Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

Police, fire and ambulance drivers find the same idea very handy for alerting people to their presence.

And your point is...? Not sure how emergency vehicles needing to clear a lane as they rush in a life and death situation is any kind of logical comparison.
Or rev the heck out of them when they stop, start, look at me, I am here.

Ya, that's my neighbour when he drifts into his driveway, clutch engaged, giving his gas-guzzling hog a few loud blips before he shuts it down (or stalls?). "Who me? I don't want any attention."
Police, fire and ambulance drivers find the same idea very handy for alerting people to their presence.
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Did you really try and make a comparison between your motorcycle exhaust and emergency vehicles? You seriously can't be this childish right? Like, wow. To think you somehow think your exhaust is anywhere near as important, I'm actually so mind blown that you could even reach that far.
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Did you really try and make a comparison between your motorcycle exhaust and emergency vehicles? You seriously can't be this childish right? Like, wow. To think you somehow think your exhaust is anywhere near as important, I'm actually so mind blown that you could even reach that far.
Pretty sure he was just trying to argue a case for loud pipes save lives by suggesting loud irritating noise works to alert people to the presence of an emergency vehicle, so a noisy motorcycle will be more likely to be noticed and they think that will save them from being run over. But you are correct it is a childish dangerous concept because if the bikes are loud enough the rider and people around the general vicinity won't be as likely to hear those sirens when they need to.

Oh and people, some times emergency vehicles do get into some really bad accidents, even with all the sirens and lights on
I had to sign up just to reply to this but...

Did you really try and make a comparison between your motorcycle exhaust and emergency vehicles? You seriously can't be this childish right? Like, wow. To think you somehow think your exhaust is anywhere near as important, I'm actually so mind blown that you could even reach that far.

Like, totally.

Yes, I do take my safety as seriously as that. I don't care what lurkers, trolls, snowflakes or whomever think of my choice to selectively and respectfully engage just the second of another driver's five senses to increase my margin of safety. I've seen it with my own eyes; drivers made aware of my presence not by my meep-meep horn or the sound of air rustling through the radiators or tires thrumming gently against the asphalt but by the sound -- not noise -- out the exhaust. All the internet articles you can google will not convince me otherwise as I've seen it on the highway and I've seen it in the city.

With distracted driving epidemic now I consider the benefit of increased awareness practically an evolutionary adaptation. If your e-bike is dead silent you're relying only on your own skill and reflexes and only one of their easily-distracted senses for your life and limb.

I don't rev-bomb, I don't race through neighborhoods. I don't pump the throttle at a stop or pull away at 10K RPM on launch-control. I pulled the clutch and idled by a guy pushing a baby pram today; I give Mennonites and their horses the courtesy of a wide berth and low-noise out in the sticks. I short shift next to cars with open windows. I could run baffle-less (easy to remove with one screw); I choose not to as a courtesy to others.

So, in short, yes, the bike indeed has a higher SPL than OE below 5K RPM but people like me are not the subject of Tory's electioneering. I've never once been told by any of my neighbors my Akra-equipped Tuono is a disturbance. I've never had someone yell at me in traffic for being too noisy. I've stopped and accelerated beside police cars and never once been pulled over for being too loud or obnoxious.

It gives me just a little extra margin in terms of conspicuity and it happens to look and sound good. And I wield it responsibly. So, like, you can, like, totally take your judgmentalism, your generalizations and assumptions and piss off.

... I've never once been told by any of my neighbors my Akra-equipped Tuono is a disturbance....
Would it really make a difference, you paid zero attention to the big bold notation on the Akra packaging that says:
Would it really make a difference, you paid zero attention to the big bold notation on the Akra packaging that says:

Haha. Sorry, is this discussion about sound vs noise or about the microscopic net emissions Canada's motorcycles contribute to GHG emissions overall?

I suppose if you don't have a counter-argument to the idea that it's actually possible to make more sound, be safer and not be a nuisance you might as well veer off onto another topic.
Like, totally.

Yes, I do take my safety as seriously as that. I don't care what lurkers, trolls, snowflakes or whomever think of my choice to selectively and respectfully engage just the second of another driver's five senses to increase my margin of safety. I've seen it with my own eyes; drivers made aware of my presence not by my meep-meep horn or the sound of air rustling through the radiators or tires thrumming gently against the asphalt but by the sound -- not noise -- out the exhaust. All the internet articles you can google will not convince me otherwise as I've seen it on the highway and I've seen it in the city.

With distracted driving epidemic now I consider the benefit of increased awareness practically an evolutionary adaptation. If your e-bike is dead silent you're relying only on your own skill and reflexes and only one of their easily-distracted senses for your life and limb.

