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OK, fine, I'll post some details. I actually chose to not post anything about my last 2 dates because I didn't want the GTAM date police to criticize me about every single details so I just made one general blanket statement about something I noticed. Which was that a lot of these girls cover up like crazy for dates and I chose this last girl as an example. This one statement turned into an analysis about how I'm an ******* and I blew this girl off just based on this. This was not the case.

First of all, I've been talking to the girl in question for about a MONTH but just texting here and there trying to setup a date when we're both not busy (week one I was in NYC). Second, I went on a date on Thursday with a different girl (dropped phone at Sherway girl) and it went very well and I will be seeing her again. I actually like this one so far and she seems to like me so we will see. No, I didn't try to sleep with her on date one and no, I will not be posting any details BUT she went to Cuba for a week and since I was also talking to this other girl for a while I thought I'd meet up with this other one anyways to see and keep my options open. To give you some background while texting she asked me about my arm (which I injured recently, see other thread) and I made a masturbation joke.......she almost stopped talking to me after this joke (hence the "prude" assumption). I recovered from that and we met up Saturday. Yes, she wore a huge scarf. And in fact, she does have nice breasts. I know this because I poked fun at her scarf and she eventually took it off. I did not stare at her *** or tits but I DID make a comment about her rack (something to the effect of "I approve") and she immediately rolled her eyes (prude hint #2). She also, told me a story about how she slept over at a guy friend's house and ASKED to sleep in the same bed as him because she didn't want to sleep on the couch and then was surprised, disgusted, and generally weirded out when he made a pass on her at night (prude hint #3, and also somewhat stupid hint #1). We talked for about an hour and she seemed ok in some ways but I just got the general feeling that we were slightly butting heads. Some of the things I said ****** her off, and some of the things she said ****** me off. I dropped my keys at one point and she went to pick them up and seemed to check what brand of car I drive, I didn't like this at all. She also talked to me like she's really into working out before but it turns out she started going to the gym 6 weeks ago, didn't want to "get too bulky" and "wanted to tone". Meanwhile she's 5'9 and basically a rail and I'm kind of an *** man.........though I really like the height, which I told her. She said she's only into watching happy movies and doesn't like anything negative. I watch a lot of horror, and generally prefer dark stuff that makes me think. When I asked her about her taste in music she said she liked hip hop and "indie". When I asked her about "indie" she didn't really give me a straight answer and it seemed like she just didn't know what the hell she liked and was probably one of those "I listen to anything" types that didn't actually have any tastes. She seemed smart in some ways (somewhat educated) but dumb in other ways. Overall I just generally didn't feel we were compatible. I hugged her at the end but I didn't even try to go for a kiss as I didn't really feel there was any chemistry. She said something to the effect of "see you again?" and I automatically said "sure" but kind of awkwardly......so Yeah, I probably pussied out there a bit. Overall, not a big deal. I like the other girl anyways so this was more of a "let's see" date and I didn't really care too much going in.

There you have it. Here is the full story if you want to judge me, go ahead.
OK, fine, I'll post some details. I actually chose to not post anything about my last 2 dates because I didn't want the GTAM date police to criticize me about every single details so I just made one general blanket statement about something I noticed. Which was that a lot of these girls cover up like crazy for dates and I chose this last girl as an example. This one statement turned into an analysis about how I'm an ******* and I blew this girl off just based on this. This was not the case.

First of all, I've been talking to the girl in question for about a MONTH but just texting here and there trying to setup a date when we're both not busy (week one I was in NYC). Second, I went on a date on Thursday with a different girl (dropped phone at Sherway girl) and it went very well and I will be seeing her again. I actually like this one so far and she seems to like me so we will see. No, I didn't try to sleep with her on date one and no, I will not be posting any details BUT she went to Cuba for a week and since I was also talking to this other girl for a while I thought I'd meet up with this other one anyways to see and keep my options open. To give you some background while texting she asked me about my arm (which I injured recently, see other thread) and I made a masturbation joke.......she almost stopped talking to me after this joke (hence the "prude" assumption). I recovered from that and we met up Saturday. Yes, she wore a huge scarf. And in fact, she does have nice breasts. I know this because I poked fun at her scarf and she eventually took it off. I did not stare at her *** or tits but I DID make a comment about her rack (something to the effect of "I approve") and she immediately rolled her eyes (prude hint #2). She also, told me a story about how she slept over at a guy friend's house and ASKED to sleep in the same bed as him because she didn't want to sleep on the couch and then was surprised, disgusted, and generally weirded out when he made a pass on her at night (prude hint #3, and also somewhat stupid hint #1). We talked for about an hour and she seemed ok in some ways but I just got the general feeling that we were slightly butting heads. Some of the things I said ****** her off, and some of the things she said ****** me off. I dropped my keys at one point and she went to pick them up and seemed to check what brand of car I drive, I didn't like this at all. She also talked to me like she's really into working out before but it turns out she started going to the gym 6 weeks ago, didn't want to "get too bulky" and "wanted to tone". Meanwhile she's 5'9 and basically a rail and I'm kind of an *** man.........though I really like the height, which I told her. She said she's only into watching happy movies and doesn't like anything negative. I watch a lot of horror, and generally prefer dark stuff that makes me think. When I asked her about her taste in music she said she liked hip hop and "indie". When I asked her about "indie" she didn't really give me a straight answer and it seemed like she just didn't know what the hell she liked and was probably one of those "I listen to anything" types that didn't actually have any tastes. She seemed smart in some ways (somewhat educated) but dumb in other ways. Overall I just generally didn't feel we were compatible. I hugged her at the end but I didn't even try to go for a kiss as I didn't really feel there was any chemistry. She said something to the effect of "see you again?" and I automatically said "sure" but kind of awkwardly......so Yeah, I probably pussied out there a bit. Overall, not a big deal. I like the other girl anyways so this was more of a "let's see" date and I didn't really care too much going in.

