Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

I don't think an open discussion goes anywhere once we hit the name calling/labeling stage.

Times change. 20 years ago we didn't have wakeboats. They came, they tore apart shorelines, cottagers don't enjoy the property damage so they called game over.

20 years ago open piped cruisers, race exhaust SS bikes and fartcan equipped Civics and Soobaroos didn't have a prominent position in the city's soundscape. Residents don't like the noise -- guess what happens?

None of this presents any risk to motorcycling.

Sent from the moon!
Already discussed that one, and its limitations, starting at post 280 in this thread.
Unsurprisingly, not a very effective campaign (from an enforcement perspective, I have no idea how successful it was from a PR/telling constituents you care perspective).

Crackdown on excessive vehicle noise yields few results

The downtown blitz aimed at muffling the worst offenders resulted in 95 tickets, almost all for speed, police said.

"Noise from vehicles was not observed much by the involved officers," said Sgt. Brett Moore, with traffic services.
I saw on the news the noise issue yeilded few results, they didnt say where they set up the tests, they did collect 95 speeding tickets so how focused on noise where they? weather wise, not the best weekend to collect noisey cars and bikes.
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