Tinder App

Who is that? Is he elated to Frank Deangelo the guy that has the tv show and sells beverages?

Anyone see that long ass "trailer" for that "movie" he "directed" at like 2am? Lol the guy is a train wreck
I'm glad to see you get it, now just execute and things fall into place.

Men are still ruled by caveman dna...we are first attracted to the looks. I can guess women are too. It is a basic human trait, attraction is not a choice.

Does anyone say, "oh, I wonder how kind and smart that person is" or is reality more of "he she/he is cute...let's see what they are about"?

If you know who you are, what you like, your framework, then you tend to automagically attract the people you find desirable.
Women are built to sort out friend from foe quicker because their dna is programmed to identify threats to them and their offspring...meaning they need to know quickly who will hurt them and who wont. Why do you think women will say things such as that guy strikes me as "creepy" or there is something about that guy that doesn't sit right with me? Older women tend to say his spirit doesn't sit right with me.

Again...simplified, know who you are, catch the fish you want to eat.

What do you do for a living? I'm curious because your posts make a ton of sense. In fact, reading them has calmed my rage against relationships a lot.
Found Roasted's future wife

Well great........just got shown my sister's profile.........you'd think Tinder would be smart enough to filter out relatives lol

Also swiped left to the monstrosity above

so tell us what your sister posted?

can someone find her...lol
whats a gang bang?
I'm not posting pics of my sister on here......there are depths even I won't sink to. Plus, some of the guys on this forum have met my sis and know what she looks like.

It's just a matter of time before the GTAM Search Machine finds her.:lmao:
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