Tory takes aim at noisy motorcycles

Of course they caught 450 peaks. Each passby of any motor vehicle will generate a peak.

That system/deployment is much better than noise snare (trying to capture from above instead of horizontally, deployed in an isolated area instead of the city) however it's still no bueno. Trucks would show up as incredibly loud as the distance to the mics will be something like 25% of the distance of a smaller vehicle. Based on how the array looks, my guess is the ring of three mics is used to beamform and trigger a measurement when the source is directly under the center measurement mic. Again, it could be influenced by other noise sources (or a reflection from another vehicle). You should be able to pick out gross offenders, but any exceedance less than 5 above the guideline can probably be beat in court.
Funny that. I see exactly the same thing with a stock exhaust. Most likely, they're checking to make sure it's just a bike, before cutting you off.
Nope, do you ride a Harley or some American cruiser ? My Kawasaki 650 had a stock exhaust and cagers used to cut me off all the time. Now that I have an Akra, the difference is apparent.
And no, they don't cut me off after checking their mirrors and acknowledging my presence.

My exhaust is no way obnoxiously loud. It's louder than the stock. Not just my opinion, but I went and asked my next door neighbour as well, who does not ride btw.
Priorities, Tory should be concern with Gun noises...people are getting shot at an alarming rate and this idiot is concern with exhaust noise. Priorities.
To me, it is a safety issue. Almost every time I about to pass a car I can see the driver looking in my direction, the noise got their attention.
Well MAYYYBE if your exhaust wasn't too loud, that angry mom who's baby just woke up wouldn't try to pop a cap in yo ass
Nope, do you ride a Harley or some American cruiser ? My Kawasaki 650 had a stock exhaust and cagers used to cut me off all the time. Now that I have an Akra, the difference is apparent.
And no, they don't cut me off after checking their mirrors and acknowledging my presence.

My exhaust is no way obnoxiously loud. It's louder than the stock. Not just my opinion, but I went and asked my next door neighbour as well, who does not ride btw.
I have a 650 WeeStrom. So, are you implying that my skill is such that I can get vehicles to check their mirrors without loud pipes?
I don't buy the loud pipes save lives argument. For quite a while I split my riding between an FJR that is quite as a mouse and a GSXR1340 with Moto GP straights pipes. I live in a horrible area for rider safety, I can honestly say I never I noticed any difference in safety between the two bikes. I cannot recall a single time when I wanted to thank my pipes for saving me -- notta, nothing, never.

Loud pipes did attract attention and stares, I suspect it was mostly curiosity, drivers were not thanking my pipes for letting them know I was close by.
The single most important thing you can do to be safer, is to prevent minivans etc from making left turns in front of you. Make yourself more conspicuous and you will be a lot safer. This isn't just my opinion. It's fact.
I ride a sportbike and I don't change the exhaust because they do nothing to the drivers. I just ride like everybody is out to get me so I know what to expect when S*** hits the fan.

Never cross an intersection at maximum speed when you can't see the traffic on both left and right. Also, if there is a car waiting to make a left turn on the opposite side and I'm the only traffic on my side, I'm definitely ready to make an emergency stop.
I just happened to bump into a Toronto Police Bike officer today. I wasn't speeding or anything he was in my neighbourhood.
After a good motorcycle chat this topic came up. He said the law exists, and they know some bikes are louder then other's etc and they won't basically pull you over for that. But if you are unnecessarily cranking on the throttle or constantly blipping then they will.
Also mentioned they don't have any staff to cover this anyhow. ?‍♂️
Ya, proponents of track exhausts on street bikes are obviously in their own right, we should all laugh at pollution & pretend it doesn't exist (y) that has worked well so far.
To Clutt - What's all the loud noise compensating for?
"I can barely hear it when riding with my ear plugs in." ?

Install's loud exhaust, wears ear plugs. That's priceless ! :LOL:
Ya, proponents of track exhausts on street bikes are obviously in their own right, we should all laugh at pollution & pretend it doesn't exist (y) that has worked well so far.

"Track exhaust"?

A fair number of tracks, including Calabogie, have sound limits, and the bike has to be tested before it goes on track and there is trackside monitoring as well!

The "track exhaust" on my race bike is the longest "stealth"-series muffler that Hindle makes. I hope it's quiet enough!
"Track exhaust"?
... what term would y'all prefer? Race exhaust? Closed course competition use only exhaust? or something else?

All closed course competition events have sound restrictions, they are written in your competition rule book.
"Aftermarket" exhaust would be an accurate term.
Ya, that does sound far more benign and obscure (y) good idea when you want to circumvent law.

... just like naming a loud exhaust system "stealth" now they will never hear you coming.
First yes I have an aftermarket pipe that is louder than stock.
Very far from straight pipe loud. It has a bit of bark.
I do not blip and bounce off the rev limiter as I roll through town.

Yes I wear ear plugs on longer rides.
Has absolutely nothing to do with exhaust noise.
Wind noise even inside a helmet can cause hearing loss as well as fatigue.
On the hwy at 3500rpm the wind inside my Bell mx9 adv helmet is loud.
I find when riding for hours it really helps, and I highly recommend trying it if you don’t.

With the spark arrester baffle in the pipe it is super quiet possibly quieter than the stock muffler on the new bike I test rode.

I will be more than willing to admit I’m wrong if I ever do get pulled over for a sound violation but I really don’t see that happening.
They are not targeting guys like us they are targeting the guys sitting at a light or in a parking lot bouncing the 2 step and back firing, the guys that start there car truck or bike in a parking lot and rev just to rev.
If you ride responsible and be considerate of your surroundings you won’t have a problem.
Ya, it's only illegal and wrong if you get caught, right?

and stuffing foam rubber plugs in your ears has absolutely nothing to do with exhaust noise :LOL: that's all in my head.

I will be more than willing to admit I’m wrong ....

If you ride responsible and be considerate of your surroundings you won’t have a problem.
So you can be responsible and considerate when you breaking the law purposely for your own good? Hmmm....
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