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So anyone find Roasted's sister? I am putting money down that fate will screw over Roasted and Rockerguy will hook up with his sister probably marry her.
So anyone find Roasted's sister? I am putting money down that fate will screw over Roasted and Rockerguy will hook up with his sister probably marry her.

Lol while RG has his "moments", he's an overall good guy and if I had a sister, she could do a lot worse than him.. Btw Roasted, you're old enough to know that women are the same everywhere. Your score percentage went up because you're an out of towner. I got to the point where using the patented "fresh off the boat" act was like shooting fish in a barrel :cool:
What do those ladies and fish have in common? Wait for it....... ;)

Q: You know what God said after Eve went for her first swim?

A: Awwww ****...I'll never get the smell outta the fish!!! :angry4:
So anyone find Roasted's sister? I am putting money down that fate will screw over Roasted and Rockerguy will hook up with his sister probably marry her.
I 'erd she's a freak in bed. Dis gon be good
Lol while RG has his "moments", he's an overall good guy and if I had a sister, she could do a lot worse than him.. Btw Roasted, you're old enough to know that women are the same everywhere. Your score percentage went up because you're an out of towner. I got to the point where using the patented "fresh off the boat" act was like shooting fish in a barrel :cool:
Hold it there bud, you're destroying my online reputation
Btw Roasted, you're old enough to know that women are the same everywhere.

Not entirely. From my experience:

Canadian/American born Chinese
Extremely easy to get into bed. I told one to come over instead of taking the taxi home cause the taxi driver might rape her. Another I asked to sleep over, barely knowing her, and she did. I am not responsible if you get slapped using either pick up lines above, I was younger and had no dignity!

Takes a while, they really need to think you're both in love; helps if you say saranghae to them pretending you learned it just for them <3

Hong Kong
I actually found this the most varying and can't generalize them but they were significantly harder than the above.

Complete bat **** insane. Girl dropped massive "I want the D" hints instead of the other way around. After the act, proceeds to talk about career goals and how we'd support our future lives together.

In other words, everyone's different =D
Too bad I have basically zero interest in Asian women so I'm stuck with the crazy white chicks. I swipe left to 95% of Asian women. Actually, I do like the mixed variety (mixed asian/white or mixed black/white).

I actually had a similar experience in Australia although I was in a (fairly new) relationship at the time so I was being a bad, bad boy but I loaded this app called "Scout" at the time in Australia and had multiple girls basically begging to hang out. Ended up hanging out with this cute 5'10 white chick multiple times that would drive downtown to see me, took me out to the movies and paid for me, etc. Was great, except for the part where I was technically cheating and felt guilty for eternity afterwards. It got to the point where when I went back to Canada I actually "missed her" for the next month or so. Yep, I'm a scum bag.
Too bad I have basically zero interest in Asian women so I'm stuck with the crazy white chicks. I swipe left to 95% of Asian women. Actually, I do like the mixed variety (mixed asian/white or mixed black/white).

I actually had a similar experience in Australia although I was in a (fairly new) relationship at the time so I was being a bad, bad boy but I loaded this app called "Scout" at the time in Australia and had multiple girls basically begging to hang out. Ended up hanging out with this cute 5'10 white chick multiple times that would drive downtown to see me, took me out to the movies and paid for me, etc. Was great, except for the part where I was technically cheating and felt guilty for eternity afterwards. It got to the point where when I went back to Canada I actually "missed her" for the next month or so. Yep, I'm a scum bag.

I think every guy is like that or has urges to do something similar at points in their life. The sooner they snap out of it and realize they cannot get what they want (self-actualization) by ****ing women, the sooner life gets brighter.

Out of curiosity, were you ever burned by a girl before? Feel free to PM if you aren't shameless lol
Who hasn't? Probably only those rare people that ended up marrying their high school sweetheart or something.

Colour me rare - I did that.
Got burned to the 10th degree.
Sometimes, the "whore" in a particular ***** doesn't come out until it's too late.
Heh, sometimes knowing you aren't alone helps with the inner rage.

And the worst part is, some of the "whores" will keep their head strung up high with no idea wtf they did wrong.

On a semi related note, every time I see a profile with a list of "things I'm looking for in a guy", then nothing listed about why she's worth that; I immediately send a ****** off response explaining to her how she's a depreciating asset.

Sadly, none of them have replied when I do that lol
They don't come out till it's way too late and you get stuck with their s41t for years after...
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What's a s41t?
All I got was fined. Heavy. By the "justice" system. For marrying a whore.

Ow. I'm sorry to hear that.

I think he means poo..in the vulgar way lol
油井緋色;2262039 said:
Not entirely. From my experience:

Canadian/American born Chinese
Extremely easy to get into bed. I told one to come over instead of taking the taxi home cause the taxi driver might rape her. Another I asked to sleep over, barely knowing her, and she did. I am not responsible if you get slapped using either pick up lines above, I was younger and had no dignity!

Takes a while, they really need to think you're both in love; helps if you say saranghae to them pretending you learned it just for them <3

Hong Kong
I actually found this the most varying and can't generalize them but they were significantly harder than the above.

Complete bat **** insane. Girl dropped massive "I want the D" hints instead of the other way around. After the act, proceeds to talk about career goals and how we'd support our future lives together.

In other words, everyone's different =D
No offense but what kind of Chicks have you been dating?
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