TMP lapping day Oct. 6-8


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Stop looking back. It's the other rider's responsibility to get around you if they wish to / are able to.
Why no blue flags? If the marshalls see you holding up traffic, why not blue flag so you know to take it easy next time down the straight so people can pass?

-Jamie M.
Why no blue flags? If the marshalls see you holding up traffic, why not blue flag so you know to take it easy next time down the straight so people can pass?

-Jamie M.

Because its not a race and that's how people get hurt.

Be consistent. Be predictable. If anyone is genuinely concerned that they are holding up other riders they should just pull off the track and ride through the pits then enter the track again.

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This thread is ridiculous. If someone really wants by they'll be showing you a wheel all over the place. It's more when the guy on the litre bike knows you're right behind him, you've shown him a wheel lots of times, and he still pins it down the straight. Even worse i've had numerous times when i had my SV where i'd spend all lap trying to get by someone on a 600, make it by in the second last corner, then on the straight they'd motor by and be in my way again. Just dont be that guy, its really that simple.
Geez, I just asked a question, I'm not the one worried about holding somebody up, so far i've been among the faster riders in all sessions this season regardless of the group I happened to be.. Certainly don't want to change the tech rules and I don't find the need to look over my shoulder and what's behind either, yes, it is indeed the other rider's responsibility to pass. Maybe not relevant for Red where you can pass anywhere anytime, but good luck with passing me in green or yellow if you're behind me and you're faster than me in the turns, because even if you're faster, you're not gonna be too much faster to be able to pass safely on this small track. I'm on a litre, and I don't take the turns slow either, and I try to use the power of my bike to its possible maximum for my comfort in every straighter line and turn exit. ...and if I don't see you in my mirrors, you ain't going through baby...wait, what mirrors..!?

Like you said, it's your first season. Hope to get to ride with you before your move to WSBK.
This thread is ridiculous. If someone really wants by they'll be showing you a wheel all over the place. It's more when the guy on the litre bike knows you're right behind him, you've shown him a wheel lots of times, and he still pins it down the straight. Even worse i've had numerous times when i had my SV where i'd spend all lap trying to get by someone on a 600, make it by in the second last corner, then on the straight they'd motor by and be in my way again. Just dont be that guy, its really that simple.

Problem is though their ego demands you stay the **** behind them. Or they don't understand simple etiquette.

LIke I said, I've seen this behaviour in red groups as well. It isn't just a noob thing.

Will be at TMP on Sunday, and if it rains, Monday too :)

-Jamie M.
Geez, I just asked a question, I'm not the one worried about holding somebody up, so far i've been among the faster riders in all sessions this season regardless of the group I happened to be.. Certainly don't want to change the tech rules and I don't find the need to look over my shoulder and what's behind either, yes, it is indeed the other rider's responsibility to pass. Maybe not relevant for Red where you can pass anywhere anytime, but good luck with passing me in green or yellow if you're behind me and you're faster than me in the turns, because even if you're faster, you're not gonna be too much faster to be able to pass safely on this small track. I'm on a litre, and I don't take the turns slow either, and I try to use the power of my bike to its possible maximum for my comfort in every straighter line and turn exit. ...and if I don't see you in my mirrors, you ain't going through baby...wait, what mirrors..!?

Oh c'mon, your not serious right now are you?
Geez, I just asked a question, I'm not the one worried about holding somebody up, so far i've been among the faster riders in all sessions this season regardless of the group I happened to be.. Certainly don't want to change the tech rules and I don't find the need to look over my shoulder and what's behind either, yes, it is indeed the other rider's responsibility to pass. Maybe not relevant for Red where you can pass anywhere anytime, but good luck with passing me in green or yellow if you're behind me and you're faster than me in the turns, because even if you're faster, you're not gonna be too much faster to be able to pass safely on this small track. I'm on a litre, and I don't take the turns slow either, and I try to use the power of my bike to its possible maximum for my comfort in every straighter line and turn exit. ...and if I don't see you in my mirrors, you ain't going through baby...wait, what mirrors..!?

this has to be a troll account
This thread is ridiculous. If someone really wants by they'll be showing you a wheel all over the place. It's more when the guy on the litre bike knows you're right behind him, you've shown him a wheel lots of times, and he still pins it down the straight. Even worse i've had numerous times when i had my SV where i'd spend all lap trying to get by someone on a 600, make it by in the second last corner, then on the straight they'd motor by and be in my way again. Just dont be that guy, its really that simple.

Exactly! I hate that...
Maybe not relevant for Red where you can pass anywhere anytime, but good luck with passing me in green or yellow if you're behind me and you're faster than me in the turns, because even if you're faster, you're not gonna be too much faster to be able to pass safely on this small track. I'm on a litre...

FYI, all the people talking in this thread that ride in the red group would be able to get past you safely in green or yellow. Even in red on my SV I make a lot of my passes in a straight line on the brakes. It's your first season... just relax and learn more. It takes a lot of practice.
Looks like I'm going solo from kitchener group on sunday.

Anyone want to pit together?
+1 on not looking behind you inbetween turns and in turns. Saw a dude do this in the corners when I was marshalling last year. I called it in and they warned him and he stopped doing in the corners then started doing it inbetween corners and soon after crashed between corner 8-9.

What do you guys think about attaching tiny mirrors somewhere ...

If you are on a liter bike, and you don't want to be "that guy" (the one who holds others up in the corners but those others can't get by on the straightaway), then the best thing to do is NOT to look back and NOT attach mirrors or some such thing and NOT to put your hand up and change your line to let people by and NOT go at an extremely unusually low speed anywhere ... the best thing to do is to follow your normal path down the straightaway but simply short-shift it, particularly if you happen to be aware that someone is there. If someone else wants to get by, they will. Don't change your line. Don't look back. Just shift a couple thousand RPM early to give the smaller bike behind a chance, and perhaps roll out of the throttle a little early at the end of the straight. You'll still be going quick enough that you won't be hit from behind (has been a problem on occasion in the past when people go *unusually* slowly).
Corsara.....just ride your motorcycle....

See ya Sunday

Paul, I actually really wanted to meet you in person.. will have to wait until next year though, I'm pretty sick and had to leave work today due to fever and feeling weak.. :(

Enjoy the weekend at the track!
I just spent the day golfing and no way I'm paying $165 to ride in this weather tomorrow.

I'm out.

Going into my hot tub to warm up now, lol

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