Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

That's not what I was trying to say. I believe in having our freedom to ride what we like where and when also. But I also believe we have a responsibility or at the very least some common sense to not be selfish. If you want ride an extremely loud bike that serves no reason than hey look at me. All the power to you. But what are you trying to prove by infringing on someone else's right to enjoy a simple walk out with their kid. The rider could of easily cruised by and then gunned his bike after a reasonable distance away. He would of got his thrills listening to the bike while at the same time not scarring the **** out of anyone. My point is that the few inconsiderate riders are running it for the rest of us. They are ones that are providing the reasons for these laws that start to take away our rights. And no I'm not a nanny state moron you so pointed out.

How do you get a liberal to shut up about rights?

Ask them about the responsibilities that go with the rights.

BTW I was out on my HD many years ago on a country road and a horseback rider was coming the other way. The bike seemed to be spooking the horse so I pulled over and shut down. As the rider passed we exchanged pleasant greetings and when appropriate I was on my way. What's so foreign about being nice to people?
Edmonton (or Calgary?) tried that - the "noise snare". The problem (with us, in Canada/USA) is that we live in a place with a functioning legal system that presumes innocence until proven guilty. Sound is not very directional, and it is very difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a sound came from a particular source, and that means it would be pretty easy to challenge this in court.

The "noise snare" trial started with just displaying what the sound level was. They had to stop it because people were stopping next to the device and revving their engines to see how much they could get it to display ... and in the process, also demonstrated that the device is incapable of pinpointing and isolating a noise source.
Edmonton (or Calgary?) tried that - the "noise snare". The problem (with us, in Canada/USA) is that we live in a place with a functioning legal system that presumes innocence until proven guilty. Sound is not very directional, and it is very difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a sound came from a particular source, and that means it would be pretty easy to challenge this in court.

The "noise snare" trial started with just displaying what the sound level was. They had to stop it because people were stopping next to the device and revving their engines to see how much they could get it to display ... and in the process, also demonstrated that the device is incapable of pinpointing and isolating a noise source.

Pretty sure new technology can pinpoint sound pretty well. I think the Israeli military use a system to locate snipers from sound. Previously the tech was likely out of the budget for civilian use but minituarisation of computer tech has helped a lot.
Pretty sure new technology can pinpoint sound pretty well. I think the Israeli military use a system to locate snipers from sound. Previously the tech was likely out of the budget for civilian use but minituarisation of computer tech has helped a lot.
Locating an impulse is easy (relatively) as it gives a clean spike from a specific point which multiple microphones pick up and calculate distance from each based on time. An exhaust is relatively constant level. It can be done, but the microphone array has to be roughly the size of the area where you want resolution (so on a typical road say 15+ metres wide) and even then you only have a map in 2D. You need a 3D map to be able to determine the distance to the bike as the distance matters a lot. Not to mention the high potential for intervening obstacles (other vehicles) and multiple simultaneous noise sources at various levels and distances.

Noise snare was a giant pile of wank than never had a chance of doing anything useful. It was created to extract public money from municipalities that didn't know any better. Attended monitoring could work, a video plus the sound level meter plus post data collection analysis by a human might work, but automated systems are nowhere near useful now.

FWIW, I have an acoustic camera. It is very useful for some things. This is not one of those things.
Man this is still going?

I would suggest that we as a "community" (I think that applies here) would really want to get in front of this and guide legislators to something reasonable. Otherwise we will wind up with another HTA 172 / pit bull ban / roadside 0.05 suspension.
Man this is still going?

I would suggest that we as a "community" (I think that applies here) would really want to get in front of this and guide legislators to something reasonable. Otherwise we will wind up with another HTA 172 / pit bull ban / roadside 0.05 suspension.
I think municipalities that reasonably mirror SAE J2825 are being very reasonable. The only fails should be GP exhast and straight pipes, neither of which belong on the street (or on many tracks).
Ever since a reader in Cycle Canada referred to harleys as "flatulating past her open window" it's hard to take them seriously. Now ever time I hear some big v twin on the pipe all I can think of hey your bike's got a bad case of the farts.
Bikers complain about idiotic drivers that text and drive. Drivers complain about stupid bikers that rev for no goddamn reason and make noise at 1am near condos. Fair game now. We live in a place that's do as you wish, and deal the risks and consequences after...
Bikers complain about idiotic drivers that text and drive. Drivers complain about stupid bikers that rev for no goddamn reason and make noise at 1am near condos. Fair game now. We live in a place that's do as you wish, and deal the risks and consequences after...

How is that fair game when one of the those activities endangers peoples lives.

Sent from the moon!
Bikers complain about idiotic drivers that text and drive. Drivers complain about stupid bikers that rev for no goddamn reason and make noise at 1am near condos. Fair game now. We live in a place that's do as you wish, and deal the risks and consequences after...

Everyone complains about texting and driving.. and everyone, including most riders, complain about the jackasses that bounce the limiter...
There is no 'drivers' and 'bikers' element to it... most of society can't stand either.
One is a safety concern and the other is just annoyance... so I don't think the two actions are really comparable.
Everyone complains about texting and driving.. and everyone, including most riders, complain about the jackasses that bounce the limiter...
There is no 'drivers' and 'bikers' element to it... most of society can't stand either.
One is a safety concern and the other is just annoyance... so I don't think the two actions are really comparable.
Well there are clear links between health effects and noise. At these levels, it wont immediately kill anyone like texting, but it could very well make tens of thousands of people slightly less healthy due to interrupted sleep and/or annoyance.
Well there are clear links between health effects and noise. At these levels, it wont immediately kill anyone like texting, but it could very well make tens of thousands of people slightly less healthy due to interrupted sleep and/or annoyance.
That's over stating it a lot. If it was constant, maybe, but not a passing vehicle.
Got sleep interupted at 4am this morning by an Amber alert. Shut it off, went back to bed...then another phone went the other end of the house. At least it's not constant.
That's over stating it a lot. If it was constant, maybe, but not a passing vehicle.
Both affect people's health. WHO published a very good document. In short, if you live in an urban area, your health is already negatively affected by noise. If people are intentionally making the environment louder, the health effect is larger.
Constant, low and white noisy you can sleep to. Like an air conditioner. Motorcycle engines aren't like that. That's the reason I have to keep the windows closed at night. Apparently, we're too close to the highway and have some SS bikes and engine braking trucks that like using the highway at 4 a.m.
With insurance killing off the SS niche, Harley riders being taken out by left-turners and lane-drifter-outers and everyone else basically riding egg-beaters now, surely this problem will take care of itself and the Super Snowflakes with dog-level hearing can rest easy.
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