There you have it. Here is the full story if you want to judge me, go ahead.

Maybe I missed it.
How old are you?
I don't get why you guys are giving Roasted a hard time. He's posting up stuff that none of you guys are. He's actually going on dates. Let him do his own thing and don't hate on him for it. I'm not going on the dates he is, nor do I have the self confidence to go on Tinder right now. I've become morbidly obese and extremely lazy over last two years.

Don't hate cuz you don't agree with the **** he's doing.
I don't get why you guys are giving Roasted a hard time. He's posting up stuff that none of you guys are. He's actually going on dates. Let him do his own thing and don't hate on him for it. I'm not going on the dates he is, nor do I have the self confidence to go on Tinder right now. I've become morbidly obese and extremely lazy over last two years.

Don't hate cuz you don't agree with the **** he's doing.

Pics please
I don't get why you guys are giving Roasted a hard time. He's posting up stuff that none of you guys are. He's actually going on dates. Let him do his own thing and don't hate on him for it. I'm not going on the dates he is, nor do I have the self confidence to go on Tinder right now. I've become morbidly obese and extremely lazy over last two years.

Don't hate cuz you don't agree with the **** he's doing.

He's posting **** and asking for feedback.

Obviously some of us think he's a bit off.

- tells story without much detail
- feedback given based on what details are provided
- op gets butt hurt cuz we don't know him
- adds more detail that contradicts earlier detail or is back pedalling.

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I don't think he was asking for feedback. He's just posting up stuff. He is a bit off, but who isn't.

He's posting **** and asking for feedback.

Obviously some of us think he's a bit off.

- tells story without much detail
- feedback given based on what details are provided
- op gets butt hurt cuz we don't know him
- adds more detail that contradicts earlier detail or is back pedalling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pics please

Don't masturbate too hard to it.


**** it, i am not getting involved in this sad story
Legitimate problems. Not just white people problems here. Get well soon.
Maybe I missed it.
How old are you?

I'm 32 and for the record I'm not bragging. I know I ****ed it up with girl #2 and I know why. I don't claim to have mad game or anything. I'm pretty much just a dude posting about my experiences.
I enjoy your date stories keep posting who gives a shut about what other people say sounds like this chick was a uptight lameass good thing to pass on here .
I'm 32 and for the record I'm not bragging. I know I ****ed it up with girl #2 and I know why. I don't claim to have mad game or anything. I'm pretty much just a dude posting about my experiences.

You didn't **** anything up, you two were clearly not compatible.

For the record, I had a really good date two weeks ago where we agreed to repeat the week after. 2 days later, she finds me on Facebook and tells me "I can't do the motorcycle thing". Be willing to compromise your faults before a relationship but if anyone has a gripe with who you are at core or what you identify with, cut your losses and move on...but for ****'s sake don't blame her for it like you did in your post a few pages back.
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I don't get why you guys are giving Roasted a hard time. He's posting up stuff that none of you guys are. He's actually going on dates. Let him do his own thing and don't hate on him for it. I'm not going on the dates he is, nor do I have the self confidence to go on Tinder right now. I've become morbidly obese and extremely lazy over last two years.

Don't hate cuz you don't agree with the **** he's doing.

Joe Bass obese? Tame that $#!? now. Doesn't get any easier. Also, I may be fat, but still sexy as f***. Confidence is key.
For as long as I have been on this site Roasted has always been around posting his date stories for entertainment purposes and just for the heck of it.... will except for the period of time he was locked in Rockerguy's basement.

All the new people on here think they are all Dr. Phil... who cares...

Keep spitting it out Da... F the haters!

p.s. hit Gusto 101 on king west that's where all the classy hotties hang out.
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