Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

With insurance killing off the SS niche, Harley riders being taken out by left-turners and lane-drifter-outers and everyone else basically riding egg-beaters now, surely this problem will take care of itself and the Super Snowflakes with dog-level hearing can rest easy.
Here,i don't need this anymore.You can have it.;)
I'm deaf as a stump, but can still hear some of the more obnoxious ones.

Some of you need to do some training, and then start teaching the M2X course through the same quiet neighborhood at seven a.m. every Sat. and Sun. to figure it out.
I'm deaf as a stump, but can still hear some of the more obnoxious ones.

Some of you need to do some training, and then start teaching the M2X course through the same quiet neighborhood at seven a.m. every Sat. and Sun. to figure it out.

Looks like there’s a volunteer up above that likes the noise so he should be good with it in his neighbourhood.
Looks like there’s a volunteer up above that likes the noise so he should be good with it in his neighbourhood.

There are a number of guys that ride on my street. The Harley is the "worst" when he leaves at 11pm. It lasts for 2 seconds. Sorry, I just don't see it necessary to call 9-1-1 for this.

Those that bring up John Tory's number on their speed-dial to demand legislation when a putt-putt goes by are, frankly, worse than the noisy guy. If a guy became a problem maybe you call the authorities on that guy. Super-loud pool parties at 1am don't result in a ban on pool parties; it results in bylaw and/or police paying that individual residence a visit.

I hate that so many seeing more and more restrictive laws as the fix for this sort of thing.
That’s what the bylaw is doing...if you’re being a tool you’ll be pulled over eventually. Solution...don’t be an inconsiderate tool.

Pool parties aren’t banned but have a loud one at 1am and likely someone will come and stop you. Solution...don’t be an inconsiderate tool.
That’s what the bylaw is doing...if you’re being a tool you’ll be pulled over eventually. Solution...don’t be an inconsiderate tool.

Except your way of doing it targets everyone, even if they're on the 401 amongst transports and horns and ****. IOW, not actually being a nuisance at all.

Focused attention on those actually being ***** is the way to approach this using existing laws. We don't need more laws.
Except your way of doing it targets everyone, even if they're on the 401 amongst transports and horns and ****. IOW, not actually being a nuisance at all.

Focused attention on those actually being ***** is the way to approach this using existing laws. We don't need more laws.
Who cares if you get caught at a checkpoint if you are in no danger of failing? I would be surprised if this happened more than a few days a year, it's hardly persecution of bikes. Creating a by-law with an objective test allows the City to supply non-police staff to support the cause and should make for much easier convictions. Assuming you have a single baffle in your exhaust, even a straight pipe can probably beat the HTA charge (and the baffle could be as small as a wire just to prevent it from being straight through).
Everyone complains about texting and driving.. and everyone, including most riders, complain about the jackasses that bounce the limiter...
There is no 'drivers' and 'bikers' element to it... most of society can't stand either.
One is a safety concern and the other is just annoyance... so I don't think the two actions are really comparable.
I'm just saying.. If there are riders that have loud pipes and do stupid stuff they'll just deal with the law. Anyone that has stock or non stupidly loud pipes shouldnt even be concerned.

How is that fair game when one of the those activities endangers peoples lives.

Sent from the moon!
Sure, but what I mean in terms of fair game is.. Break the law and deal with the consequence if you get caught. Having a loud pipe & red lining it in neighbourhoods.. Making that much noise just isn't necessary. So I'm all for this new law as long as its fair, hopefully no 'stock pipe biker gets ticket for being loud' on the headlines next day lol
Sure, but what I mean in terms of fair game is.. Break the law and deal with the consequence if you get caught. Having a loud pipe & red lining it in neighbourhoods.. Making that much noise just isn't necessary. So I'm all for this new law as long as its fair, hopefully no 'stock pipe biker gets ticket for being loud' on the headlines next day lol
I think the only chance of that happening if if a HD rider has the dealership put a straight-pipe on prior to delivery and then cries about their "stock" pipe failing. I am sure many leave the dealership this way. Alternatively they could screw up and have an error in their test methodology, but hopefully they get enough training to figure that out before issuing tickets.

