Just cause I want to pound a girl and I'm not apologetic about it doesn't mean I don't also want to listen to her and take her out to a nice dinner. Why can't I have both?
Hahahahahha . What
Just cause I want to pound a girl and I'm not apologetic about it doesn't mean I don't also want to listen to her and take her out to a nice dinner. Why can't I have both?
Hahahahahha . What
Be clever, handy, and chivalrous. Most times that will knock em dead. Unless you are looking for booty, then hire someone and get it out of your system.
Not sure about now but the whole PUA thing was HUGE in the mid 2000's. I've seen multiple times where I'd be talking to some girl at a club and some guy wearing some ridiculous hat (peacock-ing) would come up to her and ask her if she saw the fight outside, or throw back handed "compliments" at her (negs), etc. Guys would pay THOUSANDS of dollars for these workshops where these supposed "gurus" would "teach them how to pick up women". It's bizarre but kind of fascinating. That book is actually pretty good although I read it like 10 years ago so maybe if I read it now I'd think it's stupid. Hell, some of the supposed "advice" given in this thread comes straight from the mouths of guys like David DeAngelo who coined the phrase "Attraction is not a choice" and had multiple books published, etc. so even if you think you've never heard of this community, you probably did indirectly.
LMAO where did you find this?
Must be a mystery student.LMAO where did you find this?
I remember one time some dude tried to steel a girl I was talking to at a club and he wore one of those crocodile dundee hats and a tooth necklace. I was like ..... you've got to be kidding me.
You are everything that is wrong with "men". Grow the **** up.
These ********** spoil it for all the nice guys who are actually trying to get a relationship. I'm not sure that really started in Toronto because women here feel emotionally abused. You try to approach a woman here & their defenses are way up. That's because they had bad experiences with **********.
As for the guys who got angry at roasted, I see where they're coming from. Guys who have daughters who are of dating age, would try to keep away ********** like that.
Btw Caboose56, you have that image in your photobucket? You love it that much eh?
I guess we already established that your posts are completely devoid of any logic or any shred of credibility so now you need other people to put their stamp of approval on them....Interesting "tactic". You really have zero clue about how I work. 99% of your insults against me are built around completely baseless assumptions about my thoughts, reasons and motivations for doing things that are not even remotely close to reality. Why do I work work out? Why do I drive the car that I drive? Why do I ride a bike? Why did I act like an *** to that girl? What do I want? All your insults are based around the answers to these questions and you're making up the answers to them to suit your "arguments".Is this a fair synopsis of this Link or Sonny?
p.s. did rutakin jump ship...lol
You meanies, why you guys trying to hurt pplz feelingz
This crap is so damn funny after the direct attacks made towards some of us only for said person to contradict themselves and look even more damn confused.
I don't know if this is one of those moments where you laugh your rear off or you have sympathy.
brick wall***head***ouch***blood***brick wall***head***ouch***blood***brick wall***head***ouch***blood ***brick wall***head***ouch***blood
I guess we already established that your posts are completely devoid of any logic or any shred of credibility so now you need other people to put their stamp of approval on them....Interesting "tactic". You really have zero clue about how I work. 99% of your insults against me are built around completely baseless assumptions about my thoughts, reasons and motivations for doing things that are not even remotely close to reality. Why do I work work out? Why do I drive the car that I drive? Why do I ride a bike? Why did I act like an *** to that girl? What do I want? All your insults are based around the answers to these questions and you're making up the answers to them to suit your "arguments".
OK, MAYBE I was a little hasty to judge women based on their attire in the WINTER. Point made, perhaps I was wrong, I will give you that one. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter cause I didn't feel chemistry with these women anyways so it was just an observation up for debate. Cause you know, that's what discussion boards are for, discussing.
Hey Matt, when are you gonna let Red695 out of your basement?I've gone from laughing at the guy to laughing while feeling bad for him.
You are everything that is wrong with "men". Grow the **** up.
I should have monitored this thread more closely. I missed out on a lot of entertainment.
Here's the thing. You are looking for feedback on the situations you find yourself in and perhaps you're even looking for validation of your thoughts and attitudes towards dating. Obviously we aren't able to view the entire date, we're only able to base our opinions on what you write and what you choose to tell us.
What you choose to tell us, and how you write it, makes you look like a complete dipshit with no ****ing clue how to treat a woman. D's synopsis of your most recent dating blunder is exactly what I thought to myself after I read it. How about we look a little deeper into your scarf wearing date? It seems that you're pretty certain that she's wearing a scarf to hide her tits. Let's dig into that a little deeper, shall we?
Why would a woman wear a scarf? There are several possible reasons I can think of..
- It's ****ing winter and she's cold.
- She thinks they look nice.
- She is a sexual princess (ya, maybe you are right?)
- She want's to establish a personal connection before opening up to any male suitors.
- She want's to weed out the useless dipshits that would just stare at her tits all the way through dinner.
Your immediate reaction was that she's a prude, and so you immediately decided that you had no interest in taking it any further with her even though you admit that her personality showed potential. You decided to bail without even the slightest attempt to work for it or to establish any type of personal connection prior to determining if she had a nice rack. Your reaction makes me think of two key points.
- She could quite possibly have the most magnificent set of C cups that any of us have ever seen.
- You could be one of the useless dipshits that she's trying to avoid.
So.. based on what you wrote.. what do you think a rational person with some basic social interaction skills would think of you?
For the 3rd time.... grow up.
I guess we already established that your posts are completely devoid of any logic or any shred of credibility so now you need other people to put their stamp of approval on them....Interesting "tactic". You really have zero clue about how I work. 99% of your insults against me are built around completely baseless assumptions about my thoughts, reasons and motivations for doing things that are not even remotely close to reality. Why do I work work out? Why do I drive the car that I drive? Why do I ride a bike? Why did I act like an *** to that girl? What do I want? All your insults are based around the answers to these questions and you're making up the answers to them to suit your "arguments".
OK, MAYBE I was a little hasty to judge women based on their attire in the WINTER. Point made, perhaps I was wrong, I will give you that one. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter cause I didn't feel chemistry with these women anyways so it was just an observation up for debate. Cause you know, that's what discussion boards are for, discussing.
I've gone from laughing at the guy to laughing while feeling bad for him.