That's not what I was trying to say. I believe in having our freedom to ride what we like where and when also. But I also believe we have a responsibility or at the very least some common sense to not be selfish. If you want ride an extremely loud bike that serves no reason than hey look at me. All the power to you. But what are you trying to prove by infringing on someone else's right to enjoy a simple walk out with their kid. The rider could of easily cruised by and then gunned his bike after a reasonable distance away. He would of got his thrills listening to the bike while at the same time not scarring the **** out of anyone. My point is that the few inconsiderate riders are running it for the rest of us. They are ones that are providing the reasons for these laws that start to take away our rights. And no I'm not a nanny state moron you so pointed out.
How do you get a liberal to shut up about rights?
Ask them about the responsibilities that go with the rights.
BTW I was out on my HD many years ago on a country road and a horseback rider was coming the other way. The bike seemed to be spooking the horse so I pulled over and shut down. As the rider passed we exchanged pleasant greetings and when appropriate I was on my way. What's so foreign about being nice to people?