Even with aftermarket exhausts, Brian P's bikes passed by a few dB.
If anyone is concerned their bike is too loud I could use a slip on for an R3 and a black 2 into 1 pipe for a Harley touring bike. Sell them to me cheap now before they are worthless in Ontario ?
I think the only chance of that happening if if a HD rider has the dealership put a straight-pipe on prior to delivery and then cries about their "stock" pipe failing. I am sure many leave the dealership this way. Alternatively they could screw up and have an error in their test methodology, but hopefully they get enough training to figure that out before issuing tickets.

Even with aftermarket exhausts, Brian P's bikes passed by a few dB.

When I bought my used Sportster it had really loud pipes so I went to the local HD dealership to price out stock ones. The guy said I was too late. They had recently just thrown a pile of them in the garbage. The buyers wanted loud pipes on their new bikes
Isn't all this just a bit of electioneering?
I don't think so, municipal election was held fairly recently. Likely the volume of complaints has reached a level where, "we have to (appear) to do something."

I live in the country. I get to listen to all the suburban/urban people come out and let-er-rip every Saturday and Sunday. Contrary to the opinion of others I don't want you "executed at the side of the road", or banned from doing fun things. I just want you to SHUT THE F# UP.

I've ridden for nearly 40 years (ouch). I've BEEN the a-hole speeding, wheelieing, riding aggressively, being oblivious to the people who live on that road or near that trail, and making too much noise where I shouldn't have been. Everybody's been a young puke and most of us have been lucky (and SOMETIMES proficient) enough to survive it.

What bugs me is the old-enough-to-know better twerps who spend $20-30K+ on some overstuffed lazy boy masquerading as a motorcycle that I can hear for miles. Perhaps it's that they can't get that overweight, over-chromed, sparkly POS up to the speed limit to get up the grade past my farm, but more than likely they paid extra to broadcast to the rest of the world that they're an inconsiderate, self-consumed jerk-off.

Yeah, I can hear the guys on the sport bikes revving the crap out of it in second gear, but it doesn't take long for that higher frequency sound to dissipate. Same as the fart cans on the cars. It's the big twits and trucks that hang in the air. Obviously it's all worse in the city.

The saying in the off road motorcycle community is, "Less sound = More ground." and off road organizations take it seriously.

Having said all that, I doubt anything will change. Actually, I am 100% certain that nothing will change. The old & noisy guys will be replaced by younger noisy guys, the sun will still come up and we'll all still go riding.
The saying in the off road motorcycle community is, "Less sound = More ground." and off road organizations take it seriously.

For what it’s worth pretty much all of my street bikes have had a aftermarket exhaust of some sort. You will never catch me in the trails some where without a quiet silencer with a spark arrestor. My sled would also never have a can on it.

In the woods there should be an expectation of being quiet and not bothering other users and/or land owners. In the city this shouldn’t be as much of an expectation.
For what it’s worth pretty much all of my street bikes have had a aftermarket exhaust of some sort. You will never catch me in the trails some where without a quiet silencer with a spark arrestor. My sled would also never have a can on it.

In the woods there should be an expectation of being quiet and not bothering other users and/or land owners. In the city this shouldn’t be as much of an expectation.
That seems exactly the opposite of the way it should be. When you're out in the middle of nowhere, with no one around except other riders, then you're inn stealth mode.
For what it’s worth pretty much all of my street bikes have had a aftermarket exhaust of some sort. You will never catch me in the trails some where without a quiet silencer with a spark arrestor. My sled would also never have a can on it.

In the woods there should be an expectation of being quiet and not bothering other users and/or land owners. In the city this shouldn’t be as much of an expectation.
There isn't as much of an expectation. Some people have distorted that reality to believe that it means there is absolutely no expectation and they can do whatever they want.
Constant, low and white noisy you can sleep to. Like an air conditioner. Motorcycle engines aren't like that. ......

Agree. Modifying a bike's exhaust to awaken the dead makes as much sense, and has as much consideration, as driving with your car horn permanently on. Who does that?
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