I don't rev-bomb, I don't race through neighborhoods. I don't pump the throttle at a stop or pull away at 10K RPM on launch-control. I pulled the clutch and idled by a guy pushing a baby pram today; I give Mennonites and their horses the courtesy of a wide berth and low-noise out in the sticks. I short shift next to cars with open windows. I could run baffle-less (easy to remove with one screw); I choose not to as a courtesy to others.

So, in short, yes, the bike indeed has a higher SPL than OE below 5K RPM but people like me are not the subject of Tory's electioneering. I've never once been told by any of my neighbors my Akra-equipped Tuono is a disturbance. I've never had someone yell at me in traffic for being too noisy. I've stopped and accelerated beside police cars and never once been pulled over for being too loud or obnoxious.

It gives me just a little extra margin in terms of conspicuity and it happens to look and sound good. And I wield it responsibly. So, like, you can, like, totally take your judgmentalism, your generalizations and assumptions and piss off.

Even with the baffle out, the Akra is surprisingly quieter at lower rpms than other aftermarket exhausts like the M4. My neighbour's Harley with stock pipes is louder.

And I too see cagers checking their mirrors on the highway *before* I pass them, with my Akra. At least a majority of them do.
Even with the baffle out, the Akra is surprisingly quieter at lower rpms than other aftermarket exhausts like the M4. My neighbour's Harley with stock pipes is louder.

And I too see cagers checking their mirrors on the highway *before* I pass them, with my Akra. At least a majority of them do.

Agree on all points. Like I said, it's possible to be safer with more sound that isn't automatically "noise" -- especially when ridden in a manner respectful of others -- in the context of this discussion.

Some -- typically those types afraid to even remove the myriad manufacturer's safety stickers from their machines -- just don't see it that way. Really surprised they ride all TBH.
Agree on all points. Like I said, it's possible to be safer with more sound that isn't automatically "noise" -- especially when ridden in a manner respectful of others -- in the context of this discussion.

Some -- typically those types afraid to even remove the myriad manufacturer's safety stickers from their machines -- just don't see it that way. Really surprised they ride all TBH.
There's the fine line between that "respectful" awareness and the I GOT THE LOUDEST PIPES HEAR ME ROAR crowd. I think what this Tory jibber jabber is going after the latter.

Going after the disturbance.
Even with the baffle out, the Akra is surprisingly quieter at lower rpms than other aftermarket exhausts like the M4. My neighbour's Harley with stock pipes is louder.

And I too see cagers checking their mirrors on the highway *before* I pass them, with my Akra. At least a majority of them do.

Everyone is so quick to bash Harley’s exhaust and I don’t get it.
I’ve owned a Harley that had a Vance and Hines full system and it wasn’t that loud at reasonable throttle or idle. Yes louder than stock and definitely as loud as I would want personally. The stock exhaust on most Harley Davidsons is actually not loud.
You just don’t hear them leave the dealer very often in stock form.

I have a grp slip on now on my ktm 1190 when I install the spark arrester I can barely hear it when riding with my ear plugs in. When it’s out it sounds oh so glorious.
But I understand that not everyone would agree so I am courteous about when and where I let the sound play. I did the same on my 2 wheel couch.

I believe if you just use common sense and don’t be an a$$hole you should be fine.
We have the same thread going on over on the Toronto Mustang club forum
Tory is out for loud cars too

I don’t know what to do about that one.
My car has side pipes, there is no room for mufflers under the car.
It is a home built car so yup it’s stock. I guess

Just be considerate is all
Loud pipes little *****.
Maybe we should do a protest. Everybody remove their baffles and we'll go roaring through downtown in a motorcycle mob, rattling windows and scaring everybody. They'll soon see the light.
Loud pipes little *****.

Possible but I don’t see your point.
Does that work the other way? If I buy a Tesla will I grow a massive dick?
I’m not sure it’s worth but hey what ever floats your boat.
But if it’s got tits or tires I can make it squeal
And there’s going to be some noise in the process
Priorities, Tory should be concern with Gun noises...people are getting shot at an alarming rate and this idiot is concern with exhaust noise. Priorities.
To me, it is a safety issue. Almost every time I about to pass a car I can see the driver looking in my direction, the noise got their attention.
Even with the baffle out, the Akra is surprisingly quieter at lower rpms than other aftermarket exhausts like the M4. My neighbour's Harley with stock pipes is louder.

And I too see cagers checking their mirrors on the highway *before* I pass them, with my Akra. At least a majority of them do.
Funny that. I see exactly the same thing with a stock exhaust. Most likely, they're checking to make sure it's just a bike, before cutting you off.
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