't it cut off?? I was curious about this so I googled what "she" would look like down there and it looks like they basically invert the man bits and fashion some lady bits....looks pretty gross though.

Maybe theplastic surgeons could actually fashion some pretty lady parts for him/her:lmao:
my understanding is that she is anatomically (but for ovaries) identical to a biological woman (not counting the whole xy chromosomes thing)

frankly, i don't have a problem with her competing and winning this competition. it's a silly talent show anyways. what if she has the most talent (combination of appearance, abilities, and personality).

a lot of the people who are making disparaging comments about her relative physical attractiveness would probably never find themselves with someone even remotely close to as attractive as her.
my understanding is that she is anatomically (but for ovaries) identical to a biological woman (not counting the whole xy chromosomes thing)

frankly, i don't have a problem with her competing and winning this competition. it's a silly talent show anyways. what if she has the most talent (combination of appearance, abilities, and personality).

a lot of the people who are making disparaging comments about her relative physical attractiveness would probably never find themselves with someone even remotely close to as attractive as her.

How do they make her identical? Is there a donor?? Can you buy a coslopus on the black market?? Just curious....
How do they make her identical? Is there a donor?? Can you buy a coslopus on the black market?? Just curious....

While the pink ladybits can be fashioned by a surgeon, the internal workings cannot be reproduced i.e. sex requires a lifetime supply of lube.
a lot of the people who are making disparaging comments about her relative physical attractiveness would probably never find themselves with someone even remotely close to as attractive as her.

Weak comment.

Physical "attractiveness" is purely subjective, and the judging of such subjective attributes is thus solely based on popular opinion (i.e. what "common people" consider "attractive"). "Common people" also regard motorcycles as undesirable. pfffffft.

That being said, my opinion is that every contestant in a "beauty pageant" should be judged based on their NATURAL appearance, as in, absolutely no cosmetic surgery.
Ya sure see the whole societal spectrum in this thread, that's for sure!! :-)
Weak comment.

Physical "attractiveness" is purely subjective, and the judging of such subjective attributes is thus solely based on popular opinion (i.e. what "common people" consider "attractive"). "Common people" also regard motorcycles as undesirable. pfffffft.

That being said, my opinion is that every contestant in a "beauty pageant" should be judged based on their NATURAL appearance, as in, absolutely no cosmetic surgery.

huh? this is about a pageant, is it not? of course attractiveness is subjective.

but my point still remains, how many of our members here are waking up next to pageant contestants?

and if cosmetic surgery is a criterion, then the ranks of the contestants of most pageants would be decimated.
but my point still remains, how many of our members here are waking up next to pageant contestants?

My woman is more beautiful TO ME than any of these make-up clad, fake-***, nip-tucked bi***es ANY DAY of the week (and she rides :D). Do you think I give a **** what you or anyone else thinks of her? So why should my opinion not count just because she's not in the pageant? Do you think all the judges in the pageant are dating/married to pageant winners? Your point that no one here should have a say because we aren't dating pageant winners is totally flawed.

and if cosmetic surgery is a criterion, then the ranks of the contestants of most pageants would be decimated.

Precisely. Bring on the naturally beautiful women, please. They're out there.
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